


Stygian Sun: Total Eclipse IF

Stygian Sun: Total Eclipse IF

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The depictions of grief in this IF are soooo good. I teared up several times while reading it. I cant wait to see where this goes :)) 

Thank you! ❤️ Sorry for making you cry (but also yay) New update coming this Thursday! Hope you like it! :D

absolute banger of a demo 🔥🔥cannot wait for more 🙏🙏 thank you for the brain nourishment 🙏🙏

Thank you, I’m glad you liked it and thanks for your kind words!! More coming soon! 🎉🎉

loved this !! also love how u included music <33 cant wait for more <3

Thank you for reading and for commenting! ❤️ Progress on the next update is getting closer to being done and I hope you enjoy it when it releases! <3 :D

Is there a downloadable version of this game?

My browser refuse to run it.... >_>

(Although it seems to run downloaded browser based games just fine. I have no clue why. o_O )

Have you tried using a different browser? In any case, I added a .zip file for download. Hope that works for you! <3

Raven28 days ago(1 edit)(-1)

I'll try the download and hope it works. Thanks.

And I uninstalled all other browsers I think.
I suck at tech stuff.

this is genuinely so fite bror i would eat this all over again <3

Thank you I’m really glad you enjoyed it and thank you for commenting! <3 ❤️ :D

would u believe me if I said I almost cried with Farah DX anyways love this IF sm!!!! Easily up in my top 5!!!! :D can't wait for more updates ^_^

Thanks so much for reading and for your kind words! The next update will be out sooner rather than later ❤️ :D

I can’t seem to get past name selection?

I see the field to enter the name and then suggestions for names but no option to continue after choosing.

Edit: if anyone like me happens to get confused at the name entry box on iphone, you have to hit “return” after entry to proceed.

so good <3 needless to say its now one of my fav wips. also the ROs are so interesting :D

Thanks so much for playing and for commenting!! ❤️❤️ I had a lot of fun writing the ROs and I’m excited to introduce the rest of them in chapter 2! :D

Amazing character interaction and dialogue! All the characters are so vibrant with personality.

Thank you for reading!! ❤️❤️

That was such a delight to read and I can't wait to meet the rest of the cast, they all sound so intriguing! The choices felt so fluid, and I already feel like my MC is more well fleshed out and complex than I'm used to in IF, which is very fun!

Thank you!! ❤️ I’m really happy you enjoyed it! Writing different mc personalities has been fun and I wanted to ensure I make room for mc to have their own character development too :D

Just here to say that it is now one of my fav wips...can't wait for more!!!

Thank you so much!! I’m glad you enjoyed it! ❤️

I love, this is beautiful!! I really want to read more

Thank you so much for reading!! ❤️❤️

This is amazing!! I'm so looking forward to meeting the rest of the cast as I love the ones we've currently met.

Thank you! ❤️ The rest of the cast will be introduced in chapter two <3

Fen, My God, no amount of words can describe how much I want to just implode. the story-line is so thrilling , captivating, anchoring even. every character literally has my heart  (Farah more than anything) and I cant stand being with out more of this wonderful creation. though I wanted to imagine the protagonist sparring or engaged in at least a battle. This was fantastic the work you put into making this was worth it.

Thank you so much, that’s very kind of you!! I’m very glad you enjoyed it! ❤️🙏 I definitely have plans for future sparring/fighting scenes for mc~ You’ll get to make good use of your weapon/magic choices 👀

your welcome and I can't wait until your update. keep up the good work.

I cried multiple times playing this and only the first chapter is available 😭, wonderfully written characters and playing the MC is so so fun. I will be following this story for sure, thank you so much for sharing it!

Thank you so much for playing and for your kind words!! 😭❤️❤️

Gubbey91 days ago(1 edit)(+2)

Ridiculously charismatic characters, gorgeous art and lovely writing featuring delightfully tragic sibling angst. Every single character has charmed me and the plot synopsis only intrigues me more. I look forward to future updates! <3

Thank you so much for playing and for sharing your thoughts!! <3 😭 ❤️❤️

so how do you feel about making me shed an uncontrollable amount of tears with the loss and grief of our siblings???,,.,,,fjskdjsk. on a separate note. having lost my older sister to an accident, the grief written in this story is so beautifully portrayed and dear fucking god it was so uncanny how accurate the process of grieving was to mine. very well done, and beautifully written!! i can't wait to see more from you 💖💖

