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ULTRA ADHD »Comments

Viewing post inULTRA ADHD comments

Heres Something to know about me:

If A game feels small, I will 100%, see everything do everything because the games that are small that i do that to, I want the most amount of time in the experience.

I couldn't do  that to this game, Because it was so good. Specifically the cut ending.

I saw what happened when you didn't kill any zombies when you tried to mess with everyone I saw almost EVERY dialoge option.

But for the cut ending? I couldn't do it. The conversation was so real, that doing anything of the sort felt like i would be invalidating the heartfelt message. It felt like doing that would RUIN what made that ending so good. It was to the point, when it ended, i didn't want it to.

Thats the first time a conversation ending was on the other persons terms, I realized what it was like to be on the opposite side of that ending.

I'd say id want an Ultra ADHD 2, but doing that? I think itd ruin this games message. Would RUIN this game because its bullshit, is what makes this game so good. and a second one, would invalidate that bullshit.

If you do make a sequal, don't title it Ultra ADHD 2. on on Facebook
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