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I used it to make a few planets for my menu:https://iamsul.itch.io/starshooter
Its freaking awesome thanks!
Thanks! This is using only a fragment/pixel shader to generate the planets, using a form offractal brownian motion to generate noise.
I made a post on reddit some time ago that goes into a lot more detail in how the generator is built up, which you can find here: https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/mobhb5
Hey, it’s a really cool tool you’ve created! What’s the license for the generated sprites? Am I allowed to use them in a complete game template and sell it on a marketplace like theUnity Asset Store? I’ll make sure to give proper credit if needed. Thanks!
Love this, it's delightful!
I thought you should know there's a bug when you export the black hole as a spritesheet or gif here on itch. The accretion disk wobbles back and forth for some reason when the frames are assembled. The hole is stationary completely but the accretion disk wobbles about some invisible axis.
Hey Deep-Fold, awesome, awesome tool!
It gives me inpiration to work on a game, and I'm reusing your planet scenes directly from a fork of your github repo, as I love the flexibility compared to just using sprite sheets. Thank you for sharing!
Your code is very clean, and it's easy to just instanciate a planet and benefit from its methods; but I noticed a thing that annoyed me: I don't know if it is intentional or not but Asteroid scene and NotAtmosphere scene have a 'custom_minimum_size' of (100,100) instead of (0,0) for the other scenes. No impact on your tool, but for people trying to generate several planets on a screen and resize them, it makes it harder to align correctly compared to the other scenes.
Another tiny thing that can help is also to set all shader materials 'local_to_scene' to allow several different planets of the same type on the screen. I did it programmatically (I hate the UI) within the _ready() func of planet.gd with:
'for c in get_children():
c.material.resource_local_to_scene = true'
Anyway, once more: Thank you for this tool, thank you for the github repo, I hope I will be able to share an exciting demo someday with you :)
Do you mean for the spritesheet? At default resolution you can have thousands of frames. But yeah, if the pixel size is very large then the frames are limited by what the engine can handle.
There currently isn't a way to do an export in multiple parts, but if you need a lot of frames in a high resolution, I recommend just using the shaders directly.
Simply wonderful. I kinda wish I was making a space game now :-D
I assume there is now way to make it resemble earth, right? (I mean with the approximate size, location and shape of the continents).
Thank you for sharing this in any case. I absolutely love the look of the planets this tool generates.
Thank you! Glad you enjoy. I don't see any random squares on the no atmosphere planet myself, but I might know what causes it.
Unfortunately I updated the app to Godot 4.x some time ago, but their web exports are a little broken right now, so I can't update it until they fix that. But once that is fixed, I'll definitely try and tackle that bug.
if the link works for you, I am working on an open world space game. Still in very early stages, but the planet generator has already come in very handy for the planets in the overworld. The planets have a gravity pull to make the travel around the overworld more interesting
City lights would be great
I used it for my game, that is in it's early stages now
(The website is ugly ik)
And also for Starfleet commander
It did, I just had to pick how many frames would fit in the game, and also I used your space background generator also. HUGE THANKS to you, because I really did need something for a beginning scene and the space background really came in handy. I will for sure credit you and let you know when the project is done so you can check it out if your interested in looking at a few stuff I used from you.