This jam is now over. It ran from2021-09-25 07:00:00 to2021-11-01 06:59:59.View 43 entries
Can you believe it? Bitsy turns five years oldthis October! (Or maybeSeptember, depending on how you want to count it.)
To celebrate let's have an extra special, extra long*, Five-Years-O-Bitsy #bitsyjam :)
And theme will be...All The Themes!
That is to say, I've compileda list of all past #bitsyjam themes and *also* all the unused runner-up themes that I could find! For this jam, pick the theme of your choice from that list (or pick multiple! I won't stop you :P) and make a Bitsy** game (optional idea: I think it would be neat if people mentioned which theme (or themes) they chose to use in a note in their game's description -- but feel free to leave that out if it doesn't feel right for your game)
Is there a jam you missed or didn't finish your game for? A jam theme you'd like to return to? A jam theme you *wish* had been chosen? Or just one that catches your fancy? This is the jam for you!
Let's celebrate five years of small games, little worlds, and awesome community! <3
- Adam
*The jam will run for the last week of September and the *whole month* of October! So this will be the #bitsyjam for both months
**What does "Bitsy game" mean for jam purposes? I think any game made with Bitsy, hacked Bitsy, a Bitsy fork (ex: Bitsy 3D, Bitsy Color +), or Bitsy-like (ex: Mosi, Bipsi) is fair game :)
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