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this is the most ive ever worked to see some titties in a game ive been playing for 2 hours now and havent seen shit, am i bad at clicker games

Any update or set date for it to come out on steam

Well, that's a huge disappointment. Just a single, copy pasted vulva? I mean, at least it has shapes... but like... really? You take the "monster" out of "monster girl"?

do every sex animations has cumming animation?, i played it on scenes but the cum animations wont shows up

I wanna play the 1471, one

Bro,Why my data was Reset😭

if i buy on itch do i get further updates?

What is the fastest way to get all the evolutions?

got -1b after spamming buy on upgrades and stayed alive until around -9b

and the game saved when i was at -250m

Can you transcend to reset your stats? That seems like the only possible escape here.

clicked so fast it forgot you die

A with some real monstrous girls 

Okey I'll buy been waiting for something like this.

is the free download the full game?

If I buy the full game here are do I have to buy it again when you release it on steam?

the purple enemy has too much hp

did you unlock enzymes?

no I didn't know that could help

I just spent over 3 hours in one sitting...

The game is overall fun and I found the balancing pretty damn good. As soon as I realized that neurons took so many cells I started to find an equilibrium when I could produce millions in a single click before really diving head first into neuron production.

The only complaint I would have is that if I get high enough in cell count I would like that the sprite doesn't revert back to a previous evolution. I understand that it makes sense given there are less cells but the entire point is I want to look at the lewds for an extended period of time. But I suppose that is also what kept me playing for so long.

This might be a dumb question lol, but if I buy the full version, can I update it for free?

not even a dumb  question i was wondering too

If this works the same as the other games on itch, the updates should be included on the purchase, unless the game change to another page/post you mean i wasnt fast enough to adapt? the purple xenos were gettin spammed before i could increase damage

i had my autoclicker on and everythin

i have had the same issue, they arrive way too soon

I usually just let the green ones block the arrival of any more advanced ones. If you transcended once, you won't even need a single Neuron before you've reached the auto-killer.

i've transcended at least 3 times and the pink ones (the ones after purple)  arrive before i get anywhere near the 5M cells needed to start producing enzymes, the pink ones usually are between the 1st and 5th overall spawn of the Xenocytes, e.g. 1st xenocyte spawn = green,  2nd spawn = green, 3rd spawn = pink)



Why can't I see the .50 update content?

Are there cheat codes or something so you can max things out without the grinding?

Why are my Neuron always eat more than i produce cells? It make me frustrated to keep eye on neuron can someone help me?

You won't need to keep your Neurons in sight if you take only as many upgrades to them as you have Genes. It your Genes grow faster than your Neurons, the Tissues auto-clickers iron out any loss in Cells the Neurons generate.

can you increased the clicking damage?

Why not put the full game on here instead of makin people wait

if they did that we would have to wait for them to put more scenes more monsters and scenes that is gonna make us wait for year

still why not do it

Do you wanna wait a possible one or two whole years for this game?

bro I wouldn't care on havin to wait I don't see why its a big deal to you

its just the way with small/indie games. A lot of one man, or small teams posts a beta/alpha and see if people are interested. It's kinda how some devs like Poppy Playtime found huge success despite my personal opinion that the story is kinda bland. 

Sometimes you or your team can only have so much passion or money to continue development. You also want feedback for future development. 

Will you add the option to buy this game by card instead of paypal?

So how do I pay for the full game is it the 4.99? Or is it on patreon?

Day 1 Bro the enemies are too powerful please nerf them🙏🙏🙏

Day 2 ok after I learned wtf enzymes are I've been living luxury but I still haven't transcended because I don't have enough or I just don't want to

hello, I have a problem. I was playing the game and got to 630% growth bonus and got a neuron upgrade which ended up causing the neurons to grow faster than my cells getting to the next transcendence would have been extremely painful so I pressed start thinking that it would reset the character but not the bonus. I was wrong so to fix this i tried using cheat engine to find the growth bonus value and set it back to where it was but I was having a very hard time doing so and the value for the evocytes also seemed to change location making it harder for me to spam transcendence. so I took to Notepad Plus to try and edit the file there but also cant seem to find where the values are. if it is possible tentaclegames could you tell me where the values are in the file in the notepad or cheat engine or at least tell me the place to edit the evocytes so I can spam transcendence please and thank you. 

