


The King Path

The King Path

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Great game! Music, story, and graphics are really cool as they all fit very well together and match the theme of the game very well. I'm enjoying playing it and plan to share it with friends! 

Notes: I also experienced delay in jump sound, and browser version runs a little choppy on Google Chrome, but is perfect on Microsoft Edge.

Parce vengo del grupo de whatsapp de fc gaming y dejeme decirle que me rescate todos los juegos dos veces ya, una belleza en especial The Cure y se siente muy bien saber que todos estan hechos en godot, cuando subas nuevo juego avisas por el grupo yo encantado de jugarlo

Gracias! que bueno que los disfrutaste. avisaré por aqui y tambien por el grupo de Whatsapp cuando tenga novedades

Just Updated, Added Checkpoint functionality 

Doesn't look the the fullscreen is working, so I can't see some of the text. Also, the jump sound effect seems slightly delayed.

That said, I really like the music and mood of the game.

thanks, I already fix the fullscreen.

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