Heyo! I'm Barbo/Patrick, lead of the Magikya Studios team! Nice to meet you all.
I'm the only tabletop game designer of the group (for now, you can see my published tabletop games in this very account!), and plan on making a game or two using Roll Up! for the jam c:
(Speaking of, are multiple entries ok? I don't know if I'll actually do more than one game because I want to do a bigger game than what I usually do first but I wanna make sure just in case I do make another entry-)
Hello. I made a game using Roll Up to submit when the Jam starts. It is largely based off Predator, but certainly can be adapted to riff off lots of monster action movie type storylines. Alien, Tremors, Pitch Black, Critters, Mars Attacks, Jurassic Park, and Cowboys & Aliens all come to mind. Anyway, any are welcome to check it out ahead of the jam at https://junkyardtornado.itch.io/bullets-in-the-jungle if interested. Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!
I just released Protocol: SPACE ahead of the Jam as well, I plan to submit it as soon as the Jam is live.
Hey everyone! This is my first Jam! Well technically I signed up for the Open Source Jam right before this but that was because I was inspired to make something from Roll Up. I’ve always wanted to join a jam but I usually talk myself out it. I’m not a designer or anything. Just an average life-long ttrpg addict with a million ideas bouncing around in my skull. In any case. Roll Up kind of spoke to me. It doesn’t hurt that you’ve taken the time to include so many resources to help produce a game with RU. Obviously, it’s perfect for a first time game maker. Thank you for putting all that together Hugh! If anyone has any tips or timeless immortal knowledge to bestow upon a fist timer, I’m all ears!
Hi. I relate to your post because that's how I felt a couple years ago when I initially joined itch.io. At that time, it was the Random Adventure Jam and the system was dungeonpunk that caught my attention. But, similar situation. I think, just go for it. The community I've encountered has been very welcoming and supportive, and now I can't stop joining Jams and making fun little games and tools. Anyway, I hope you find the joy in making games! And, Roll Up! is pretty cool.
Haha! Thanks for the positivity my friend! At the end of the day, these jams are about having fun, making friends, and nurturing this cool little community. With that in mid I just jumped in the deep in no floaties. I watched a ton of game jam tips on YouTube today., sketched up my idea, filled up & cleared my kanban board, It’s natural for us neurotics to fill in the blanks with anxiety. My main concern at this point is resisting throwing a hundred ideas into one game. It’s high priority to keep out short, sweet and simple. I’d rather dial in on a few well crafted elements than diarrhea a TEDtalk worth of nonsense. Thanks for the kind words!
Share your idea here! Better yet, start a new topic in the forum:https://itch.io/jam/roll-up-jam/community - that way people can have a look and offer their thoughts more easily :)
Hi everyone & thanks, Hugh, for organizing this jam - my first ever with my first ever business card sized rpg.
I am so happy I found this system, it inspired me to finally not just having my ideas in my mind or create a draft, but really finish something! It is not playtested, but I trust the system. :) At first, I thought 'My annoying neighbor' will be a solo game with an oracle for the neighbor NPC, but in the meantime I realized that it can work better as a duel game. My inspiration is near, as I hear my neighbor (mom of 3) yelling to the kids at this very moment, and I am using my patience skill... :D I hope you will like it and have some fun with this little game.