Lovely Lady RPG Hints (helpfulness not guaranteed)
Golden Light: Kiss every woman, including the golden woman.
The Scrungly Woman: Literally just do what she tells you and you'll be fine.
The Pale Specter: Wake up early every day.
The Doomer: You do NOT need help with this.
There Musk Be A Better Ending Than This: When the Dev's self-insert has more game than u
Solitary Walk: Go through life without making friends. This game is so realistic.
Piccadily Bleedin Circus: Visitors can be bad too.
Force-femmed: Talk to women to acquire woman juice.
The Great Hormone Heist: Humiliate yourself before your oppressor (this game is so realistic).
Sissy FM: Listen to some house music.
Gaslit Gatekept Girlbossed: Its really that simple.
Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss: Landlords are vulnerable to blood. They're like reverse vampires. They're like normal vampires too.
Millionaire: Buy from the Guy.
Billionaire: Give the Guy another Try.
Trillionaire: Something else that rhymes with Guy.
Unhappy Customer: Who's the silly sheep now?
Pyramid Scheme: Mate give her the table its hilarious lmao
Hello Marigold!: Trust Lovely Lady in all religious affairs.
The Heavens Too Cry: Ponder your Orb.
Cryptid?: Cryptids "see food" and eat it.
Cryptid: Become One Of The Good Ones.
Funny Face: If you're thalassophobic, time to "face" your fear.
Gamer: It would literally take a miracle to understand this game.
International Finance: The only chaser I fw is a Bag Chaser.
Von Knochenmann Geholt Nicht: Summon a creature more evil than The Boneman.
The Seventh: There's more than one strange woman in the woods.
The Trivia Knower: Just read the game's dialogue instead of skipping through it and you'll get it eventually. But if in doubt, try communism.
Healthy addiction: IM SO FULL FROM __________ YUM
Moving Forward: Therapize her, whatever it takes.
Bluehills Tourist: Come on dude. What could I possibly say here to make this achievement clearer than it's own description. If you need help with this one I guess interactive fiction's not for you. Try playing League instead. Seriously, fuck you.
Plushie Lover: The real question is why can't you buy ALL the plushies? dev pls fix
Snap Snap: Time for crab.
Brr: Keep your room well ventilated.
Splat: Do your own stunts.
Kaboom: Pokex10
This Death Sponsored By The Dandelion And Burdock And Suez Corporation: This one's easy peasy so here's a fun fact; if you go to Pride while The Sinner is waiting in the woods she won't show up to punch the crypto guy. This game rocks.
Bog Idiot: Maybe the real cryptid was you all along.
Happy Pride: Hell hath no fury like a butch betrayed.
Plague Ridden Rat: Put EVERYTHING in your mouth or your veins.
Scab: Unalive the hive.
To Never Have Been: Fall into the Undreaming. Bonus points if u do a flip.
Vom Knochenmann Geholt:CONSEQUENCES
That's all of them :3 may share a detailed walkthrough for every achievement if ppl are interested x
As requested, a walkthrough for all achievements
Meet the requirements of The Scrungly Woman, The Pale Specter and Hello Marigold! in one playthrough.
In the final dream, Marigold will speak directly to you and invite you take up her mantle.
If you accept, you will come into your full power and become the patron Saint of lesbians.
On day 2, submit a decent article to the Pulp Writer(you really can just bullshit it though, as long as you're sensible).
On day 3, submit a piece of fiction to the Pulp Writer. Whether you go to Pride or not, the Pulp Writer will walk with you on day 5.
On day 2, go to the cathedral and interact with the Sinner. Make sure you go to her flat at the end of the day.
On day 3, accompany her to the town archive.
On day 4, join her for a walk in the woods. She will join you for a walk on day 5.
On day 4 you automatically accept the quest to find The Weapon's missing sheep.
During this conversation, do not tell them you're a communist or they will not fully trust you.
At some point on day 4 when you have at least two actions left, go to the woods to find Parsnip (this is more likely to succeed if you have a hammer).
When you return the sheep, accept the Weapon's offer of tea.
At the conclusion of these events, simply invite the Weapon to walk with you and they will join you the following day.
NOTE: If you have been caught stealing from them, the Weapon will never trust you enough to have you round for tea :(
During Day 1, successfully convince Nasty Girl to flirt with the developer.
If you meet the conditions for a solitary walk on Day 5, the developer will return and the achievement will unlock.
Either fail to submit the article on day 2 or fail to submit the fiction on day 3 to avoid the Pulp Writer joining you.
Avoid talking to the Sinner at the cathedral on day 2 or neglect to attend either of her subsequent two dates to prevent the Sinner joining you.
Either get caught stealing from The Weapon, tell them you're a communist, fail to return their sheep, decline their tea invitation or simply leave at the end of tea without inviting them to avoid having the Weapon join you.
Satisfy all three conditions in one playthrough to gain this achievement.
In one playthrough, pursue the criteria for The Scrungly Woman, The Pale Specter and The Doomer, fail to pay your rent and kill or neglect The House Snake on day 4.
