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Hi, how many endings are there? I reached two of them and I was thoroughly impressed. I'm usually more iffy and judgemental about yume nikki inspired fangames (since some rely too much on copying stuff instead of letting their own creativity flow) but I was blown away by the originality of this. It is very, very gorgeous. The eye meat work room and its soundtrack were exceptionally terrifying, I don't get this uncomfortable usually with horror games. Style, soundtrack choice, narrative wise it's top notch. Couldn't find anything that would not make me wanna put this into "sublime" folder of games I love, keep the work up please and thank you for this piece you decided to share with us.
Hello, thank you very much! I've been considering going back to this game to add dialogue and possibly other things, so I may or may not do that in the future.
I think there are just the two endings, and while I vaguely remember a third ending I also vaguely remember removing it. (Though, I am not sure, as it's been a while.)
Thank you! I was thinking recently about all the imperfections I see in this project and considering delisting it from my main page, so I'm glad you liked it still. I'll keep the game up. The endings are somewhat similar to each other, so I don't know if it would be worth replaying just to pursue them, but you can do whatever you want. I really appreciate your comment.
Thanks! Flash-style point-and-click games were big inspirations for this. Two I personally like areSubmachine Universe andBars of Black and White.