This jam is now over. It ran from2023-08-19 07:00:00 to2023-11-20 08:00:00.View results
Any submissions that are not built for the NES will be removed immediately.
Welcome to the annual NESDev Compo Game Jam! This yearly tradition has been a staple of the NES Homebrew community for over 10 years!
Past years have seen the debut of some of the biggest names in NES Homebrew: Super Bat Puncher, Twin Dragons, Nebs 'n Debs, Project Blue, Witch n' Wiz,Super Tilt Bro. and many more!
What makes the competition really special is that at the end of it all, every team that enters gets a real physical NES multi-cart with all the entries on it, often referred to as Action 53. Our hope is to continue that tradition, but to be fully transparent, manufacturing on the previous years carts are quite back-logged, so a new cart this year isn't guaranteed. Please keep that in mind!
The multi-cart is also sold to public in physical and digital form to fund the prizes for the next year! Yup, that's right, there are cash prizes too! (more info)
Rank Prize1st $5122nd $2563rd $1284th $645th $32Stretch Goal: Limited Edition multi-carts for all meritorious entries (at judges discretion)
There are strict restrictions around which games are eligible for the competition. You can find detailed technical information here:
Technical Requirements - NESDev Compo '23 community -
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