This jam is now over. It ran from2022-08-12 17:00:00 to2022-08-21 17:00:00.View results
Let's Talk Game Jam!
Friday 12th August, 6PM GMT - Sunday 21st August, 6PMGMT
To celebrate Let's Talk Game Design hitting (and surpassing) the 10,000 subscriber milestone, it's about time to have that gamejam I promised. It's actually coinciding with the second anniversary of the first upload (17th of August, happy birthday, LTGD!), so it's a neat little birthday present to the LTGD Channel.
The jam will run for an unusual total of 9 days, because I wanted to include two weekends for people like me who have a Normal Boring Day Job, and then you'll have a week for rating each others' entries before a winner is crowned on Sunday, 28th August
The theme is... There isn't one!
Instead, what I'd like you to do is make anything you want, BUT! When you name it, make sure your TITLE fits the initials 'LTGD'. The key thing here is CONTEXT. What are you wrapping your amazing game up in? How are you presenting it? How does that context relate to your mechanics?
Here's a few examples to get you started:
Leaving The Grimy Diner: A stealth game about sneaking past an angry waitress in an awful diner because you didn't fancy leaving a big tip.
Learn To Go Down: A vertically-oriented metroidvania (please don't try and make this in 9 days)
Libya's Taken Grandma's Dentures: I don't know what the gameplay for this would look like but that's a damn good title, isn't it?
Do whatever you want! You can even take your entries for the Wowie Jam, or anything else that's going on, rename it, re-wrap it, and submit that. As long as the title fits the initials 'LTGD', anything goes (within reason, please don't submit NSFW games).
Take it easy, don't push yourself, have fun, and most importantly, let's talk game jam!
Please do make sure you have the right to use them according to the User Agreement for those assets, but otherwise, go nuts.
I know the Wowie Jam is over that first weekend so if you want to take what you make for that and repurpose it for whatever the theme ends up being, then that's okay!
If you're in a team though, please make sure only one of you is submitting. Obviously.
Generally, entries to any gamejam do better if you can make it playable on the web, but please include at least a Windows build.
If you guys are in the LTGD Jam, you know how lazy I am. I can't be bothered to have to slip a bunch of entries in after the deadline, so please make sure you make it in on time. If in doubt, submit it early.
There aren't any, really. I'm moving house and I'm financially strapped. Other than, I suppose, if you're in our Discord, you'll get a specific role for having won the LTGD Jam. Plus you get bragging rights, which are always nice. Plus, I suppose, if I find any games I really like as a result of this jam, I might be like "Hey fancy making that into a full-scale release and maybe I'll put it out on Steam for you?". But I'm not entirely married to that idea yet, so y'know, don't quote me on that.
Check back on the day for the theme!
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