Oestrogen can be obtained through healthcare providers or the grey market.
The grey market takes the form of Lady Moonshine, who appears on Lunden Road during evenings if you have been made aware of her.
There are 4 ways to gain this information:
--Immediately after accepting the Weapon's quest on day 4, Orb may pass a difficult to check to become aware of her.
--Near the end of The Pulp Writer's interaction on day 3, they will ask what you need. If you ask for help with getting hormones, they will link you to Lady Moonshine.
--During the date at The Sinner's House on day 2, ask for the reading to be about how to get hormones. If you walk with the Sinner on the morning of day 4, they will tell you about Lady Moonshine.
--If Lady Dawnsight speaks to you, you may tell her you need hormones. She will make you aware of Lady Moonshine.
In any case, accept the Lady moonshine option in the evening when it appears. Obtain hormones from her by any means.
Make sure you take the action of injecting oestrogen at home to get the achievement.
NOTE: Obtaining hormones from the chemist is possible but much more difficult, frustrating and time consuming.
To complete this achievement, you must be prescribed hormones by the Gender NKVD and have a prescription sent to the pharmacy by the Keeper of the gates of Venus.
This can be done by following these steps:
1.Begin the "clean yourself up" task.
Successfully take a bath, change into clean clothes, apply makeup and get the gunk out of your eyes.
If you fail to complete ALL of these criteria, reload a save and attempt the task again.
2.Either attend the GIC appointment if it is still available or use the private gender clinic (you will need £40).
3.Once you've begun the Gender NKVD's interrogation, choose the following sequence of dialogue options:
-1. ("Hello."[Do a gay little wave]"I'd like some feminising hormones, please."[sit down homosexually])
-2. (idk)
-2. (25)
-2. (Yes)
-2. (No)
-1. (Yes)
-3. (No)
-1. (I don't)
-1. (Yes)
-2. (Yes)
-2. (No)
-1. ("I like sex, yes.")
-2. (bottom)
-2. (interrogation lamp)
-1. (dissociating)
-2. (most normal possible answer)
-3. (idk)
-3. (no, that cube is stationary)
This should lead to you being diagnosed as transexual and prescribed hormones (there may be other safe options, but this way definitely works).
4.You will then speak to the Keeper again to have your prescription sent.
If you fail a high Orb check at this point, you will leave without making sure she does her job and the prescription won't be sent that day.
This will necessitate two additional trips, to the chemist to find this out, and back to the clinic to make sure it is actually sent.
Alternatively, reload a save and get diagnosed again until you pass the check.
5.Once the prescription has been sent, simply go to the pharmacy the following day and steal your hormones when the option appears to gain the acheivement.
This is easy to do but you can fail so ensure you save beforehand.
Listen to the radio at the cottage.
Interact with the landlady on the evening of day 3 or 4 and give her rent money.
You will need to pay her £100 if the roof is not fixed, £75 if it is or £55 if you ask her what the money is spent on and then succeed on multiple easy checks to negotiate a lower rent.
On day 1, succeed on the Lovely Lady check to repair the vase, but then smash it.
Events will then transpire on the morning of day 3 that you may exploit for your benefit to unlock the achievement.
Buy the silly sheep from the Grifter on day 2. You will need at least £1
Complete millionaire then buy the bridge from the Grifter on day 3. You will need at least £1
Complete billionaire then buy the Eiffel Table from the Grifter on day 4. You will need at least £1
Having rescued the sheep on day 4, accept The Weapon's offer of tea.
This achievement should appear in subsequent events if you have previously bought something from the Grifter.
Once you have bought something from the Grifter and the Landlady has called at the start of day 3, Nasty Girl may suggest scamming her.
To do this, go to her house and pass a series of checks to give the Landlady one of your "investments" in lieu of rent.
On day 2, pray to Marigold at the cathedral. Then, find her shrine in the woods and pray to it (you must say "ring ring")
On day 3, return to the shrine and pray again in the same manner.
If you're on the right track, the golden vision in your dreams that night will say something to the tune of "Today is the day. She waits by the phone. If you call she will answer."
On day 4, return to the shrine and pray again in the same manner to obtain the achievement.
Watch the comet on day 3.
Before beginning the cryptid task, purchase the red herring from the shop.
When prompted, you may leave it out as bait and the "cryptid" will appear to eat it.
Take every opportunity to affirm you are "one of the Good Ones".
1.In the cathedral, look at the right window and choose the pro-Anglian response
2.While negotiating for purchase of The Eiffel Table, denounce all investors
3.At Pride, pass an Orb check to identify the incorrect Pride flag, ask to see the correct flag, then denounce transsexuals as perverts.
The Cryptid will appear and congratulate you.
While fleeing the cryptid, jump into the river and let it carry you out to sea, ignoring all warnings.
Complete the conditions for Hello Marigold!
During your conversation with Marigold, say "I need to find some words to live by" and she will tell you a Frankish phrase.
