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I'm finally getting a chance to sit down and play. I'm really enjoying the system! I'm going kind of light on the details as I figure out the rules. Still, I've stumbled into a serpent guardian watching over a burnt nest and discovered some loot beneath a room with ancient, crumbling flooring. One question: for the loot, if I land on "1 equipment," how do I roll that result? I'm assuming I'd discover something from the Items or Gear tables -- do I pick which table? My initial instinct was to roll 1d12, but then I was unclear as to why the tables are separated as 1d6 rolls. Thanks for any help!
I'm happy to see your progress! Rolling is done on the Items or Gear table, depending on what you feel or want to find. Alternatively, as you mentioned, you can roll 1d12 and use the result across the 12 possible Items or Gear.
The d12 was a popular piece of feedback I received during testing, but I stayed with 2 1d6 tables to allow players to pick what they find based on how they are currently feeling about the delve. I really wanted to provide ways to "un-stuck" the story, which an opportune Item or Gear can provide.
I've had my eye on this for a while and just picked it up on the 50% off sale. I'm confused about some of the rules. It states that the stats for Fight, Agility, Wits, and Resilience are listed as Dice Totals (the amount of d6), but the character backgrounds show them a d4, d6, d8 etc... Dice Totals only seems mentioned on page 4 and the rest of the rules seem to indicate that those stats aren't dice totals. Also, the rules of +/-X F/M/W/R says its an increase or decrease to Dice Totals, while in the backgrounds and other rules its either a Dice Value increase or a dice modifier (which I guess would be stat dice value plus a number instead of changing the dice rolled). Any clarity on this?
How very embarrassing for myself to have missed that line in editing! It shouldn't be there as that was a relic from the old dice rolling system. Dice Values (DV) are d4 through d12. You will not be rolling only d6 in this game!
You modify both DV and total through a lot of different effects. So, if I have a Fight DV of d6, with a +1 F DV modifier, and +2 F bonus, I would roll a d8 and add 2 to the total rolled when using Fight.
Hi, just finished reading of the book, it was a real delight for me. The balance is so well shaped between light rules and some kind of subtle crunchiness, its like a refreshing breeze after a hard and boring day at work. I hope i will get some time to enjoy playing it soon (you know, hardstuck in real life-kids, work, obligations...). In meantime, have few typos and suggestions to report if you dont mind:
1. Typo: pg4 says F/M/W/R, guess should be F/A/W/R.
2. Suggestion: I would add explanation for +X DV in Important concepts, it overlaps with DV+/-X for untrained eye or mind.
3. Typo/Suggestion: pg19 first sentence:Trialsare obstacles of strength, agility, or smarts that players are required overcome to proceed. May be:
Trials are obstacles of strength, agility, or smarts that players are required to overcome in order to proceed.
4. Question: pg16 says This treasure has a value of 1d8, meaning a player stands to make between 1 and 8 Coins for trading it using the chart provided below. The table for treasure for die results from 1-8 is 1-5 coins, or i got that wrong?
5. Questions: Are we supposed to name/make up the treasure ourselves, like 1 huge gemstone(1d8), or is there a table for that somewhere?
Sorry for the long version, its the game, it spontaneously derives exploding thoughts in my head :) Keep up the good work, cant wait for KS to begin. Have a great day!!!
Thank you for the feedback.
Questions for page 16 - You are correct. The old version of the system was roll die and use the result for the coins gained. This slipped through my editing!
No table as of this time for treasure. You can make up your own or just record it as the value. In the next version there will be tables for generating unique treasure names.
I did a playthrough stream on my solo TTRPG show. Myself and everyone in the chat was really enchanted by the art and the mechanics. This is probably my fave solo D&D-like thus far (just edging hex crawl).
A quick note, there is no #14 on the "Maze of the Wyrm" location table.
Also, I think the game would benefit from an update where there's more flexibility in the character builder--though I realize that might be difficult to balance.
Otherwise, I hard recommend this lovely game.
Thank you for the feedback! I see there is no 14 on the Challenge of Crump delve either, so I must have deleted the row a while back.
I will take the character builder idea into consideration. Perhaps including an option for players to pick from any of the backgrounds for an "advanced start" would be possible. I'm not worried about the balance of characters as Troves is more about having fun and doing cool things.
I am happy to hear that you had fun and if you want to share the link to the stream please do! I will promote it on my socials as well.
Ah I didn't want to be tacky and make it about me, but if you would like to share the stream, it's here:
As a side point--in my personal game not on stream--I did find some of the combat was pretty easy for me, so I added the +2 hp buff for a "Hard mode". I'm only mentioning this because you might want to note it as an option in the game docs. It doesn't seem to break anything. Just less likely to be over in a round.
Thank you for sharing! Not tacky at all, I love to share people's experiences with my games. I'll be sure to watch the whole thing soon.
The combat is designed to be easy and quick. I will take into consideration the Hard Mode option as other feedback has indicated the same. I've had a few Delves where I was completely stomped by the game and thought it too hard but having the options for players is always good!
Building on the custom character system you mentioned, I have a rough outline of how it works done and will be testing it for a bit before updating the game with the rules. It is pretty straightforward and I hope people can make some broken characters with it, or even just challenge runs. It also opens the door for custom character creation for community content, which is something on my to-do list for Troves.
Glad to hear it! Please let me know how it goes and be sure to check out the other free Delve:The Challenge of Crump