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Hi and thank you for your lovely games. As a solo player I do love your work and follow your games :) I got a GLIDE copy from drivethrurpg and looks like lowink version is not included there. I want to print this on my printer, hope you can help me :)

Sending you a link over DM on BSKY!

got it thanks :)

Hi there,

 I want to thank you for this beautiful creation.I have starting playing the game and I enjoy it a the background I have ambient music playing and brings the theme in life. I am keeping diary of my travel in the world of "Glide" and I can say that it has a lot of potential to give more expansions and add on cookies.In my mind,your game ,brings me nostalgic moments of the 1st "Fallout" and the mood of "Morrowind" and I dare to suggest that can be added more mole rats lairs ,could be as well places with radiation and could be tribes around the map...beauiful game and thanks for bring your ideas in life .

Greetings from Greece .

Thank you for sharing your play experience! I have a whole new GLIDE game in the concepts stage of development, where I am playing with new "dungeon delving" concepts and further world building much like you mentioned. Hope to have something to share sometime this year!

Hi, when a guild quest location is tagged as explorable, how do we explore them technically? Like the Wind Trap (QL 3) for the Guild of Ecology, does explorable mean we can interact with it (for the quest purpose only?) but not explore it in the sense of having to roll checks?

Guild Quest locations that are Explorable count as Desert locations unless a type is otherwise given. Use the level for the Guild Quest location, not the usual level 3 for Deserts. Locations are huge areas of land so there is always something to find in the surrounding area!

New player here.  If I am understanding the rules correctly, it appears that all deserts are level 3.  Is that correct

Thanks!  Having a blast with the game.  Stuck inside while a snowstorm is happening outside.  Enjoying my adventures on a desert world.

Can we like "connect" maps with each other or would that be too game breaking?

Absolutely! Having a bigger map can be fun as you may see a lot of desert results and not unique locations, depending on your luck of the draw. I've combined 3 maps during co-op play and my players loved having a big world to explore. I think it added up to 220+ cells total.

I finally got round to playing GLIDE over the weekend having bought it a while back, and I am loving everything about it. Thanks for creating such an amazing game!

I'm always happy when the game delivers. Enjoy!

Page 28 says Settlement locations are Level 2. What impact does settlement level have on gameplay? I couldn't find (yet) where it is being used.

Settlements use their location level for Settlement Events. Some Events will ask you to perform a test to pass or gain rewards. These events are listed in the Settlement Events section of the book.

I take a Settlement Action to flip a card for a Settlement Encounter. It's a Merchant. I can't afford what he offers me. Did I just complete a Settlement Event for the purpose of the Soldier's goal even if I couldn't buy anything?

Correct! Encountering a Settlement Event counts as completing it.

What does " The levels for all other locations remain the same for each Reveal" mean, on page 28? For example, if I reveal a Desert Lighthouse Unique Level 1 I add 8 desert hexes. All are those desert hexes Level 3? And if later I reveal other Unique locations, are they all going to be Level 1? I'm trying to understand what the second box on page 28 means.

Good question. When you reveal a location that is not Unique you roll for the level. You only need to roll once for a Reveal with the level applying to all placed location on the map for that Reveal.

Thank you but I don't fully understand. Can you give me a full example please? What's the difference between the first and second boxes?

On page 28 the first box shows you the d6 result and the level that corresponds to the result. A 1-2 on the d6 is level 1, a 3 to 5 is level 2, and 6 is level 3.

The second box shows static levels for certain locations. Deserts are always level 3, Unique level 2, Non-Traversable level 3, and Settlements level 2.

If I reveal a location - Crashed Spaceship [1] (4d) - which is an Ace of a black suit, I roll 1d6 for the level. I get a result of 4, which is level 2. I record a single cell on the map in the location I chose to Explore as the Crashed Spaceship is only 1 cell (indicated by the number in the square brackets). I must also record the 4 Deserts (indicated by the 4d in the circle brackets). These are all level 3 per the information given in the second box on page 28.

Thank you for the example.

If I reveal the Desert Lighthouse, it says in the table on page 26 that's a Unique Location. The first table on page 28 says I roll for its level, the second table says it's static at 2. Which one is it? Do I roll for it or is it static? If I roll for it, why does it appear in the second table at all? Same issue for settlements and non-traversable. That's what confuses me.

The static value would be the overriding choice in that instance. Essentially, don't roll for any locations that are not Explorable i.e. on the page 26 table.

The Soldier's Goal mentions "Settlement Events". What does that mean? Is it resolving a Settlement Action?

Settlement Events are the random events that you encounter while in a Settlement. These are resolved by drawing a card and comparing the value and type to the Settle Events tables. This is done up to once per Settlement Action.

Thank you. May I suggest to change the word "Event" in the Soldier's Goal to "Encounter", since it is the word you used on page 47 & 49? Or vice versa, change Encounter to Event.

I'll add it to my next revision. Thank you!

I noticed that the new 2024 rules no longer stipulate the absolute maximums for various things e.g. "10 the maximum possible stamina..." Is this intentional, e.g. have you decided to remove these limits?

