Absolutely loved this game! It was so amazingly creative like wow! Its execution was beautiful and well-thought in all aspects! I nearly teared up esp with Lil Lamb and Precious, like ugh they deserve so much better. They all do! -- well, except for Toe... I don't know about him lmao. I wanna know more about En Pointe though, she was truly the drama queen.
Our relationship with the Toy Maker was so interesting from start to finish (Inspector is such cutie though, I love all their whimsy dialogue). And while I am still left with some questions, it does make replaying the game all the more intriguing with how things come in perspective with each revelations we get in the endings. (And, small spoiler but the fact the name changestays once we get it, it is a cool detail!)
Overall, this game gives me a lot to ponder about! Every element from its writing, art direction, and music was truly and obviously well-crafted! It read like a fairy tale and its religious themes were very well integrated! Really amazing work!