Aaa I'm so sorry you encountered such a broken bug! There's still a few bugs in the spooktober build as we didn't have time to iron them out.
If you have an issues with saves instead of reinstalling the game you can go into your "saves" file and delete all saves in there to reset the game.
To my knowledge the only game breaking bug is in loop 1, but in testing we never encountered it so what I'll do is dot point a route that should be 100% bug free.
Loop 1
- Once inside speak to Steve then Melody and go right upstairs. Avoid entering bathrooms or exploring in new instances (areas that require a transition to enter)
- Once upstairs go down the hallway and a small cutscene event should play and then interact with all the characters in any order.
- Once everyone is spoken to go back down the stairs and the game should progress as normal with no more game breaking bugs (again, avoid going into rooms you don't have to go in before you finish speaking to everyone and go downstairs)
If this doesn't work let me know exactly when the bug occurs and I'll work on a hot fix. We plan to properly go through and finish the game and iron out bugs soon, but in the meantime if you face any issues let us know and we'll try to guide you through them.
Sorry for making you wait that long, even though I was the one asking for help.
Luckily it worked now thanks to your help!
For some reason the cutscene in the hallway upstairs didn't trigger for me before but now that I followed the route it did!
This probably also the reason why everything got bugged for me, because it didn't trigger but I still entered the room where the characters where in.
Thank you so much for the assistance!