Cool entry but really hard.
Loved the visuals & how you managed to make the game very clear visually with only 4 colors !
Few feedbacks :
Got killed right away before I even had a chance to get a grasp on the controls ^^
Having a way easier first level with a slower turtle to allow players to get used to the controls would be a good thing if you're planning to update after the jam.
Also Respawning on top of the enemy and dying right away kinda felt unfair & frustrating & made me feel like there was no room for mistakes. (maybe setting the enemy back a little bit when you respawn would help so you have time to react)
Having the platform being a bit slippery if you land to cloose to the edge also felt unfair as it make the player think that he made it, only to slide out of the leaf & die ^^'
All in all the game is a bit frustrating but fun to play. & Great jobs on the visuals :)
I know the concept of being teleported back to the last platform you landed on was not well communicated by the game.
Also the fact that the enemy destroys said platforms on his way and if you are teleported back to such a platform you die instantly is not obvious either.
Thanks for the detailed feedback and glad you had fun with it anyway. 👍