This jam is now over. It ran from2020-09-01 07:00:00 to2020-10-09 07:00:00.View 51 entries
There are a lot of talented people in the Indie TTRPG space. Many of you specialize in one area of the design process. Whether it be designer, artist, layout, writing, editing, academics, business. In this jam you will find something that you consider your area of expertise. You will then create a resource in that area for other designers. Here are some ideas, but really the skys the limit, anything you think would be helpful for other designers.
List of design principles
Principles of layout
List of books you enjoy about design
What to look for when looking for collaborators
How to copy edit
A how to on understanding what the person hiring you for freelance work actually wants
Clip art packs of things you've worked on but don't intend on selling
Powerpoint presentation on how to market a game
Excel template for how to write a budget for a game
Process to fund a game
Essays on your experience going through crowdfunding
Videos on how to pitch a game to publishers
How to use XYZ software to create a book
How to make a zine
Those are just ideas. Anything you come up with could potentially be helpful for other designers, even if you think it's niche, just make it!
Feel free to talk in the forums about what you want to make, maybe someone else has the same idea and you can collaborate. Even if you don't, different perspectives are great, even when they're on the same subject.
At the end (only for those who accept) I hope to collect all of the submissions in a Pay What You Want pack and donate the money (minus fees) received to I Need Diverse Games. I've been following their work for a long time and have seen their impact in the community, I would love to support it. You can learn more about them at Even if you don't want to join the pack you are still welcome to submit your game and I will not dictate whether you can or cannot charge for your resource.
Feel free to submit things you have already created.
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