Then, find the Weapon's sheep and accept their offer of tea.
When you play the boardgame with them, refrain from throwing a tantrum or eating more than four game pieces.
After a few turns, repeat the phrase Marigold told you to stabilise inflation and win the game.
On days 2 and 3, interact with the Frankfurt Pervert, asking him for financial advice.
On day 4, do the same. He will ask you why you're so concerned about money.
If you explain its for trans healthcare expenses, he will gift you some money and you will unlock the achievement.
Do not pay your rent. On day 4 either kill the House Snake or neglect to feed it.
On day 5, when the Boneman calls, he will be interrupted by the Landlady. Accept his offer of a reprieve to unlock the achievement.
Pray at Marigold's shrine on days 2 and 3 as described in Hello Marigold!
Interact with the Sinner on days 2 and 3 like you would for The Pale Specter.
On day 4, immediately pray at Marigold's shrine and choose the magenta option when speaking with her.
Then walk in the woods with the Sinner. At the conclusion of the walk, take her to the cave to meet your fate.
Complete the crossword in the newspaper and hand it in at the shop to win £50 and the achievement.
If you get an answer wrong, Orb may pass a check to correct you.
The answers (and where you can find them) are as follows
-LUNDEN (frequently mentioned throughout the game)
-COMMUNISM (again, just context clues)
-DAWNSIGHT (easily learned at the cathedral windows)
-FOURTEEN (mentioned in conversation with the Sinner)
-LEAD (key ingredient of special L at the store. Also mentioned by Lovely Lady when debating whether to stay and chat to the Pulp Writer)
-WARSAWA (conversation with The Weapon)
-MINT (learned when buying cigs at the store or if The Sinner breathes in your general direction)
-PIGEON (Learned at The War memorial)
Buy cigarettes from the shop.
At any point where you risk freezing to death (taking a cold bath or waking up on day 5 while the roof is still broken) smoke a cigarette instead of freezing to death to gain the achievement.
When interviewing The Raven, you must call her a war hero following the question about people she'd killed so she will talk about Heidi.
A successful high Orb check during this conversation will reveal to you Heidi's fate.
If you press The Raven on this matter, she will become speechless, then angry, and ask Ghost to leave (she won't actually hurt you though).
You may publish a respectful article on her war stories without consequence.
Following this, The Raven will hug you if you attend Pride, unlocking the achievement.
Fairly self explanatory. You won't be able to complete the achievement until day 4 when Pride becomes available.
Attend pride with at least £5 so you can buy a plushie when prompted. Don't give it to The Pulp Writer (Evil Route)
While taking a bath, choose every crustacean based action.
Freeze to death, either by taking a cold bath while the roof is broken or waking up on day 4 while the roof is broken.
1.Repair the cottage roof.
2.Search for cryptids in the woods.
3.Flee the Cryptid until the third escape route appears.
4.Climb trees, jump sheep, go Splat.
Look for cryptids and poke the mine until it explodes when you discover it.
Attend pride with a decent amount of money (£20 should do it) and keep buying and drinking Dandelion and Burdock until it kills you.
When fleeing the cryptid, enter the thorny clearing.
When you get stuck in a bog, simply decide to die to become the Bog Idiot.
1. Visit the Raven on day 2, before writing the article.
2. Ask to see her motorcycle, then ask to interview her. Play down the war angle at first.
3. Following the option to ask her about how many people she's killed, you have the option to ask when she was most proud while on a motorbike, or describe her as a war hero. Choose the latter.
4. She will then reveal the dark reason her bike is named Heidi. Tell her the story will make a great article.
5. She will then assault and threaten you. Leave her garage and write the article about her tragic backstory anyway.
6. Submit the article to The Pulp Writer, but DO NOT return to her on day 3 with fiction. (she will save your life if she joins you at Pride)
7. Attend Pride on day 4. The Raven will find and kill you.
NOTE: there may be other ways to make The Raven homicidally upset, but this is one that works.
1.Search for cryptids. Strange bacteria will enter your bloodstream.
2.Start the religion quest at the church. While looking for the shrine in the forest, check everywhere else before the funny green rock to get Lyme disease.
Additionally, eat the moss on the shrine.
3.Buy Special L from the store and eat the entire box immediately to get lead poisoning.
4.Buy cigarettes from the store and deep-throat one to get cigarette poisoning.
5.During the quest to find The Weapon's Sheep, lick your hand after inspecting the gate to get tetanus.
Additionally, eat the "rations" before bringing the sheep back to get asbestosis.
NOTE: Having The Pulp Writer bite you will not give you Rabies and isn't essential for this achievement, but it is hot.
While fleeing the cryptid, repeatedly circle back on yourself and charge headfirst through the beehive until the achievement is unlocked.
Fulfil the same criteria as The Seventh and surrender to the Undreaming when prompted.
Feed the House Snake at least once, then either neglect to feed it in a subsequent day or kill it.
Alternatively, kill it on your first encounter.