Little bro realy asking for admin perms on a porn game

auto clicker go Brrrrrrrr

Locking gameplay behind a paywall is a scummy tactic. I understand cosmetics or maybe extra SCPs, but locking functional gameplay behind a paywall is some EA level scum. Please do better.

Actually deranged and entitled take. 

The thing that makes EA scummy is not the fact that you have to pay to get the full game. It's the rampant dishonesty, and the ludicrous over charging.

Comparing that to a game thatstarts free and hasone $5 paywall for access toeverything else is insane.
Games are not essential. They are art, and they are hard to make.
Even the easiest types of game to make (Like clickers) still take effort. 

Develeopers, indie or otherwise, are NOT obligated to let us play their game for free. 

Not even just a piece of it.

Many Indie devs making small projects do so anyway, often because they wanna share the thing they've made as much as possible.

But the fact is that being alive costs money, So if you wanna put a lot of time into making this stuff, yougotta charge people.

if these devs feel they've put $5/download worth of effort into this, then charging that much is their god given right.

I hope all your favourite NSFW artists start postingexclusively on paysites. I hope they take down all their free content.
And I hope they charge just $1 more than the max you're willing to pay.

Max I'm willing to pay is $0. Yep. If it's not free, I couldn't care less. There's tons of other stuff for free. If this was some open world game filled to the brim with content and they allowed you to go and play the intro for free, cool. But this doesn't exactly scream "full of content" now does it? It's an idle clicker game. The most anybody should be willing to pay for that is clicking on an ad to get some extra gold. If it had voluntary ads, such as the ones you explicitly click on to get a bonus, they'd make more money and you wouldn't even have to make a paywall. Also, the artist has a patreon! They already have voluntary patrons. If the free version was just an update behind, like every other patreon artist, I wouldn't care less. Making a game free to play and then charging extra for functional in game content is a scummy practice that even Activision has stepped away from. 

Another thing, the other guy said "bros never heard of a demo" and as a matter of fact, I have. And I actually like a lot of demos. The demo of Castle Crashers is actually what inspired me to purchase the game. The difference is that this is just called "X" and "X Deluxe". If it said "X Demo" and "X", I'd also be cool with that. But it doesn't. It strips content out of the base game and releases that as the base game while locking the rest of the content that should have been included behind a paywall. The current model is literally the one we see with EA and Ubisoft and it's frankly disgusting.

Make the game free and profit off your patreon, add in voluntary ads and profit off of that, or properly label the demo version and standard versions. 

now if you'll permit me to pick my inflammatory attitude back up off the ground:
You deserve nothing, and I hope you never get to experience any art ever again.

It's one thing to be unable to afford paid art.
it's one thing to simply enjoy the miracle of abundant free art that we get to experience today.
It's another thing entirely to go around believing that youdeserve access to high quality art for free.
To get angry and call "foul play" or "scummy tactics" when something you got forfree, that you don't need, doesn't live up to your standards.

you are practically begging for a life full of bitter disappointment, and buddy,
I hope you get it.

I'll say it again. I don't mind people charging for things. I get it. You gotta pay the bills, we live in a world where you can't exist without money. I have no issues with them charging money for it, and I more than appreciate the abundance of free art that's readily available.  But I will say this. On here, on Nutaku, and with just a simple Google search, there is near infinite free art of whatever you'd like, everything and anything you can think of and if it doesn't exist yet, it can in seconds using AI. 

