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Quest Game Tuner vs QGO »Comments

Quest Game Tuner's auto tuning is actually per-game as well!
You pick your preference of performance, visuals, or battery, and the rest is filled out automatically.

I'm a professional data analyst by day, so I decided to fully automate the process.(Technical stuff incoming!)

I collected a ton of my own data for profile apps and games on my own devices, then trained a Torch model which can evaluate a game's performance profile based on info from it's metadata and store page, viaoculusdb. The AI's outputs go through additional post-processing to refine it's outputs for your device and preferences.

The result was a tiny model that can generate dozens of high-quality tuning profiles per second, and can figure out the best settings for a new game before it even finishes opening.

Unlike qgo, it's totally on device and doesn't rely on user data.

Interesting, so a nice bonus is that you have immediate access to profiles on new game releases rather than waiting for the community to build/submit profiles for new games in QGO. Assuming you did side-by-side comparisons of popular games with your product and QGO, is the end result similar across games or does one provide a better experience than the other?

From the few games I tested on qgo,Quest Game Tunergenerally achieves slightly higher settings, and is more consistent across titles.

qgo is also more aggressive in reducing settings for battery savings, while Tuner just increases them less.

I really appreciate your responses and have enjoyed Lightning Launcher as well. I’m going to give QGT a go. Thanks! on on Facebook
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