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FLX Downfall of idols

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Tsuwu639264 days ago(1 edit)(+3)(-2)

Just asking before I decide to board the ship:

Will this game focus on the harem building aspects or the pimping aspects? I would much prefer the former over the later and wouldn't want to try a game only to leave out 60% or more of the total content.

Hi there! The concept of the game is amazing by itself, but there's a major bug, at least on Android, and a minor one.

Minor: Game presentation is the one of crossword for some reason.

Major: You can't select the events for the performance, so you can't play when you have to perform for the first time. 

The issue is already solved. I was not clicking the options of the activity so it wasn't working because I wasn't doing it properly. 

Keep the good job!

How do I get increased corruption levels I have zero idea how to do it

you have to train while having the idol in headquarter a few time.

When can we expect the next free update?

why does my idol skill stats stuck at 15 and 20 cant go any higher?

You have to increase corruption and unlocking another upgrade before getting higher

Is it just me or is leona mood decreasing way to fast

Change her efficiency in the policies section, her default efficiency is at 125% which makes her loose her mood faster.

Review: Very good & fun both in gameplay and lewd aspects. Would definitely recommend. However, too many blowjob/handjob scenes and no scenes with fingering or cunnilingus which is a major drawback and disappointment, especially with the 'slutification/bimboification' theme. 

Content is quite well done & detailed, it seems the game is about 2/3rds done with 10/12 scenes done and some mechanics unused, so will be excited for the finished product next year. Money becomes somewhat meaningless late game though the budget is quite tight early game, some luxury purchases would be rewarding

Lack of female pleasure scenes take it from 5 stars to 3 stars, but hopefully that will fixed with the last third of the game :D

3/5 stars, high chance for 5/5 next year~

Is the highest corruption can go two right now? Because i cant figure out how to grt there corruption higher than level 2

Yes, in the next version (0.9) you will get Leona to level 3, and we will be focusing on corruption for the next few months. 

not sure how to increase corruption or get any scenes. The journal says to train them and wait, but its not working and i can't see any mechanics i haven't used yet.

Have you tried setting them to work at on the street or HQ and then train them there (privately and publicly)?

You need to advance their personal level too. In the interact/talk menus, you will get a few special choices there to progress with their story. Once that is done, you will get a corrupt option available in the training menu. I will improve the information in game to clarify this! 

New update for android won't install for me. Says "something went wrong" every time. I can, however, re-install the previous version over and over no problem, so the issue is definitely linked to this latest version's update file.

Okay, I will look into it! I recently updated renpy in the hopes it would give less problems, but it seems that there are even  more now. 

We updated the version, and after a few changes and some tests we think it works now, let us know if you want! It would be good to know that it's working now

Same result. Can install version 7a no problem but this version keeps refusing to close off properly, it seems. Always "something went wrong. App not installed."

Edit: if it helps, I am using an Oangcc brand tablet, model A15_US

Thank you, I will try to check it out, but this is the latest version of Renpy and I am just building it using the engine (As in, I haven't made any change from 0.7 that could break it like this).  I will still look around and see if I can do something on my end to fix it. 

that sucks, gonna leave here something but i haven't tried this game yet, so i don't know if this will really help or not, but for me it usually works

for now, the best way for me to install something has been uninstalling the game, and install the new version, why? idk, it works, otherwise i get the same error, in most games i didn't lose my progress but may not be the case here.

a friend once said, both versions of the game might be fine, but a slight core change in the game could make the android sistem say, "this is not the same, nuh, not gonna do it"

taking note of what de dev says, it could be the difference between the renpy versions, a lil fcked up but that happens sometimes

Thanks! I hope that advice works!

yeah, as a certified PC techie I had thought of that initially. I just don't feel like losing my save data as I cannot navigate individual files for apps on this budget tablet, so I can't pull the save aside before deleting the app and replace it like I would need. I planned to wait until the next game update and see  if it installs first before risking the save and having to do everything over.

Will there be futa?

In this case, it is unlikely to have futa 

Deleted post324 days ago
Deleted278 days ago

In this case we are using AI backgrounds because we haven't found appropriate packages that we can use, but we are open to recommendations to get those! Otherwise, we can't afford them for now. If the economic situation changes, commissioning proper art is on the top of our priorities! 

