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Damn, these were quite intense few days!
First of all, i honestly wanted to say that i delayed reading of this story cos of the artstyle, YET here i am, with jumping heart and stupid smile. I really am amazed by your choise of way to create sprites and cgs. There arent ANY fvns that do the same, and its truly unique, something i managed to understand and love. What bothered me at the start, i didnt mind at all when got used to (very fast too)
Then i wanna praise the amount of balls you have. Killing children on screen - that requitres guts, even in horror games, even in not so big projects. Both times were really impressive and even though i play and watch horrors quite a lot, they gave me shivers
I love the story, i love the way you develop characters and even though i didnt see enough romanse, scenes i saw were really cute x3
I only hope this hiatus will end in forseeble future, cos it was a really good expreience for me, and i definetely want more
(also, presonal complaint: not enough save slots imo. I like to save in different places to re-read some pieces of dialogues, but with what i was given i had to be really careful with where i saved. And still in the end i got six slots left)