I got bored and decided to guess Vince's job.
with the clue I got from the driver's license, while its scribbled, I can try getting references on the other letters from the picture. Most of the are capital, so I dont need to worry about lowercase letters.
I can make out a letter N at the beginning, and then an L in the end.
So already, I have a good start on clues.
But, I can go even further with the second to last letter. it doesnt look like an E or T since the top isnt too long, not an I either since its too far from last letter.
most of the letters I noticed were close to other letters, unless they were spaced or maybe had a comma, period, etc.
I came to the conclusion that the second last letter was yet another L.
So, an N and two LLs at the end.
The scribble isnt that long, and since its all capital, I can assume that it would take much space. I deduced that it possibly only has 4 letters.
and after some thought, the scribbled word was: NULL
well.... it doesnt say much about his job, but then again, if I were to use context clues to explain that answer-- his description did say "26-year-old stay-at-home. Lost in life, he spends each day simply looking for a purpose."
itdoes fit his description too.
then again, I could be terribly wrong-- I'm too sleep deprived for this HSDVDSFJGVFSDJV
orrrr maybe it was already said somewhere in the game, in that case-- I missed it LOL
anyways-- if you read this nonsense of mine, uhhh.... sorry ehehe...