Will there be impreg?

Maybe as an ending 

How about for your other games?

Same idea, maybe in Debauchery in Caelia Kingdoms will be introduced "soon" or way before the ending for sure, but none of them have it yet. 

I really am enjoying the game and am eagerly awaiting the next update. I saw your post about the low budget, but any plans to animate any of the scenes like a looping gif style or anything?

We are considering basic animations like what you say! Don't expect them in a few months but we are definitely looking into how to make them.

I would say a simple gif would be your safest bet as well as easiest. They are super small files if done right and easy to make. (Made this animated avatar in 2003. It is 3 frames, nothing more). You pretty much have the art already there, just need to loop the two frames to make them animate for things like BJs and whatnot. :)

I decided to look around for some adult games doing 3 frame loops, and tbh it really makes a big change, and as you mention is not particularly hard. I am talking with the artist to implement this in the future. 

Glad I could help. I look forward to seeing the outcome in the future!

I really try to play this in Android, but there are too many bugs, or maybe it's Just 1, but ever time a press training, is like roll dice, some time the game crash and shut down, and can't go a through that part unless i used skip 😮‍💨

I don't have an idea of why this happens but people have been reporting issues with the Android build, and I really can't tell why (the pc version is definitely stable)

For some reason its saying its not compatible with my device I'm using an android

These past months there have been a few weird troubles with our android version. This is renpy acting up weirdly, I really don't know how to fix it, if you have more information it might help us to find a solution!

Im not really too sure why but it might have somthing to do with the newer phones some games that i had on my old phone that was also an android have been having the same problem since i got my new phone

What me to do with thisThis is weird

uh... I never seen this happening before in any renpy game. I think perhaps a file got corrupted while downloading it, have you trying to download and install the game again?

Try, nothing. I tried on Sinfull Valley & Crossworls. And the same!

Are you on Mac? Maybe you are missing fonts

Win 10 Enterprise LTSC

Uh... Then I really have no clue what it can be, I also use Win 10. I can only assume is a renpy thing, and maybe missing a font for some reason

Is this abandoned? Probably my fav concept ever but the lack of content is pretty noticeable.

We made a release last month, and we have been working on the new one, who will be probably ready in a day or two. You can join our discord if you want to know more about what we are doing! 

Also the game is new, it just came around 4 months ago, and our budget is not thousands of dollars but a few hundred, so there isn't too much we can do with that. 

The public , last option of all characters in the second area are not working for me

I think we made the game a bit confusing, we'll clarify in the next update, but if the hand is black it means there is no more content, so there is nothing there t see 

Like when I interacted, the charecters gave an angry or so like response. 

i love the game so far, but does this mean less updates for take over?

Honestly one of the best mobile available games you've come out with. Much better foundation than some of the  previous works, which ironically are mostly all on my favorites list either on my PC or mobile.

Thank you very much! We know some of older games have been rough, but they also were a good opportunity to learn. We tried to apply all that knowledge to make a better game, we hope it shows!

Can you please either have a textbox opacity controller or aleast darken in a bit that would helpcause i cannot see some of the dialogue due to it blending into the box. And please have a text size controller

Alright will do! Will note down this on the QoL things we need to do

thank you its a great game but as i said when i cannot see like half the dialogue its kind of a guessing game

Super promising imo, some pretty good music, really liking the slow corruption this far, and super excited to see the end result :)

Game is great! Can't wait to see how the new versions expand things!

Love the game! the music is awesome! <3

sdgandam1 year ago(1 edit)(+6)(-1)

Another amazing mind-control game! May I ask if there will be more characters that can be gender-determined by the player like Rowen and Alistar in Crossworlds (though I know they're not technically the same type of character)? Characters like that would be very interesting and would give the player a greater sense of control!

To keep the game simple (or not bloated), we will only focus on 3 main characters and their art. We just don't want to overextend nor over promise, so this is a very straightforward trainer, I hope that's okay!·View all by MaratDuoDev·Report·Embed