Great question - those were removed as general cleanup and rules clarity. There isn't a purpose to cap those stats as the increases to them finite numbers from bonuses found playing the game. I also discovered, through player feedback, that speaking on maximum possibles introduce a min/max perspective to the game that was not my intention as GLIDE has always been a casual pick-up-and-play style game from my own design philosophy. 

Speaking on things like Stamina - I've actually adjusted the action economy for COURIER - Repacked by using action points. I found that players enjoyed knowing how much an action costs, and how many actions they can do each round, without attaching an stat name to it, as they no longer need to manage a pool of resources just to move around the map and explore.

Hope this helps! Feel free to email me if you want to talk more on it.

Is a spiral bound version available?

No spiral bound. I thought about doing a print run but the cost per book is very high for a spiral binding.

You can grab a perfect-bound copy from here:


any word on when they will be in stock again? 

None right now. I do have some copies on-hand and will be posting an option to buy direct, plus an updating letting people know, in the next few days.

Hi! Thanks for the game!

Is the action :"re-roll dice for 1 stamina" limited to one ? Or do we have to make an other explore action?

You're welcome!

Re-rolling for 1 Stamina is done each time you do an Explore action. A very powerful tool!

Hi! Started playing this today (despite backing it on kickstarter). In the lvl 1 Restoration Guild quest, it says to "Recover & Explore 5 Different Locations," but recovering involves finding quest items? I'm not sure how to "recover" a location, am I missing something?

Hey! Just ignore the Recover rule for that quest. It was an error in the first printing and I missed changing it the second time around. It should have read "Recover 5 Scrap and Explore 5 Different Locations".

Thanks! The 2 games of your's I've played so far are great! This and Wyrd.

Hi there - with the deck of cards, is the intent that you shuffle the deck before drawing, or do you keep drawing from the deck without reshuffling?

Shuffle the deck once to start. As you play keep drawing from the same deck. When the deck runs out, shuffle all the cards together and start drawing from the new deck.

is there a way to play indefinitely? as in open world/sandbox etc without a "win state"? also are there combat mechanics?

You can totally play forever in the world or expand into a new map bringing over your character. 

There are no combat mechanics in GLIDE but you are free to adapt outside systems for combat or use the Skill Test system include in GLIDE.

Have just started a playthrough on a rather miserable, rainy Bank Holiday Monday and what a great way to spend an hour or so! Great theme, very evocative and with the right playlist highly immersive. Can't wait to see where my next turn takes me, but for now I am at rest in Moon Dew Valley.

How many pages is the main book?

GLIDE is 80 pages of thematic tables, images, and rules.

I am pleased with the layout of this booklet, and your art choice is fantastic, although I am a sucker for Black and White artwork!

I have been a Science Fiction fanatic since I was little, I was born the year after Star Wars: A New Hope, and I grew up with Original Trilogy and the 1984 edition of Dune. I also love re-watching The older Terminator films from time to time.

Glide is really well done and I appreciate all your hard work! I also love the Smuggler and Mechanic Additions! This allows you to go in the direction of Firefly TV series or Space Truckers! 

Thank you for the kind words! It's always exciting to hear the enjoyment had by players and I'm happy that the new layout is making things even more thematic and engrossing for you.

I like the setting and the art of the page, the expansion has a nice illustration and looks interesting, I love the desert worlds like Athas, Tatooine, Arrakis or Kal-Arath (for which I did the Spanish translation). I have not been able to buy it because I am from Argentina (I cannot make purchases from other countries or use Dollars). I hope to see some analysis, in fact I have contact with two youtubers, one of them: "Barbarian Thumb" could make a video review of the game for the Spanish-speaking community.

That would be awesome and highly appreciated. Send me an email (cody @ sleepysasquatchgames . ca) and I'll get you a link for download!

Great, I'll send you a message. :)

Hi. Nice work with the new layout. I didn't read the new file already, anyway I ask if the errata/FAQ file I see up here was integrated.
PS: at page 5, probably the picture is over the text layer, so the big white image border slightly covers the left column text.

Thanks for letting me know. The picture was a few pixels too far and didn't morph the text as intended. Should be no issue reading it as is.

The errata and FAQ document is integrated.

Watched a couple videos, read some Facebook posts, and bought the game.   Loving this game, going to complete a few games and start adding some expansions in.   Looks like my Wednesdays are set for a while. looking forward to hopefully some more additions.  Thanks!!

Enjoy! Thanks for the support.

So I've managed to get some glider upgrades throughout my adventuring, but not from purchasing them on the upgrade table. In order to get the fame, do I need to purchase from the upgrade table, or is it achieved when my glider hits that level? 


Great question. To gain Fame from the Glider upgrades you will need to reach the 3rd level of a core upgrade, doesn't matter how you earned said upgrade. Hope that helps!

How did you intend for the Wild card option to be used? It's an option on every table, but I cannot find an explanation for it in the book.

Hi JayeBlue,

The intention was to offer a very small chance of something special for the player when the Wild card face was drawn.

oh so wild cards are the two jokers, then? Also, thanks for getting to my question so quickly! I am loving the game

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