Not once did I say I DESERVED any of it. I don't. And I know that I don't. And in the same vain, the creator of this game does not DESERVE any money they're making off of it, because the concept of deserving something in itself is entitled and self-righteous. But you're right, I do have standards, and this game, as it stands, doesn't live up to them. If people have lower standards, that's fine, if your standards are so low that you're willing to pay the paywall, that's cool too, I have nothing against that whatsoever. But what I will say is that thanks to that abundance of free art, a lot of it is better than this game. Not most, this game is incredible, which is why I criticized it for having a paywall.  I think this game has incredible potential, but I feel it won't live up to it with its current model. As it stands, eventually, it'll plateu. Everyone who would buy it will have, and the dev will eventually have to stop supporting the game due to that.  

I call scummy tactics because it is scummy to put up a paywall. Again, Activision learned that the hard way. Now as I said, I've been fairly harsh, but that's because I enjoy this game, and I would genuinely like to see it prosper. I won't criticize something I don't care about. 

My recommendations were laid out. A Patreon early access model, which most artists of this nature follow, will give it a consistent stream of income rather than one that falls off. A voluntary ad system will not only give the players options other than paying to support the creator, because living is too expensive for me to pay for this kind of thing but by god would I love to support the dev regardless, but it'll also give the developer yet another consistent stream of income. There are ways to monetize a game outside of a paywall, and I feel that many companies and developers should take note. 

Alternatively, again, he could just properly label the Demo and Standard versions and I couldn't care less about the paywall. If wanting to download a game labeled the standard edition of the game and get the full content of the base game is "asking for a life full of bitter disappointment" then I suppose that is exactly what I'm doing. 

"the concept of deserving something in itself is entitled and self-righteous"

while some of your points show a resemblance to something I agree with,
broadly, You've presented an array of arguments so insane [and more than slightly misrepresented mine] that I've realized I no longer have the care or patience to continue this engagement.

I think that means you win? like from a debate perspective?
take whatever satisfaction you want from that, I'm gonna go tenderize my loins now.

Also, I have no formal game development experience (I've dabbled a bit personally, but I've never developed a game and went public with it), but I'd bet with a few sketches for sprites and a week or so of coding, I could remake this game from the ground up and then add content faster than he currently is. I know game development takes time and effort, I respect that, and when the game gets bigger and more immersive, I might be willing to join the patreon for an earlier update. But for a clicker game? A pay wall is insane. I might've been a bit harsh but that's some top tier delusion if you ask me. And while I may not be able to enforce it, I can still state my opinion. I don't consume that much NSFW Media at all, this game was one of a few until I realized how much is being cut just for the paywall.

Bro has never heard of a demo before lmao

Maybe if it was labeled a demo I'd be cool with it? Lmao.

if you'll permit me to drop my inflammatory attitude, I think this really is the root of the dissagreement.

for me personally, when I see a $0 price tag, my default assumption *is* that I'm getting a demo. getting something *more* substantial than that is special imo.

frankly, I would even go so far as to say that's the way it should be.
I cannot restate enough: making games is hard.
even really easy genres like clickers can still take considerable time and effort to do properly.

let me be clear: I'm not making the argument that this game is objectively worth $5. I'm not even saying that I'm personally satisfied with my purchase.

I have no issue with you being unwilling to pay $5 for the rest of the game.

Candidly, if I had taken my time to actually try the free demo instead of rushing straight to buying it in the heat of the argument, I'd probably be in the same boat.

no, what I took issue with then and what I still take issue with now is the accusation of scummy behavior. The implication that you wereowed more than you got.

The idea that youdeserved some other version of this game which was better or otherwise more complete, for the same $0 price tag.

This isn't food or water or shelter or some other basic human right.
This is an art project, that someone has put effort into because they cared.

you paid nothing, so you are owed nothing. Just because you were disappointed doesn't mean you were mislead or tricked or otherwise duped.

I should know.
I was fool enough to go so far asbuying the game without even trying the free demo.

