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Regarding recent controversies

Sanctuary »Devlog

Good day.

It is with great regret that this day had to come, a fateful moment that certain past events chase up to my newfound creator status. Today, I confess to those sins and seek your forgiveness.

(11/12/2024, 8:43am (GMT+8)) Edit: Added a proper apology directed at the affected individual, which I have somehow missed, at the heart of the document.

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DoD XSC92 days ago(1 edit)(+2)(-2)

Based on the entirety of the apology, from my perspective, and from the past comments in this VN regarding the matter—It's safe to assume that you have taken full accountability, for now.

I don't mean to patronize or speak for everyone but from an objective standpoint, both parties committed an obvious fault.

On my perspective, I wouldn't hide my disdain nor my disappointment towards you and the other party for failing to recognize those questionable behaviors. I understand that while you're assumptions can be objectively justifiable on some ends, mistakes are always inevitable.

I can also resonate with you on the account of difficulty in having a long lasting friendships. While that's justifiable, the other half is unjust due to the simple fact that your character is not an excuse for doing uncouth behaviors and actions. Yes, I understand that having an undeveloped background may result in a poor social development.

Lastly, I do not intend to hope for an abrupt change as it may cause both external and internal issues for you. I do not condone the behaviors you've done in the past but I am willing to support this project. With all of that, I am looking forward to seeing you change for the future, especially for your personal project.


sounds like an honest mistake and tbh idk what happened i will give a shot at that vn, a mistake does not mean the content is bad it's like saying a murderer made a book about a horror story so it's bad, nah that's stupid thinking tbh.

id say that most important thing about such situations - correct response and apology
Haven't read the initial doc and honestly dont want to. Buuut  from the phrase "nsfw rp" alone i got the feeling it was... As other person here called it, "horny teenager meet willing aduld" situation
So, since it was a public apology and you accepted that it was a mistake, it's okay

It's good you came forward. I'll definitely still give you and your novel a shot. 

humm... I'm certain this will have very serious repercussions on your work. You did apologized publicly, its a start in my opinion.

i'm concerned yes, but not so much as to leave. I will still be here, and so long as you keep you word that it was a huge mistake that will never happen again, I will stay.

also, I did read the doccument, but as far as my understand goes, this seems to be a "horny teenager meet willing aduld" situation, not to say that it is not a bad thing in itself, but i'm not so naive to believe that teens will stay away from adult content untill they are 18, I was once a teenager after all. Not to make a excuse for you, as you did know what you were doing, but if it is the case, I don't see it as an unforgivable thing.

ok, some edits: i did read the other documents and tweets, it is a "horny teenager meet willing aduld" situation over the internet. 

Also, you wording is very different in the first document than the second one. I know what raw and emotional responses looks like, and that certainly was one. It was explained after in the second, but I don't see many problems with that particular thing. 

so, i stand by what I said earlier, you did a mistake, apologized as better as you could. You will suffer consequences no doubt, but as far as i'm concerned, so long as you don't do it again I will be still here.

also, it was surprising to see the origins of your main character there, at least the name of him.

 I'm going to say this everybody makes mistakes you don't deserve any hate for it and I would hope people understand that also it's good to know that you recognize your mistakes

Downplaying grooming minors as a simple "mistake" is disgusting. 

This ain't a "Oops I did an oopsie teehee" kind of a mistake. This is a heinous crime that has been commited. Grow up

okay I did where you thought I was supporting grooming but I wasn't I was saying everybody makes mistakes every now and then it's time to let things go if I was trying to say and if the Creator wants to move forward he can

It's not a "mistake", it's a crime

If the developer learns from his crime and vows to not do it again, I'm all for it. But don't downplay what's happening. Have some sympathy for actual victims who were groomed 

I wasn't down playing the action at all and I don't support grooming one bit I'm just saying the exact same thing you're saying just worded different

Well, a little impressed, having been a fan of yours for quite some time, so keep up the good work and your personal life in order. I send you my regards!

Ícono de validado por la comunidad

While I'm glad you came out with this promptly, I'm still dissapointed in how you're masking this as some sort of dark secret that you're letting go off, making excuses on the way. You erpd a minor for months.

Do better.

It's not hard to not talk to minors inapproriately

It's actually very fucking easy, contrary to what some fuckers might tell you


...On the one hand, coolio, can't wait for chapter 3.... 🙃 ...On the other hand, I'm a non-fur w/zero Fs to give concerning dramallamas, so... Bringing us back to reality... Keep up the good work, really happy with the Android version~ 😇

 Well that is a messed up thing to do and stuff wich a lot of people wont like , that did change my impression of you and stuff but im happy that you confessed and you are trying to be a better person! Hopefully many people will understand that you regret doing what you did and accept ur frogiveness. It may take a while for people to forgive you but keep trying!(please dont get the wrong idea that i support pedo or something like that)

Well this is my first impression of this game, going to say this is giving me very mixed feelings. Good luck with that lol·View all by SanctuaryFVN·Report

