Finally ! The last thing that missed in my game was sound !
Well... I mean, the last thing that missed to be submittable to the jam. Because if we talk about a release to the Play Store, for example, many things are missing, like... hum... where to start ? Quality graphics, polished gameplay, quality sounds, quality UI.... quality, quality, quality...
Let's get back to what interests us in this post : Sound !
In my game, Major Tom wanders in his wrecked spaceship. Without gravity, and more important, without air. Therefore, if I wanted realism, there wouldn't be any environmental sounds. There would be only Major Tom breath sound, and muffled sounds from contact between Major Tom and the environment.
But, I thought that this approach would be very interesting only if it's very well done, with quality recording of an actor playing stress breathing as the oxygen decreases... well... That was definitely not in my range.
Therefore, I added sounds.
I had to create sounds, the best I can, withAudacity... Generating a white noise, cutting the high frequencies and boosting the low frequencies to create a background sound. Recording with my phone (high quality sounds guys !) pressured air going through my lips, and putting the sound in backward... That's the kind of things I did yesterday. And for few sounds, I was desperate, and I took sounds
Implementing sounds in libGDX isvery easy. There are 2 class :Sound andMusic.
A Sound will be loaded in the memory, while a Music will streamed, so you can use large size high-quality music files without needing to use your memory.
First, I'll load my sound files in theAssetManager, in :
//Loading of the soundsgame.assets.load("Sounds/Piston.ogg", Sound.class);game.assets.load("Sounds/Jetpack.ogg", Sound.class);game.assets.load("Sounds/Impact.ogg", Sound.class);game.assets.load("Sounds/Door.ogg", Sound.class);game.assets.load("Sounds/Fuel Refill.ogg", Sound.class);game.assets.load("Sounds/Oxygen Refill.ogg", Sound.class);game.assets.load("Sounds/Button On.ogg", Sound.class);game.assets.load("Sounds/Button Off.ogg", Sound.class);game.assets.load("Sounds/Exit.ogg", Sound.class);game.assets.load("Sounds/Gaz Leak.ogg", Sound.class);game.assets.load("Sounds/Background.wav", Music.class);
Then I can use these sounds in my game. You can see that I have 10 Sounds and 1 Music, for the background sound.
The background sound
The background sound is created in
backgroundSound = game.assets.get("Sounds/Background.wav", Music.class);backgroundSound.setLooping(true);;backgroundSound.setVolume(0.15f);
Note thesetLooping() function, that allows you to loop the Music indefinitely.
The other sounds
I won't detail the use of every other sounds because, 1) it will be redundant and 2) I am REALLY lacking time to finish my entry before the deadline. I'll just show some basic things.
Each object (Hero, Door, Gas Leak, Switch...) will have its sound. Thus, to create the sound, in the creator I'll use :
sound = game.assets.get("Sounds/Gas Leak.ogg", Sound.class);
Then, there are many ways to play a sound. You can simply play the sound once with :
or, you can play sound in loop with :
You can also set the volume, the pitch and balance the sound between the left and right speakers at the same time you play the sound with :, pitch, pan)orsound.loop(volume, pitch, pan)
And finally, you can give an ID to the sound at the same time you play it, which will be VERY useful to interact with a precise instance of a sound.
long soundId;soundId, pitch, pan);
Then, when you want to stop every instance of a sound you can do
But if you want to stop only a precise instance of a sound, you use its ID
Ex : The gas leak sound :
In, I create the Sound in thecreator():
sound = game.assets.get("Sounds/Gas Leak.ogg", Sound.class);soundId = sound.loop(0.1f, MathUtils.random(0.98f, 1.02f), 0);
Note that when I create the sound, I set the pitch with a random float (MathUtils.random(0.98f, 1.02f)). This method is useful to have different object creating the same sound (in this case, the gas leak), without having an echo effect. Every gas leak will create a slightly different sound.
I want the sound to be louder as the hero get closer to the leak. For that, in the render (that is theactive() function in I have this line :
sound.setVolume(soundId, 4/(new Vector2(hero.heroBody.getPosition().sub(posX, posY)).len()));
With this code, I set the sound volume according to the distance between the hero and the leak, at every render step. The "4" is completely arbitrary. I chose it by try/error. This gave me satisfactory results. I have to fight a number that satisfies me for every object that has a distance dependent sound. For example, for, I use the number "10".
Well, that's pretty much it for the sounds. With slight differences for the different case, but you can see thecodes of the differents objects, for the variations.
This is obviously my last, short, devlog before I submit my game to the jam.
I wasted A LOT of time yesterday, trying to improve my graphics.I spent like 6 painful hours trying to find colors, redraw walls, and trying other things. But obviously, drawing is not for me ! hahaha
Thus, around 3 - 4 am, I decided it was time to stop everything, and start create levels, to at least have a game to submit. I created 2 short levels, that will be usefull for the player to grasp the gameplay and the concept. After these 2 levels, I went to bed, dead tired.
Here is a video showing these levels :
Now that I woke up, I'll create more levels. I guess if I reach 10 levels, that'll be enough for the jam.
Finally ! I submitted my game !
After a huge rush:
Here is the last gameplay video :
And here is the link to play my game :