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Velox Turbo 2 »Community


LemonInk78 days ago(2 edits)(+4)

This was my second solo game jam right after VF2 and man, I really hope certain aspects of my improvement have been evident!

But I have to be honest and a bit of a downer for a sec--I HATED my game when I submitted it, capital H, private jet mileage shake it off hated. Idk what's come over me but there's a sense of purpose and flavor that's left the writing department of my brain and I was struggling hard to fulfill what I had listed down. Things were just written in a flow of consciousness "i really dont wanna do this" mentality and I was so embarrassed at the thought of anyone playing my game. I was so worried that it would come across as some sappy "what if ai became human" mush because man I really do actually have a lot to say on the psychology of ai and how our treatment of it is just as if not more important than the ai itself but I should've known to have better faith in readers because gyattdamn did people catch on to the yucky implications of Elliot's relationship with Galatea (honey she's made to please you) and her inception (Sorry Iris). But I I shall save the rest of the rambling for my post mortem. To this day I think if I had a bit more spark, I could have made a way more reactive and complex game within the time scope but womp womp, wah wah, coulda/shoulda/woulda, yyyyyyetcetera... I went in to make a game and game was made!!!

Okay now it's time to take the hater hat off. This (as usual) was so much fun, yippie!!!! I was really excited to make a spinoff of an idea I've had stewing for a while and finally seeing my girlie Galatea hit the big screen! Also I just desperately wanted to make a game, especially for velox heehee. I'm still a pretty ignorant beginner to figma but if you couldn't tell, I had a blast with the GUI and aesthetics this time around! Coding was also super fun, even if it was simple, and doing animations made me so happy! Not to mention how incredibly kind everyone was in the comments, and how they once again proved that you'll always be your worst hater, now turned harshest critic.

And of course, all the entries were absolutely lovely, I'm at a loss for words really. I hope all my comments were able to get across just how much I admire everyone who had a hand in this because WOW. [clenches fist like an anime rival] I'm so incredibly anxious so I'm happy I managed to comment and know if I haven't replied yet, it's because I'm crying happy, fearful tears of joy at your words whilst my heartrate ricochets.

(Oh yeah can I admit now that 2 of the themes I submitted were based on a roblox game that has a sexy, vengeful fish man? Thank you Michael Smith for the support of "You are expendable" LMAO)

Now, what I've really waited for and what I've had the pleasure of learning WHILST writing this:

Katherine my little kohai goat!!! I told you you'd be amazing and sweep, have some more faith in your vast range of capabilities girl!!! Your entry was a delight and everyday I'm thankful that I get to work on so many projects and hang out with you, you genius, pervy artist, you! I'll always fondly look back on working out those programming kinks in the dining hall and eating your lasagna, and I hope it won't be the last time something like that happens. Anyways, you did it!! Enjoy the rest of that vacation to the fullest and know once again that AI never could have replicated what you just laid down. Coalition of Losers let's GO!!! on on Facebook
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