Hey, sorry for the delayed response. I was a bit busy today.
First of all, i'll look into fixing this tomorrow, but i'll need some feedback from you potentially in order to see if the fix really does work for you.
Second of all, you are totally allowed to include the "Detailed Equipment Stats" mod(or any mod i made) in your project.
Thanks for letting me know!
So in your screenshot i noticed you have 7 stats, but the "Detailed Equipment Stats" mod should show only 5 and the 2 indicators at the bottom.
Does that mean you want your translation mod to be useable even without other modded content like the "Detailed Equipment Stats" mod?
If not then you may have not properly added the mod to the game. If after the mod works something similar to what you posted in your screenshot happens then check the code i pasted below and edit TY_DetailedEquip.js - It should be around line 178.
If yes then you should check out the code below and modify the YEP_EquipCore.js - It should be around line 821.
In any case i posted some code here that you can check out:
Let me know if you need further assistance.
Thank you for your help. I apologize if I caused any confusion or have been unclear.
To clarify, I want my mod to be as vanilla as possible. Since I'm not very familiar with RPG Maker MV, this way I won't have to make many changes when the developers update the game. Or have problems with compatibility when used with other mods. Using your mod would be my last resort. If all else fails, I'm hoping I can use your mod.
I've edited the code in the 'YEP_EquipCore.js' file as you suggested, but it seems like it's still not working. The issue persists. Could you possibly assist me further? I hope I'm not bothering you too much.
Right, i forgot one detail. the "TY_RemoveLuck_YEP_EquipCore" plugin also modifies the method i just gave you.
In order for the fix to work you to have to paste the code you added inside "YEP_EquipCore" to "TY_RemoveLuck_YEP_EquipCore" instead.
Make sure to erase the existing "Window_StatCompare.prototype.refresh" method that you find inside the plugin.
It worked! Thank you so much for your help. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I can't thank you enough, What you did was really helpful. I've given you full credit for your contribution and for helping me out.
However... there's one more problem I haven't been able to fix. It's not a major issue, so you don't have to help if you think it's too much trouble. The icons on the main menu screen are overlapping or not displaying correctly, and some are missing. I think the cause is the same as before: the Thai language and the font I'm using. As for the missing icons, I think it's because I translated some of the English text used in the code or some plugin. Even though the icons are missing and the menu overlaps, all the functions still work normally without any problems.
Lastly, I'd also like to support you by purchasing your mod for 5€ as a token of my appreciation. I'll also promote your mods in the Thai community. They might like your mod too. Who knows, maybe we'll cross paths again in the future. (when I'm stuck on another modding problem, haha)
Yes, I translated 'Equip' and 'Options', and that caused the display to become like that. It's related to some system, right? I only wanted to translate the word itself.
For example, I only translated the word 'Options' in the 'System' file so it would be shown on the game's start menu, but it seems like those words are used in many other places, causing everything to go wrong. I shouldn't have translated it, should I?
And do you have any idea why the icons are distorted?
Hi Toby, I contacted you on Discord the other day, as you suggested. I understand you might be busy or our time zones might not align perfectly. It's also possible you haven't had a chance to see my message yet. In any case, I just wanted to remind you gently. Please feel free to respond whenever you have the time. Thank You.