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how do i open the menu on pc version

PieNumber456 days ago(1 edit)(+2)(-1)

How do you get in here??

this was amazing i love the representation

yipee ending 5 first try.. i tthink thats a yipee

mistrick refrence!

yes all of them are references to other games this developer has made!

So, after I did a second play through, the endings board has been like this, already filled up and my endings reached is not going up at all, despite actually getting several different endings so far...

Yes, as of now there is no option to reset your progress because I assumed people wouldn't be interested in doing 100% twice, but apparently I was wrong haha I'll add this option some time soon and will let you know once it's there :)

Sorry if I wasn't clear. I played my first time and got to the end. I wanted to see the different endings so I started a second time and checked the "endings" board and saw I only had one ending icon. Cool, I got several endings to try and get! I completed my second run and got a different ending. When starting my third run, I checked the board, and ALL ending icons were on the board, and the text said I only had 1. 

So I not asking for a reset progress option, just showing a potential bug I guess? Really I just wanted to be able to track my progress, but the endings board went from having 1 ending complete after first run, to showing all endings on the board and the text saying I only had 1 after my second run. After my third, forth, fifth run, the endings board STILL showed all ending icons with text saying I only had 1 ending complete.

Without a way to track my progress, it kinda killed my drive to keep playing. :/

This game was amazing! I loved it

I got ending 2 at first and I think I’m just kind of out of it since it’s like 2am but that ending hurt 😭


How do I get into that building in the red world?

this game is so unhinged and I was not ready for it, but i love it lmao

I got ending 7, but i forgot the name of that ending, because i accidentally skipped it, pls tell me T^T

it's a very good game, i think i will make a video of this game cause i love it but i'm sad i have just an ending with nothing (ending 6) so now let's go re-play the game but please make a french mod

how do they grow their hair so fast.......

The power of gay

i wish it worked on me, ig im not gay enough :(

why is this so fucking real

extensions maybe? idk

I played this on my phone 

Hey, would you like to add this or something else to this game bundle we’re putting together?

Also I’m sure you know this but this game is fabulous a full 10/10

Hey, thanks for asking! May I share this bundle with other people in the trans representation jam discord? They may be interested as well :)

Hell yes! 

(I don’t know if the discord is open to new people but if so, feel free to send me a link because I’d love to join that)

Deleted post103 days ago
Deleted103 days ago

..okay when i started the game it was upside down its that normal?

It's not 😭 May I ask if you've played the game in broswer or downloaded? If it's in browser, does the problem prevail if you reload the page or use a different browser?

i had to download it to work well, because it wasnt even loading the background in the browser when i was playing it even if i reloaded the page. tho i didnt try it in a  new browser. but i was using the Microsoft edge browser.

It works okay for me on edge so might not be a browser specific issue, I'm not sure. I'll put a disclaimer in the description for now. Thank you for the feedback!

this was really cool! sorry i'm poor though eli i am only working so that i can take you on better dates 🥺

Naw thank you 🥺 Eli doesn't understand our struggle with capitalism unfortunately 😞

Around day 6: "Hey babe, sorry about my glitching vision, it's totally normal" (it's not)

Also great game!

I'm gonna be honest, when I first went to the aquarium, I got convinced Eli was a jellyfish.

I changed my mind. Eli's a god.

lmaooo the plushies easter egg lmao ..i was looking at them until i spotted the knife guy one


ngl i found out abt that game from manlybadasshero on yt since he does a lot of itch io gameplays so u gotta check his videos haha

Is there a way to see what endings you've gotten in total? like not just the numbers but which ones? sorry if im confusing, im not great at explaining things.

The pin board actually also tells you which endings you've gotten, since every new piece that gets added correlates to one of the endings :) They're all in clusters based on void level (the ? bubble next to affection and mood) Top right are the no void endings, top left are the mid void endings and bottom/ bottom left are the full void endings.

When I click continue at the home screen and it brought me to the area where I would see saves  How do I get out of the save screen without reloading

Also it rlly cute that characters from other games are plushies :D

NEW GAME YIPPIEEE I LOVE UR GAMES SM (btw i noticed the plushies in our room are the characters from your previous games and that's so cool!! But im not sure who's the first doll though? Is he the protagonist from line88? :D)

Thanks! And yes, the doll on the highest layer is Nao :D

OMG I NOTICED THE DOLLS TOO ASGFIHKASBCHA. ifi had the energy id find a way to make them for myself hsgdhgf

I do have the 3d file for the fio one I could give out if anyone wants to 3d print it haha all the other ones are traced over that one, so I dont have 3d files for those unfortunately :(

ohh, i was thinking of just sewing them by hand if i had enough free time to sketch out designs and scour my house for any scrap cloth i could use lol. 3D printing sounds so cool and i wanna try it some day but i know modeling and maintenance would be a pain in the ass ghdshghds.

me wend she wants to stay

Hello ! I made an ending guide for those struggling to find some of them, I hope this can help ! Here !

ur so cool i was literally waiting for someone to make one ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪ !!! i wish u the best day

I love this game so much!! are you planning on making more lore about eli?

im getting there, slowly but im getting there

spoiler image

I don't play these kinda games often, but had some fun!

I think I got off easy! I went ahead and made a video here: We made it! (End Date - VN Playthrough) ( Absolutely loved it!

thats just what happens when you date someone you meet online, I love this game

spoiler alert: everything went wrong

how do i find the pins

I keep getting the one where we go to the park, and a man explodes into magical ~confetti~! 

nemu*192 days ago(3 edits)(+1)

I found this game totally at random and fell completely in love ! I adore VNs where you get to collect all the endings and this one of the kind I love, where collecting them all gives you a reward at the end. I think I took about 5-6 hours because I was struggling finding what to do for ending 10 and 11, but I pulled through in the end !I  love seeing more queer rep in games too, Eli's design is so lovely !! Thank you so much for this game ! 

Spoiler image ahead !


this is so pretty ahanxmksjwksam

You never dissapoint with your talent hatoge! This game is so detailed and cool! Havent done all the endings yet, but i am ready to be surprised :)

I will try to get one of my favourite youtuber to play this game whatever it takes! >:]

The game is amazing btw!

ELI KINDA MAKES ME MAD ALSO I TRIED MY BEST LIKE YOU GET MAD WHEN I CANT TAKE YOU ANYWHERE CUZ IM BROKE AND NOW YOURE MAD BECAUSE I WANNA WORK????? all jokes aside, very well made game! just got my first ending! (ending 8) great job!!!

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Updated 9 days ago

