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Cute little demo with a simple and sweet story. I look forward to the finished game, but in it's current state it also has a few hard to ignore issues.
Suggestions/Things I may have done differently:
[These are not necessarily criticisms of the game, just other ideas]
Cool concept! :O
I hope there's a scoring system or something that also prompted me to keep cleaning (picking up the trash) instead of just personal items to give to the family.
Looking forward to the release!
Observations as of 29/7/24:
Also some people are talking about endings, not sure what do they mean as I grabbed everything that could be picked up and.. that was it, all I could do after that was slowly walk in an almost empty room. Unlike the screenshot shown in this page, my inventory took the whole screen and I had no "Adam's family box".
Being able to rotate the camera in this art style took me by surprise, very cool.
a brazilian streamer I like played it yesterday and I enjoyed the game very much! the artstyle was love at first sight and it's very polished and pleasing to look at, I loved the imputs of the player at things we found, slowly getting to know the guy who passed and oh god the ending with his sister almost made me cry fr, it was so touching!!!! the entire game even just going thru his belongings made me so soft hearted and sad, like it was a real person who had passed. and he's so complex too, with the whole grief and want to do something to honour his dad aaaaaaa. it's so good!!!! it feels like a demo of a bigger game, though it doesn't say such anywhere I've seen. I hope you plan on expanding this concept (if you'd want to, ofc!) because it is very promissing in my opinion. thank you for the masterpiece!!! btw if you wanna check the vod out, the youtube channel "lives do dreas" will eventually post the cut of the gameplay! it's in portuguese though...
edit: someone mentioned before me and it reminded me, the text before the email giving an context of the character you are goes by too quick even for english speakers, it'd be nice if every screen needed a click for the next to show! not only for english speakers to read, but to streamers of other languages to have their time translating the intro :3
First, English is not my first language and I will rely on my girlfriend (love you, dengo) and maybe a translator to write this, I'm sorry for possible mistakes or something!
I created a account just do write u a review because Homecoming Heaven it's a sensational project and has everything to be a wonderful and unforgettable game, I love playing despite it's a little short and I don't get much about the history (but this it's much about me, anxious and "impatience").
Everything in this demo is comfortable and beauty beside the history, the ambient captive and incite for more everything - items, rooms, characters, history about the player, maybe a ghost - u don't have stop the play!
But, of course, a traduction for Português (pt-br preferably) gave on the HH more visibility, cause BR community is a very warm and supporter, besides have streamers famous who would love play.
I love the demo, gameplay, controls, literally every single detail and I would not wait for updates!
Have nice days, amazing work and a beautiful and a colorful life.
I love the demo of this so far. my biggest complaint, which isn't all that big, is that the text in the beginning scrolls a little fast. but so far it's wonderful environmental story telling, i replayed a couple times to see different responses to different pieces given to the sister. it's real touching and i cannot Wait for a maybe full game soon!
I love the start of the game, its a great start, I have a few complaints about the mechanics of the game, but the game itself has an interesting and meaningful story.
The issues I saw with the mechanics, 1 the intro story scrolls by to the end of the intro without clicking anything, the text scroll speed is too fast so I was only able to get the gist of what it was saying, I restarted the game 3 times trying to read it and then gave up.
2 there is no indication of the controls for the game, I didn't know I could walk till I saw the video in the comments here. [edit](I don't tend to read overviews on itch.io because Ive seen a few games where the overview gives away the whole game)
3 there was a paper ball under the desk that I literally could not grab, it was between the chair and the table and whenever I tried to click it, it would click on either the chair or table [I likely can grab it if I rotate the camera, I just didn't realize I can do that]
I'm aware the game is still being made and I hope the feedback helps with its production. Its a beautiful environment and the attention to detail in the art, in the items in the rooms.
How the girls reaction changes depending on what you give her, she gets a different story about the end of his life from the different items you give her. I love that you can give her three things, so you have to choose carefully. I am wondering what happens to the more expensive things you don't give to her. Does the rest go to the family later? I'm very curious.
I hope the game does well, I found a video about it today on Instagram, I hope that post gets a lot of people donating and trying the game.
Its a great game and I hope for future updates in which there is more than room. The environment it beautiful and although not blatant there is definitely story behind the room. The person was a Game creator who spent all his time inside, chronically online. He ate lots of instant food and had lots of gaming devices. He was also successful as he has a game of the year award. But you can see than in his final days he was struggling to find ideas, as seen by the balled up paper next to his desk. And thought the sister talks about how he abandoned his family, the photo of him and his dad sits Infront of his bed, showing that he truly does care about them still. Its a sad game, but it makes you think about how people go through life in different ways and how valuable it is to be blessed with life. I gave her the photo, the game award, and the Gameboy. The photo show how despite abandoning his family he stilled loved them. I chose the Game Award because it was most likely his most prideful achievement. Lastly, I chose the game boy because due to it being on his bed, I believe it was his favorite thing to play on. I truly hope this game gets updates, it is a nice art style, great environmental storytelling, and touching plot.
Thank you for such a sweet game.
Good cozy game and I do hope that this game will come to market. I would play it the hack out of it.
However there are some challenges in this game:The pick up mechanic have no indicator.
Too far cant pick up and not picking up certain items.
How many items left I have to pick up.
How many item I can pass to the family
The movement pace might need to be a bit quicker
I wish you guys all the best. Will buy on day one
I personally loved the concept of the game, the story and the art.
A few recommendations would be for the family belonging interface on how many it can include. ( kinda like a box with tiles that you could arrange the items into a certain formation to fit as much as you want or can )
another would be for the main menu button to have a confirmation interface when clicked as at the moment when clicked accidentally will forcefully make the player restart.
lastly, this is more of personal preference, but the inventory interface could include more minimal animations, instead of having them all rotate (since you can already rotate the item when inspecting it).
Overall, I'm really looking forward to playing the full game!
I played through the game twice, based on the girls reaction each time I think the 3 item rule is intended, you're supposed to give her the items you think would be the most meaningful.
The first time I gave her the shoes, the clothes, and the PlayStation. The second time I gave her the award, the picture with his dad, and the diary. She had a different reaction, there was more expansion in the story when you give her more meaningful items. I'm gonna play again so I can see the reactions to other items.