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Currently, there’s a visual bug with the quests book if you’re playing on a higher resolution! For me when I was playing 2560x1440 at 165hz, I couldn’t progress or see the next step in the quest line, However it was fixed when I changed back to the default resolution. Nothing game breaking obviously but I wanted to put this out there in case anyone else had a similar problem! Love the game and the story as of 0.2.5, Good luck and have fun gamers!
I'm still confused because, I have no clue how that answer is the right one. What in the game indicated the answer was what it was??
Edit: Upon reviewing the earlier segments, I realized I missed out on some information that would've helped me solve the puzzle. I feel silly not having properly reviewed the information provided to me lmao
couple things, first of all, love the game! truly great stuff here. that being said, having played both the demo and the current paid ver (0.2.5d at time of writing) i have encountered the same bug twice. on the night where you are you are supposed to find annie holding the knife near the start of the game, the scene fails to trigger (ie annie is there but if you walk up to her nothing happens) if you advance time from going inside from the back yard. i could only get it to work by snoozing through the day.
edit: additionally, later on in the game the dialogue reverts to calling the player Lewis instead of the entered player name
So far, I really like it. The interaction between the characters are pretty fun, and the sound effects are also pretty lovely.
That said, with how much lore potential this game has, I personally think that it'd benefit the game if Sex isn't as prominent in the game. It's weird having sex with a holographic(?) girl you just met after having your place robbed and head pummeled. Maybe some more talking or some interactions that increase affection, much like a dating sim, would be nice. But then again, that's my opinion.
One other minor thing is the investigation part when you're searching for camera parts. It confused me and got me stuck for like a solid 8 minutes. Maybe it's because of the placeholder images, but it's still something worth pointing out nevertheless. But as of now, it's a pretty enjoyable game!
Thank you for your feedback! Alot of stuff isnt set in stone sex/story wise atm.
The opening parts of the game were fairly rushed to pump content out as fast as possbile, while still giving people a taste of what the H content will look like to garner support. i may end up re arranging/ re writing alot of aspects of the first few days in game, to fix that tho. Im not very pleased with it either.
Until then, i do very much plan on having a proper affection progression for the other main characters. Euphy is a freebie, but i do agree, it is VERY sudden how fast u end up lazing about having fun with her all day... or who knows maybe someone will show up and give the both of them shit for doing hardly anything in terms of securing their house.
(Lewis and Euphy arent exactly the brightest bunch)
Anywho. I could go on and on, but ill end my rambling here.
Thanks for playing the game!
Ah, it sure is reassuring that you do indeed plan to have an actual relationship progression stuff. And yeah, I do understand that this is just a demo, so the story isn't rock solid yet.
So far, I really like the premise. The chemistry between the characters are also really well done. Keep up the good work!
Tried the demo, it's pretty great! The cutscenes especially are nice, they're cute and I like the characters. If I had to criticize anything it would probably be the untextured main dialogue box and that the girls' portraits have pretty similar facial features, but that's very much easier said than done to fix. Hope to see work on this continue, it's got potential to be something REALLY great!
Thank you for the feedback!
I try to differentiate the faces through eye, nose and slight changes with the cheek shape. But id say the main culprit causing a slight same face syndrome is the lighting style Is practically the same for all of them. Aswell as the very limited posing for the head in general.
It's something id like to improve upon in my later projects. But for right now i feel it gets the job done.
Glad you enjoy the game so far tho! And thanks again gor leaving a comment!
That's fair about the head stuff, and yeah I think the lighting is maybe a culprit. I do think what you have works pretty well already, so don't get too caught up on it! I really enjoyed the demo, and most of my problems are either being fixed in the new versions (according to the dev logs) or really minor, so overall I'd say that's really good.
Keep up the good work!
Amazing so far! Solid controls, lovely art style, some nice light humour (not quite passing the bechdel test I see lol). Had fun with what's available, looking forward to further development. Some more little puzzles would be neat, I really liked the simple elegance of figuring out the code for the basement
Sorry to hear you were having trouble. The code for the first door is 1903.
Next time please leave your grievances with the game to a single post. I'm not against hearing criticism, even if its from people who dislike a lot of core aspects. But please do me a favour and leave it within the replies of this post.
In another note. A lot of the game's features are not yet implemented and are fairly placeholder. Either a walkthrough will eventually be created when all the puzzles are finished. Or we will straight up add a skip button for those who are having trouble.
Im aware its early in design. I simply am not much of a fan of puzzles mainly due to the fact i do not seem to have the right mindset for them. I must have missed something in the room u start in to not have found that code. A skip button would be nice.
IM not sure what plans you have for this but it could end up being pretty good and it not being a VN like so many others does help. Soooooo....yea. Good luck to you.
(I apologize for my English; I used Google Translate to write and express my love for this game.)
This game is amazing. I honestly don't like NSFW games, and to be honest, I was very hesitant to play it because of that, but I must admit that the art in this game caught my attention. It was a great decision; it completely changed my perspective. This game is incredible—I truly love everything about it: the story, which I see has a lot of potential and keeps me very interested; the puzzles, which are very well-made; and the details in the dialogues, or even in a closet in the room. This game truly won me over, and I wanted to thank the game's developers for creating such an amazing piece of work that isn't even finished yet, but has already captivated me. When I finished the game, I started following you on Twitter, and I intend to support the game financially when I have the money. I really loved the project; you are all incredible.
(I don't speak English, so I hope you can understand what I wrote, even if just a little.)
TY TY TY! The game is 95% mostly developed by just me at the moment. T-T
I only just recently started to get more people onboard to help for things like music and in-game billboard ads that will be around the town and stuff.
I greatly appreciate your kind words! and I hope you enjoy the up and coming update!
Just... wow. Even though the game is *super* early in development, what's completed is better than most other games on Itch; *especially* in the adult space. Most of those are boring, bland cashgrabs that ignore fun gameplay and good writing just to speed you to half-assed porn that isn't even all that good.
I know it's probably gonna be another year or more before it's done, and that's a bummer, but I strongly believe it'll be worth the wait. Gonna have to keep this one on Follow.
By the by, y'all got any more of them neural interface AI girlfriends I can plug into my brain in The Real?