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Played it, honestly you're better off updating this with a patreon but you wouldn't make much in the beginning. If you work consistently on it, it might become something tangible.
For now a couple of criticisms. Very repetitive. No gallery. No reason to play it more than once, even as a proof of concept, lighting. It's dark. Having a way to direct your attack rather than it being a two in one specifically might be nice if you just want to subdue a particular minion or monster. If this is meant to be a dungeon crawler, forego the lewds, focus on the gameplay first.
on my side I have another porblem and its a pop-up "code error" where it says all this stuff:
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object obj_camera:
Variable <unknown_object>.pointer(100733, -2147483648) cannot be resolved.
at gml_Script_anon_DotobjClassMesh_gml_GlobalScript_DotobjClassMesh_787_DotobjClassMesh_gml_GlobalScript_DotobjClassMesh
gml_Script_anon_DotobjClassMesh_gml_GlobalScript_DotobjClassMesh_787_DotobjClassMesh_gml_GlobalScript_DotobjClassMesh (line -1)
can someone help me I don't know what to do about it. thx
Commenting here for people finding a "trojan" when windows scans the game.Listen closely, "Trojan : Script / Wacatac . B!ml" is being detected by windows security because it has the word "Trojan" in the file. This does not mean it is a Trojan Virus. I have had experiences with this exact file in the past. If you were to go to the XBOX app on PC, download Call Of Duty Modern Warefare 3 from Game Pass, you will surprisngly find that Windows Defender detects "Trojan : Script / Wacatac . B!ml". This was the exact issue I ran into when downloading Call Of Duty a few months back. After doing research I came to find alot of misinformation regarding the file, because it has the word Trojan, many are mislead to think it is a virus, this is not the case. My research lead me to a twitter post of someone who did a deep dive to get to the root of what it was. Here is what they had to say in their post "The security industry is full of absolute stupidity. Lets give a name to a program which opens a local UDP socket. How about "Trojan:Win32/Wacatac.B!ml". Yeah that sounds both meaningless and scary. Ok now let's mark it Severe, but provide no information about what it does. To be clear, a friend made this .NET OSC tracker application. It is not malware of any kind. Another friend's application also triggers Wacatac. Of course, since there is no explanation about what this check means, it only wastes a lot of time teaching people to click allow." I hope this clears up any confusion surrounding the supposed "Trojan". If windows defender pops up for an indie game 999 times out of 1000 it is a false positive and you can usually click "more info" and then "download anyway". Be sure to support the developer and give the game another try with this new found information. Have a great day or night!
Yea probably not! Always good to do a spot check though with Malwarebytes (my preferred antivirus software) when downloading new files. Most indie games and software dont carry viruses. But you can never be too safe. I usually scan with Malwarebytes like once a week if I've downloaded stuff recently!
I bought this game and every time I try to download it, it stops and tells me a virus was detected. I've never had this issue before with any other game, I don't think there is a real virus, but what could be causing this?
Edit: I found what was being flagged; "Trojan : Script / Wacatac . B!ml" it was flagged as a trojan (obviously) and would not download. I am not going to trust this game or any other by the devs until this is resolved. I love your work and I'm sure this was not intentional or malicious, but it's still present and should be remedied as swiftly as possible.
Damn, came down here to see what others had to say and keep seeing down votes on the dev replies... What'd dude do? They gave a valid answer lmao. Anyways, I'm gonna add my name to the list of folks requesting an Android port. My PC is hooked up to my living room TV lmao, don't wanna subject others who don't like stuff in this household, yknow? :P
That's strange, game should automatically start in fullscreen mode, try pressing alt+enter and see if the game gets into fullscreen, otherwise try to close other applications you have already open on your computer and try to run first the game (sometimes the fullscreen doesn't properly open if you click on other apps while the game is starting up)
I have the problem that no matter how many times I play through the game killing only bosses or wipe out all enemies, once I get to the room with 3 doors leading to the mynotaurus, the pillory or nowhere, I can't open any of the doors to continue...
I tried it several times and it never went any further.
Teleporting back to the spawn is also very tedious.