


a love story about love

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This was wonderful I'm sharing it with my friends

ok wait i liked this a lot, was giggling+laughing+wheezing and also feeling personally attacked by mark the whole way through. Lmaoooo I appreciated this a lot!! I'm also just starting out trying to put my art/stuff out there and this was really encouraging and uplifting. the "bad" vn aesthetic works excellent for the message imo. Would love to see whatever you make next.

obsessed with the concept of :amongussex: as a discord emoji

This is sooooooo good!!

This game is doodoo yo

Played this yesterday and loved it! Resonated with several members of my community, too.

Here's a link to the highlight if you're interested (minimal commentary from me, but plenty from my chat!)

WTF SOOO good and i kinda cried??????? Destroy gamemaker toolboxkit!!!

this is a mess but in a good way, 10stars likely to recommend to friends and family

the main character is a bit annoying /j

in all seriousness this game is very lovely, speaks not only to game developers but to artists or creatives of any kinds, or just people scared of showing theirselves to the world. i have many art friends that can relate to not creating something worth something (myself included sometimes lmao) and i think this game would help them alot :3

Beautiful short visual novel 🌞🌞🌞

Love the figurine of Sakura and the other magical girl (forgot her name)

I love this... like srsly,,, it kind of made me wanna try making a visual novel again. i kind of related to even the visual novel inside the game too, reminded me of a relationship i have, and these feelings r suprisingly deep. this is a nice game, like, i love it. thank u for sharing, you got this!

thank you so much 💕.. you got this too!! 

Hey there! Played this game with a few other entries to the game jam and had a lot of fun! Definitely not what I was expecting initially tho LOL. 

L;KGHFD LMAO i loved this, it's definitely a bad game to play 1st since its a more meta take on the theme and the tone is so insanely different from the rest of the jam ahahah, thank you for playing!!!

Would've been perfect last but alas I don't research games but it was still funny and cute and THE WORST :amongussex: :amongussex: :amongussex: 

RYAN X RIKA CANON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(nice game shows that even game makers have struggle with insecurity with themselves and their games but i feel you im not really a game maker but 90% of my day i think myself as a loser but i feel better though thanks to mark brown :))

damn you suckered me hard this hits wayyyyy too close

just like a lot of other people in the comments the first impression i got was that it was gonna just be silly little goobers having silly little romcom :3 but lmao... mark brown jumpscare

i don't know, this doesn't feel like worst visual novel ever when it has such a strong message. to create art for the sake of making something palatable and for everyone just leaves it barren of sincerity and you nipped that in the bud. love how chloe and adam have such different reactions to the game which is great!! the narrative doesn't strike a chord with the former but it does with the latter and like that the MC has found the audience of the thing she wanted to make instead of trying to mold her thing for an audience that maybe just wasn't meant to be.

i guess tldr a game like this that made me really think and reflect what tf i've been doing just hits too close. 10/10 i'm so sorry

THIS IS SO SWEET & UNDERSTANDING.. thank you so much.. 🥹💕 so glad to hear this

went from thinking this was perfect for the worst vn jam to thinking this was perfect

i just tought that this was gonna be only a silly game about love untill i played it, and it was something that has been happening into my life a lot this time and i really needed to hear that, and the central idea of this game is not something that you can just use on art is something that you can use with life itself and that is just beatyfull, i wanted not to cry on the middle of the game only because im on my grandma's house and i dont wanna cry in front of her but this is just so beautyful that i ended up crying

🥺💕💕💖 ur so sweet thank you so much!! im really glad u found value in this 

I have some feelings, not all positive, but it's not with the game itself. What the cool developer man says is the 101 of creating any kind of art and, the fact that a lot of people are saying how much they need to hear that is kind of sad. This is what we are get used to in the current state of things, isn't it? I can't be like I not in that kind of people, but just the scared part. Don't read this like I am superior in all senses or something, just expressing what I feel. Cool submission to the jam.

No this is fine! Ya it's a 101 but it's never explicitly taught to anybody. If you think about how artists and devs are taught, in tutorials or school or udemy, it's very easy to think of it all as just a technical challenge. "If I can just add more mechanics, more content, more Game Feel, it'll be a good game..." So many game youtubers do this, and then months later release a vid about how their game failed. it's so easy to get so caught up in the technical challenges of a hobby that you can forget to figure out if it's even appealing at all. Even AAA studios just create technically impressive games without giving enough thought into why people would want to play it. 

But ya, sometimes u get so lost in the sauce it's good to return to first principles and work from the bottom up. We need to remind ourselves of the 101s ahah

TY for thinking it's cool anyways!! 

Yeah absolutely. Nothing to add on what you say, specially the part of seeing  the making of games as just technical challenge, even if they are, is still a part of it, no the whole. Nice move of putting this in the jam overall!

💕 thank you thank youu!!

Thank you for making this. Honestly, I'm recently feeling this way too, vulnerable through my writing(I experienced writer's block due to this in the first place because I didn't want to appear vulnerable), overthinking if someone would like my work and all... It's such a timely game for my situation so I really relate to it. This game motivates me to continue writing. Sorry to say but this is not the worst vn ever lololol Also, I love the different art you used. I think that's the funniest part (the art). Even involving Ryan Gosling made me crack laughing lol . Overall, I love this game!! Especially when I'm also making a game about making a game ._. hahaha  Mark Brown, thank you for the wisdom. Also love the meta in here. 

💕♥️♥️♥️ thank you so much!! sorry you're feeling this way too, but i feel less alone now hehe... very good luck with your writing!!! and thank u so much for this lovely comment aaawjqjw

this is NOT a bad vn because it made me really think about my relationship with my art and how much effort i put into connecting through creation!!!! you have failed the worst vn ever challenge!!

wow!!!! im such a great big failure.... ill take it heehee!!! thank you :3

whyd you submit to worst vn ever

ok !? this is really good ??? sjsjsjsj :amongussex: 

LK;GH THANK YOU :amongussex: :amongussex: :amongussex: 

I genuinely loved this

pretty fun! I can relate to having a hard time writing romance haha 

There's no way this is your first time making any kind of story because that shit slapped home so hard that I'll be crying and cradling my bruised emotional intelligence into next week

This game be a scroll of truth hard pill to swallow meme candidate frfr

CRIES BACK AT YOU.... what a seriously lovely thing to say thank you so much!!!·View all by dollcorp·Report·Embed

