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But Xform, Burnin’ Rubber 3 runs faster in my Laptop. I’ve good specs laptop with 4GB of RAM, but Burnin’ Rubber 5 HD struggles to run on my laptop, but as for Burnin’ Rubber 3, it runs pretty smooth. The laptop is Lenovo Ideapad S145 with AMD Radeon A6.I’ve to use Waterfox Classic just to play Rally Point 6 in peace without any lag, input lag or stutters.ON the other hand, if I play Burnin’ Rubber 3 it runs pretty smooth than Burnin’ Rubber 5 HD.
The good times ever since i played this game for the first time.I like the rotation of cars while turning instead of camera turning like in Burnin’ Rubber 5 HD. Burnin’ Rubber 2 was great becuz the cars turned.Not the camera.I finally got to see day & night time in this game.Theres still 1 problem in this game. Every time ur first in the Boat Race it always shows 4 position. I’ll appreciate if this problem got fixed. It’s difficult to get petite xs bcuz of that problem.The fav car in this game is Phaser GTI.
I Loved Your Games I’m from India BTW!I always played your games when I was 4-8 years but whenever I playedTraffic Slam 2, It lags too much!
I hope you’ll reach $10000 goal so you’ll be able to hire some new workers!🥰
Thanks for creating such awesome games“I’ve never played Super Man OR Monster”
but I’ve played some of your games like:“Burnin’ Rubber, Traffic Slam 1 and 3, Downtown Drift, and Rally Point Series!”
Thanks for Creating Such Awesome games I’ve bought Burnin’ Rubber 3 on My Desktop and Burnin’ Rubber 5 HD on My Laptop.I have to download Burnin’ Rubber 5 HD on My AMD A6 Laptop because My Desktop had 32-bit Windows 7 with Intel Core 2 Duo. It needed 64-bit.
I had 64-bit Windows 7 but my Windows got corrupted and when I checked my newly installed Windows 7, it had 32-bit!
I hope you’ll create such games again!
Hey Xform, can you add Downtown Drift to itch io for free? every time I start it in IE or Chrome, it always says “Unity Web Player, Install Now” since I already have it. And Also add cars like Giant, Myoko Giant, Lightning GTR, Vulcan, Vulcan ZB, Vulcan M6, and Phaser GTI!
I am afraid that you can’t-
If you’re reading this I will appreciate it.
Hey Xform, can you create Burnin' Rubber 6 with Same Car Textures as in Burnin' Rubber 1?
I Also Want Cars and Their Paintjobs from:
Burnin' Rubber 1, Burnin' Rubber 2, Burnin Rubber 3, Burnin' Rubber 4, Burnin' Rubber Crash n' Burn, Burnin' Rubber 5-5 HD Burnin' Rubber Shift,
Redline Rumble Revolution,
Downtown Drift ,Rally Point 1-6!
Here's the video of Burnin' Rubber:
And Please, Create Car Textures from This Game Only.
Add Multiplayer Support Too!
I am asking because i loved Burnin' Rubber 1 and Now' its Discontinued!🙁
And i Also loved about how cars were reflecting.
hey xform, ı can't understand but when ı use petite or a vehicle like that and go to garage after playing sometime this approaches:
''properety not found '
wanna continue?'
yes no
ı say yes but it come s whenever ı press yes and no? it just closes the game
and when ı finish a race game says object instead of properety....
pls help cause it's ur game
ı used to play this on my childhood but it needed windows 7
so when ı saw my dad didn't got windows 7 ı freaked out and sometime later made the pc crash
and he used to format it
and now thank you for publising it again
ı wasn't looking at hockwave games for years than ı got a message
'' shockwave is dead''
then ı remembered my childhood and ı cried a lot
and in 2018 u made downloadable version
now ım so happy thank you xform
Sorry to hear that you're experiencing this crash. I don't think it's possible for us to come up with a solution with the information you're providing. It's always wise to uninstall the game and install it again properly and hope the issue resolves itself. You might also want to try locating your savegame and deleting (moving it temporarily) and see if this helps. Maybe it was corrupted. And of course make sure your computer / operating system meets the system requirements too. Unfortunately, it's a pretty old game and these sorts of problems are likely to appear on a game port like this.
ı tried to copy paste savegame's numbers (ı opened it with notepad) to another new savegame and it worked now my game works properely to get sure ı played but ı was suspicious about something and then ı installed shockwave's unknown pc version (not web) and it worked so properely now ı can play without errors! ^_^
Hey there. I just got the game yesterday, and I'm already almost finished. I have one problem though. The first blizzard ticket has disappeared for some odd reason and now I can't progress in the game since I can't get this one ticket. I've found all other tickets with no problem. I'm not sure if it was moved to a different spot or not. I really don't want to restart all my progress, but if I 100% have to, I will. Can someone help?
(Never mind. I was looking in the wrong place.)
Hola, recomiendo que cheques tu cuenta bancaria y busca un recibo que contiene el nombre “itch.io” con la cantidad que pagaste para el juego, y chequea en tu cuenta de itch.io>pulsa tu perfil>Vaz en “Mi colección”/“My Library”
Todos los juegos que has conseguido aparecerán ahí con la opción de descargar
I've finished this game! It was amazing. Brought back my memories. Graphical effects and highres textures make this game look much better. And also swithing between day and night is cool. I could see how the game looked before GOTY. Errors occur more often. Some times windows with "Property not found" and also with information about some different variables opens. Sometimes clicking yes fixes everything but sometimes it doesn't work. Game is cool as before, even cooler, but I thing you should add km/h system for players from the rest of the world (and maybe remove invisible walls)
I'm looking forward for the 6th part! I think it will be outstanding (Sorry, but Cartapult is a total CRAP!)
Hey there, I could help you out I had this problem myself too (Also in BR4 the hidden packages don’t do anything they’re there for fun XD) Alright so you need to transfer the data file in BR3 to the data folder in BR4.
To do this go on your computer
Windows (C:) > Users > Admin or “Your Account Name” > AppData (This is hidden in most cases so you can type it in on the top long site bar you should so far see this)
C:\Users\”User Account Name”\
Then type in AppData
C:\Users\”User Account Name”\AppData
Three folders should appear then go to LocalLow > Adobe > Director11 and you should see the data folders for BR3 and BR4 but first go to BurninRubber3 > Pref and there should be a text file “XBR3Data” whatever you do, don’t modify it or your data may become corrupted. So simply
Copy that file
Go back to the Director11 folder
Click on BurninRubber4 > Pref
And Paste the file (XBR3Data) there
Run BR4 and ???
Profit XD