Well fffffffffffffffffuuuuu- Our poor baby Flea. My own MC is going to feel a lot of self-hatred and guilt over this. For not being stronger. For not being able to handle that wraith. For things getting out of hand like that. For putting Flea in such a situation. And for being the root cause behind Flea's newest fate. Sure, he would have missed him dearly, but he wouldn't have stopped Flea from going home. He's definitely fallen in love with Flea.
On a side note, loved all the fluff and yes! Finally bought Flea some clothes. And cooks for him. They are practically married now, whether either accepts it or not. Also loved that my MC was happy to approach and first aid despite Flea's trick being dropped. <3
Meanwhile, the landlord is started to suspect that MC is keeping some very large unauthorized dogs or something in his apartment. *sees the large gash marks in the floor* VERY large dogs.
MC: *gently lays a rug over the area* It was the tv, sir.
Landlord: And the shaking of the entire building?
MC: Well, the volume might have been a little to loud.... *scratches neck*
Landlord: *sus but MC has always been very neat, reliable, and by the book as far as a tenent goes* Just...keep it down from now on.
MC: Absolutely, sir.