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Very interesting twist at the end but all is well cause I did my homework. Definitely wasn't expecting the stuff in the basement though and while I would have preferred if I could turn around whenever I wanted instead of only when prompted, the spooks still got me, so good job. You might want to make those sensitivity settings available midgame though.
this is amazing . i love it keep going . https://youtu.be/AwadSO9Ibdc?si=gy2P8JZdxFYbFyMT
ITA: ciao a tutti ragazzi cazzi mazzi pazzi... questo gioco rispetto alla mia aspettativa iniziale non è male, lo scopo è fare i compiti e provare a non farsi stuprare da tuo padre (se vi succede picchiatelo fino alla morte), comunque il gioco in se è bello. detto questo vi auguro una giornata di merda (ovviamente si scherza, se potessi vi farei un ditalino a ciascuno).
CHIN: 你好伙计们,疯狂的鸡巴束...与我最初的预期相比,这款游戏还不错,目的是做好功课,尽量不要被你的父亲强奸(如果发生这种情况,你会把他打死),但是游戏本身很好。话虽如此,我祝你度过糟糕的一天(显然你在开玩笑,如果可以的话,我会互相指责你)。
ENG: hello guys crazy cocks bunches... This game compared to my initial expectation is not bad, the purpose is to do your homework and try not to be raped by your father (if it happens to you beat him to death), however the game itself is nice. That said, I wish you a shitty day (obviously you're joking, if I could I would finger you each).