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Will you ever increase the resolution of the sprites? Their so small and blurry and you can't even see the detail on some of the sprites

what platform/version are you playing on

Pc windows the sprites are just too low res

Are you talking about the background stuff or items or gui and not the characters, right?

I'm talking about The character sprites they are kinda too low res especially for small details, immor as a example I didn't even know he had pupils on his eyes until I actually looked at the character sprite, honestly character sprites should be double what they are, 

and if you are worried about the size of the files just separate the parts of the sprites that are different from the base model and overlay them on top of the base sprite, a lot of vns use this trick, you will essentially reduce the file sizes by more than half and can have a higher resolution sprites in general

2nd fight no, just lose to him in different ways with different endings!

How do I unlock the professor again ?

Through Ran after the order comes to town. 

How do I find the residential area? I met the maga and their pet for the first time but it didn't show up afterwards? 

I'm having this issue as well. Did you ever find a solution? Everything I've read seems to indicate that after finding the naga then speaking to Kubas should unlock the residential district, but that hasn't happened for me.

if you check your progress when you're sleeping in the tavern, you need to have Kubas inquiries 8 to unlock the residential disitrct

I am trying to do something with centaur, I already talked with Dirk and Shlar, and took the potion from Azlos, what do I have to do next? Also, how do I do cuddle buddy with Geve?

Does this game have a bgm?

 Is there something wrong with my computer?

there is no bgm past the main menu

What am I supposed to do in this game?

Interact with people, sleep, get money, get gameovers to advance story.

Is this game word-described or has CG?

I am trying to unlock vore for everyone and have completed Jar' forest secenes. But cant seem to unlock coversation 7 which unlocks it for other characters. Am i missing something

For Jar? If you advance him too much you can't get that conversation anymore. You can do the story skip and it'll auto unlock it for you and you'll have it unlock for everyone.

Yeah. I figured that out thanks fully and I was not too far into the story so i went back and made sure i got it.

Does anyone know how to give someone food for a date? I can only throw food away and talking does nothing! (I'm going for kubas rn and have the correct meal in my inv)

with the correct food and requirements for a date met, go to your inn room and an option should appear there to start the date.

Option popped up only after getting two of the special foods idk but thanks!

Seems to softlock certain conversations if you progress too far. Cant do Garthoz 2 conversation.

Also a shame not to repeat previous game overs; rutherford stamina, nel lust etc

We'll be doing better starting next month to make sure people get cg updates or cutin updates. But some GOs make no sense to get anymore after a while. Others were just planned but the artist is still replacing everything.

I have 4 questions

1. in the future, is there some kind of possession kink that can turn you into a ghost and you can possess the other characters by entering through their mouths or their butthole and make them do things like jerking off or having sex with the other characters or the ghost can possess you and make you do those things?

2. If Diakor's father appear in the future, does that mean he's younger and look different than him since he's reincarnated?

3. Will Ferif from "The Town" appear in gameover?

4. If the demon king appear in the future, does that mean we can top him?


Is anyone else who downloaded the windows version having it be super laggy? Like anytime I skip some dialogue, it freezes up into the window not responding. 

Could you please submit a bug report and upload the save you use?

hi. I have tried everything but i cant defeat iron.

Can anyone please help.

His 1st one, you need to go through conversations with Ran who will lead you to others to learn, then do what Reynard said. 2nd you can't win and just get different ways to lose.

I followed the 1st .

do i understand it correct, I can't win Iron but when i lose i get different outcomes?

i cant meet voltor and naga for some reason i cant find them anywhere

You gotta go through Kubas' stuff, then most of the content with the gate guards.

i play on Browser and i cant load my save 

Could you submit a bug report and include the save that you use?

1. Who has the "fulfilling his bargain" quest and how to complete it.

2. Where can you find burchill after he takes off from showing you his new room and toys.

3. How long before you can talk to ethoraz again after he says he needs to be alone. Will I have to wait till next update?

1. Jar? Just some bonus scenes to do but will affect characters permanently
2. He's gone until his next update
3. You just need to do some things with others, or get his gameover, don't remember

I have 4 questions

1. Is Darrius from "The Town" going to appear in the future?

2. I know I kinda spoiled myself after looking at the wiki, but is the demon king going to appear in the future?

3. Is Diakor father going to appear in the future?

4.You know I've never realized this until now, but how come when two other characters interact with each other like Garius and Reynard or Harold and Kanat, you never move the sprites to the left and right where they can see them talk to each other instead of front and center and showing only one?