I'm so sorry that happened to you--

Thank you so much for sharing and for reading ❤️❤️🥹🙏

I'm gonna throw up, this is so sad. 10/10

angst gang 👍

i believe it should still work on mobile, but right now it hasnt been designed with that in mind so some things potentially might not work (I was able to play a bit on my phone but I haven’t fully tested the whole game). I’ll look into optimizing it for mobile eventually but it’s going to take some deeper delving into coding so it’s lower on my list of priorities for now. If you run into any game-breaking issues on mobile let me know and I’ll try to see if I can figure out how to fix them so it’s still playable. :)

hey i have a question the game. i played this before but then i had to stop bc the chapter ended so after a little bit i found out the game had updated (aka today, bc i when back to a old save to finish where i left off) but i go and try to find out where my charter info is so i go on stats bc i didn't find a charter info thingy. But it said something like 'Currently Unviable' but idk if this is wrong and that i'm looking at a wrong place to look or that i need to restart the game, can someone please help ty ^^

Many of the links in the side menu are currently unavailable until I implement them in the game later on. If you haven’t played since the update though, I would advise you restart from a new save—a few new variables/choices were added to the character creator and to Farah’s scene in MCs bedroom. :)

tysm for answering my question ty!! :D

fantastic update!!

Thank you!! ❤️❤️

I don't know what to say, this IF truly accompanied my lonely night. 10/10 putting it in my collection. Also, don't forget to rest author! >_<

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it!! :D ❤️❤️🐛


mission accomplished 👍 (sorry 😔🙏)

i just realized luca and lilith/lucien. Why did it take me a day?

the fact that i cant tell if your trying to hide what i think is going on or if im thinking way too into things is probably the worst part of this response. nonetheless this is a very fun experience

hope it keeps you up at night 🙏👍 (jk) much love ❤️❤️

WAIT HOLD ON... are you on to smth?? I was sus Luca or L were the wolf because they both have yellow eyes (and the way Luca acts about it is strange) but... they were both in a fire, have the same burn marks, MC doesn'tknow Luca died died.... L could be projecting into their dreams, a part of their childhood subconscious or something... But the fact that L is also familiar to mc??? And they're both mages... umm😳 THEIR TATTERED CLOTHES ARE SIMILAR TOO..... Omg I was already going to romance L, but aaaaaa😳😳😳

I  read your comment and went to look at the character art again. Similar burn scar shape and placement, eye color, and although not exact similar hair shape. You might be onto something good eye.

Luca was only 13 when they "died" so that might explain the headshape which is what i assume you meant rather than hair

JD92x172 days ago(1 edit)(+1)

Nope I meant hair lol. Maybe I just watch to much anime since hair is usually unique to main characters in most of the anime I've watched. Not in all but quit a few important characters have distinct hair styles or colors. 

fair enough. Tho something definitely happened to their hair if I'm right.

Went from giggling at silly aurynn to crying uncontrollably over farah, that's my baby 😭😭

gotta slip in some comic relief before twisting the knife 👍 (sorry bb farah)

Really loved it. I'm actually wiping a few tears away at the moment, myself. My MC is such a contradiction. Gentle and charming with those he cares about, but also rather feisty and confrontational. Poor Keiran...they are about to get a fierce but loving fiance. Like...adopting a cat. Only its a human prince.

So when do we get to storm Dad's office and threaten for answers?

The Lunar King thinks I'm a little Lamb for the slaughter, but this Lamb might be his worst nightmare. =P

I'm really glad to hear that--thank you so much for playing!! ❤️❤️ Contradictory mcs are always real fun to play! It's fun to hear about everyone's mcs and their fave personality stats. :D

Kieran will be a tough one to crack--but I'm sure your mc will be able to get through that ice! A fiercely loving companion/fiance is just what they need. :)

MC will be on their quest for answers in the next update!

The Lunar King better watch out (but so should you 😰😰)

Thanks so much for playing and for sharing your thoughts! I really appreciate it and enjoy hearing them!! ❤️❤️

This was unexpected - but a Lovely surprise! You continue to Wow me with your writing; you have such a talent for description. The way you portrayed the blood stone and pact and how that process felt was Breathtaking. Just downright- - Gorgeous.
Love how my MC is shaping out and the dialogue/pacing remains delicious. I’m naturally interested in (Princess for me)Kieran since you gave us a cheeky lil teaser on who they are - - and I Love complicated attractions —but I really like Samira too. When she wasn’t just - Charmed by a flirty MC, I was impressed/intrigued! I like that your character isn’t an exception~ Also wondered if Farah was on the spectrum (which would be amazing); I could see it.

Can’t wait to see more of the characters (feels like more family’s coming up) and hopefully more ROs! So interested in their depth and how they fall into this wicked plot you weave. ;) 

Thank you so much!! I enjoy trying to do lyrical descriptions (thesaurus is my best friend) so I'm glad to hear you liked them! ❤️ 

Complicated attractions are fun and that's what I had in mind for Kieran's romance/friendship arc. :D And Samira isn't often too impressed with a very flirtatious mc lol--she deals with Aurynn on a daily basis and doesn't need two of him.

