This game has weaseled its way into one of my favourite games of all time, up there with the holy father Disco Elysium itself and Red Dead Redemption 2. Everything is just kinda perfect in a very tailored way, if that makes sense. As someone else said, it really does just make you feelseen. Like, I'm a scrungly little trans woman playing a game made by another scrungly little (dev you're scrungly in my mind now you can't fight this) trans woman. It's like meeting eyes with that one other driver at a stoplight that's dancing their ass off to whatever music, likeyeah, I get ya. That's so you, and that's also really me. There's nothing I can say that hasn't already been said, but yeah, it's just beautiful to have such a proudly queer game, an outright microcosm of queer culture. It's written in, like, a lingua franca for transbians. And it's written really well too, and has motivated me on my own novel a ton just by seeing the sheer skill and heart. I'd strive to be more specific usually but it is just all around solid, it takes the style Disco Elysium set down and cranks it up a ton through an amplifier painted rainbow, and it works magnificently.
Probably heard this a million times, but absolutely keep doing what you're doing. This is far beyond just a cool narrative-driven game, it's a wonderful message that we're all here and we're queer, and we all have shit to deal with, but life is still beautiful, and w(omen)e are beautiful - even though the weird voice in our brains likes to object to that fact. Also that you should steal estrogen.