1. No
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. We don't want to put in 2 characters on the screen and adjust sizes. Some characters are bigger bois

You must have some notification settings turned off or something, I never get updates from this game in my feed

I don't think we're allowed to mess with that for people who follow it. All we can do is select whether it's a major or general update.

the game is really good but its missing sound affects during the sex scenes

Maybe one day~

Is there a guide for this game? Cause I'm too much of a dumb slut for this lol

There's a fan made wiki, but anything official is in the game.

I have 3 questions

1. In the future, Is there going to be changes to the characters sprites? Like different poses, different arms and legs movement, different facial expressions according to the dialogue like happy, sad, anger, lust, etc ?

2. Can we top Vince in the future?

3. So, what's the relationships between the MC and the other characters, are they like boyfriends or friends with benefits?

Vince is a top
Whatever you think it is with them. Or they actually say it is.

May I ask if sprites are still being updated? And if so, wich? Should I expect more characters to be designed like Bjorn and Rutherford or more like Reynard, Ran, and Iron?

All sprites have already been updated to CursedMarks art style

I have spent so many hours in this game, and feel like I have only unlocked like 60% of the characters. Is there a "main quest" guide, to get someone to the point where someone has everyone unlocked, and then play the game unaided?

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Just the base sprites already feel NSFW, but if you mean sex scenes then yes, there are several of those, and several very kinky ones

I've gotten all over game overs for Jar but cant seem to get game over 6 - by TF,

anyone know how to trigger it ?

run out of HP while "Worship Balls"

why is it that in all the scenes with foots, the emphasis is on the fact that they are clean. Would like a dirty variety

hay, little lost, if you select a kink do you click on it and you select it or do you click on it to make it go away?

They're all locked at first, and when you buy a potion they get unlocked, but you can also buy the locking potion.

Can we top Steel in the future?

Heya i have a question do you have any guide for a route? Like Its so confusing for me to have some spesific route

The in game help is there when you sleep, but there is a fanmade wiki you can use.

when updating the game APK, do I just install/update directly with APK installer? Or is there a special process?

Just do it the normal way? Idk don't use phones to play renpy games.

i thought APKs were for android phones

So my game somehow skipped Obeying the Commander 2, I've done all of the rest of Garthoz's content, but now I can't get Bugging your Betters 12. Is there any way to get that conversation now, or would I need to go back to before talking to him the first time to try to get that done?

One of them is if you already did Daikor's content and became his oracle, and the other is if you never unlocked Daikor. If you want to, you can do a story skip and never meet Daikor to unlock him through Garthoz if you want to if you want to see the scene, but the scene has less information about the story since Daikor doesn't know about you yet.

Ah, alright, thank you!

I have a question

 So is the main character's height going to stay puny and small like that or will there be some kind of magic potion that makes him taller like equally iron or harold or the other characters?

The character's size is purely that so they won't be in the way of the npcs since the player is just a insert character for you and we're not making the player their own character, so it's more important for us to show off the npc as much as we can and the player is there to show the fact they are there on the scene.

How do you meet Garthoz? I've done all of Ran's Commands 1-15, but Garthoz hasn't appeared. Can someone help?

You need to do more of Iron's 2nd fight.

I was unable to get deep into Ran's content before I triggered the event that removed him from the barracks. Have I been locked out of further content with him? I've gotten access to the Residential area, and I've made the rounds speaking to everyone related to him, but he still hasn't shown up. Do I need to do a clean save wipe?

yeah I'm almost certain that is what you'd need to do or at least go back to a save just before you trigger the order's arrival and do all of his pup content, that's what I did and while I think you don't think you need to do all his pup scenes first I say do them all just in case


Oof. My save was pretty much caught up to the current update otherwise, and I have no clue how far back my last non-quicksave was. Whoops. I think I may put this one on the backburner for a little while if that's the case. Thanks for responding though!

I will say always remember to make multiple save files. Renpy has an endless amount and you can always make your own save folds and rename everything. Helps with this game and others to revisit scenes as well, or catch something you might have missed once you learn about it.

How do I meet naga?

Kubas and the guards progression.

i love this much XD but..i wish there was some kinda tracker to tell you what to do next. there are characters i havnt even met yet. and i feel i have talked to everyone i could and got as many game overs as i can figure out  how too. im so lost..and so horny

The only thing I can tell you is to turn on kinks. A number of characters won't appear or so certain things without them. Like Evakk needs vore and mpreg. While Voltor needs inflation and mpreg. There are a number of people who don't need anything but the big ones are musk and inflation.

And sleeping to see how many events you still have left with people.

Hi,  I'm having trouble progressing with rutherford im stuck in the business dealings scene 1 and 2. And i can't progress on the other charactera bc i need the business dealings requirments. 

Did I missed something? And it's seems like im so far ahead to re-read all of this

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Updated 8 days ago

