This jam is now over. It ran from2021-11-28 08:00:00 to2021-12-13 07:59:59.View 15 entries
Welcome to the NovemberBitsy jam!
This month's theme is "sleepy".
As always, the theme can be the core of your game, or just a small reference. The point is to have fun and make something! :)
About bitsy
Bitsy is a little editor for little worlds or games. You can use it to make a game in your browser just by drawing it! If you're new to Bitsy and don't know where to start I recommend reading Claire Morley's Bitsy tutorial. There is also adiscord channel with lots of helpful people where you can get inspiration and ask questions!
Please make your game with one of the following:bitsy,mosi, orbipsi (hacksandforks are also fair game!)
Previous jams
Have a look at previous jam entries for inspiration!
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