I hadn't written Farah specifically with that in mind, but I don't mind if you'd like to view her as on the spectrum! I could see it fitting her. I do intend to write some of my other characters with autism in mind, though. :)

More family will be coming up in the next update for sure--like mc's mother for one. And the rest of the ROs will be introduced in chapter 2! :D

I hope you continue to enjoy it as it's updated! Thanks so much for playing and for sharing your thoughts--it really makes my day!! ❤️❤️

We love a cheeky thesaurus use~ ;) I have my thesaurus out Constantly, so that hit me on a spiritual level lol

Agreed! In fact, they’re my favorite type of romance barring ‘they're Perfect for each other, yet still can’t get their ish together’ kind. I already have a feeling I’m gonna like Kieran because Aurynn called them ‘soft’ and ‘puppy’ . Love me an ice queen with a sweet, creamy center~ But it also depends on if K doesn’t care about the effects of this war (and particularly MC with all their incredible loss); if they’re just an ass, I won’t be attracted at all. It’s actually why I’m looking forward to Kieran/Samira poly — that’ll be REALLY Friggin Interesting. (And give some lovely balance.) Because - why is SAMIRA attracted to K?? 🤔👀 Idid think that was Exactly why Samira wasn’t about that flirt life haha

I love that you write with something like autism in mind! I have autistic and ADHD friends and they really opened me to seeing those (potential) traits in people. Personally feel like we’re all on a spectrum in some way; can’t wait to see the characters you intended it for (if we haven’t already)!

Yasssss, MOM. Bring on the complex familial relationships. It’s a shame so many siblings died as it seems the Mothers(TM) were very much conspiring against each other/ensuring their child was number one. Couldn’t have been easy establishing sibling bonds.

I’m so glad to see that! I’m sure I will with what you’ve given us thus far~ Thank you for commenting back as well! ❤️🤘🏾

I wouldn't worry about any of the ROs being irredeemable assholes lol--Kieran may come off as cold and standoffish, but they aren't a complete dick. ❤️

I gotta think about all the poly dynamics and how those will flesh out throughout the story, but I think Kieran/Samira will be an interesting one to write 🤔

The mothers definitely made things hard between the siblings, always trying to pit each other against each other, but the sibs managed to stay really close regardless.  😌❤️ MC will be able to choose whether their own relationship with their mother is close or strained. 

I loved this! The options for MC's personality were so good - I do kinda wish we could see more reactions from other characters, but I was overall very satisfied with being able to play as a grief-stricken royal desperately trying to maintain an air of dignity. 

Also there's no way I can leave poor Farah 😭! She just wants her big siblings to spend time with her 😢

Thank you! I do want characters to be able to react to MCs personality, but since it’s early I need to give players some time to build up their main stats first and then I will go about figuring out how to code in reactions to MCs personality. :)

(I know I’m so sorry Farah 🙏🙏😭 )

im already smitten with aurynn holy crap......... i was giggling and kicking my feet during the favor exchange kjfghjdgb 

he is indeed a loveable pest 💕

I don’t know if it’s coz I’m dumb and have misunderstood but in the RO section it says Kieran is your betrothed but in my last play through it said my sister was betrothed to him 🤔 

It’s ok! That’s right! :) In the game’s description, you’ll find it says mc will have a premonition that Nour will not come back alive if they go to Celestyl, so mc resolves to take their place. :)

Absolutely loved the update!  So excited to see more of this story!

Thank you and thanks so much for playing!!! ❤️❤️❤️

amazing update ^_^

♡(ミ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ﻌ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ミ)ノ 💖💕 (=^・ω・^=) thank you!

Fen omg the update was just... amazing 😭💗

Thank you!! 💖 I’m glad you enjoyed it 

The writing of this is amazing! I'm in love with the story just from this small bit. Can't wait for more!

Thank you!! 💖 The next update is coming soon; I hope you like it :)

This is excellent! i truly look forward to more!

Also Farah is such a brat, its incredible how much you make me hate her.

for real! i actually teared up a bit when i realized she destroyed Parim's tea set. 

Thank you, I’m glad you liked it! :)

Farah is young and lashed out but you’ll have a chance to talk to her in the next update and hopefully reconcile her first impression 🙏 :)

I have also edited her scene slightly for the upcoming update to try to better insinuate she is acting hysterical for another underlying reason rather than just to be bratty

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Updated 33 minutes ago