Again, man, I don't feel that I deserve anything. Even food and water and shelter, I do not deserve that, I am not owed that. I am owed NOTHING in this world, and even if I work for it and don't get it, that doesn't mean I deserve it. 

I disagree with your mindset on it tho. I feel that marketing and labeling are incredibly important and I feel that having a satisfactory monetization model on the client side is a greatly important thing. 

I bring up Activision a lot, so let me make a comparison, if you will. Back before 2019, CoD Games had DLCs, a model which, while I despise, I understood. You paid $50-$60 for a full game, and you got a full game's worth of content. Then, for $15 you could purchase more content, which was developed on top of an already complete game. Sounds simple enough. During those games, there were free-to-play weekends, where anyone could install and play the game freely, but the catch was that you wouldn't get access to the campaign. This much was blatantly stated when downloading the free version. On top of that, there was typically a Demo you could install separately, which gave you access to the first mission of the campaign. Between the ftp timeframes and the demo you could separately try, you would get an accurate reading of the game well before even purchasing, and they were labeled properly. Nowadays, the model has changed even more. To play Warzone, it's free. You can unlock every gun for free. For paying $70, you get a full game's worth of content (debatably, but still). Inside of that game, you get to access all of it for free after purchase. New maps? Free. New guns? Free. So how is it monetized? Cosmetics, boosts, and events. While cosmetics are difficult without an entire team working on assets, and events are about impossible with a game that's rather tedious to update comparatively, this is where I think those boosts could come in. Watching an ad for +20% Cell Production for 5 minutes sounds perfectly reasonable to me, and I would absolutely do that. But to have a flat $5 paywall, I think is absurd, particularly for this genre. 

Perhaps my view of the world is skewed and I've been blessed and spoiled my entire life. But my perspective is just as integral to understanding the world as anyone else's. I like this game. Genuinely, I do. But being progression locked is insane, and having a paywall for a clicker game is a scummy tactic. 

Holy crap, how much to write an essay for me?

i would have enjoyed a freaking warning that it was a DEMO and not the full game before spending FIVE HOURS ON IT

EXACTLY. At least somebody gets it.

If you wanna *talk* about it, you can contact me at lupineskies on Discord.

sent you a frend request

Am I the only one who's baffled be the prospect of a paywall for a clicker game

Dev's gotta pay the bills.

He has a patreon. Just release updates a week earlier on patreon and make the game free on here. Eazy strategy many NSFW Game Devs already use.

Nah man what's wild is sinking actual hours into the game THEN being hit with the paywall without any prior notice. I'm not against them using a paywall to get some support for the game but not even getting ONE scene unlocked and hours of time wasted to get to that point makes me not want to spend any money on this at all.

Exactly my point! If its a Demo, label it as a Demo! Dont make me go thru the entire game and then say "where's all the content?" Just tell me up front that it's a Demo instead of pretending it's a full game I'm getting for free.

That or just release the content an update early on the paid version. 

so i did drop the 5 dollars and the game is still in demo mode so i have no idea

why i can,t click after fullscree

I am assuming that  if game was paid for on here we still dont have access to .40?

You need to reach Evolution 27 or 29, then SCP-1473 yellow tube should be availabl

NO SCP-1473 in the demo, I assume? I reached ev.26 and still not available (don't ask me how)

How do I get rid of the purple one quicker? they take forever to get rid of and they completely swarm me after awhile

you need to get enzyme

Forge13561 days ago(2 edits)(+2)

Better yet, Don't. Ignore them and let it saturate in the beginning. only so many appear, so if you max it out with the little guys you don't have to spend a single cell on Enzymes. It only takes a little extra clicking in the beginning but is massive savings, both in damage and defense.

I should probably clarify this doesn't work if you intend to Transend or if you close the game. You can focus killing the big ones and letting the little ones swarm though.

Will we be able to impregnate any of the scp?

If I buy access to the game, Will I have access to future updates?, I played the demo for the porn, but now I wanna keep playing ngl.

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