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Perry Miller

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Premio PulitzerPremio Pulitzer nel1966

Perry Miller (25 febbraio19059 dicembre1963) è stato unostorico edocente dell'Università di Harvardstatunitense.

È stato uno dei fondatori degliStudi americani[1]. Il critico e saggistaAlfred Kazin lo descrisse come "maestro della storia intellettuale americana"[2]. Ricevette postumo ilPremio Pulitzer per la sua opera, anch'essa postuma,The Life of the Mind in America.


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Sezione vuotaQuesta sezione sull'argomento biografie è ancora vuota.Aiutaci a scriverla!


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  • Orthodoxy inMassachusetts, 1630-1650 (1933)
  • The New England Mind: The Seventeenth Century (1939)
  • Jonathan Edwards (1949)
  • The New England Mind: From Colony to Province (1953)
  • Roger Williams: His Contribution to the American Tradition (1953)
  • Errand into the Wilderness (1956)
  • The American Puritans (1956, come curatore)
  • The American Transcendentalists, their Prose and Poetry (1957)
  • The Raven and the Whale: Poe, Melville and the New York Literary Scene (1957)
  • Consciousness in Concord: The Text of Thoreau's Hitherto "Lost Journal" (1958)
  • The Legal Mind in America: from Independence to theCivil War (1961)
  • The Life of the Mind in America: From the Revolution to the Civil War (1965)


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  1. ^ Murray G Murphey,Perry Miller and American Studies, inAmerican Studies, vol. 42, n. 2, pp. 5-18.
  2. ^ Vicki Luker; Brij Lal,Telling Pacific lives: prisms of process, 2008, p. 14.

Collegamenti esterni

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V · D · M
Vincitori delpremio Pulitzer per lastoria
1917–1925Jean Jules Jusserand (1917) •James Ford Rhodes (1918) •Justin Harvey Smith (1920) •William Sowden Sims eBurton Jesse Hendrick (1921) •James Truslow Adams (1922) •Charles Warren (1923) •Charles Howard McIlwain (1924) •Frederic L. Paxson (1925)
1926–1950Edward Channing (1926) •Samuel Flagg Bemis (1927) •Vernon Louis Parrington (1928) •Fred Albert Shannon (1929) •Claude Halstead Van Tyne (1930) •Bernadotte Everly Schmitt (1931) •John Pershing (1932) •Frederick Jackson Turner (1933) •Herbert Agar (1934) •Charles McLean Andrews (1935) •Andrew Cunningham McLaughlin (1936) •Van Wyck Brooks (1937) •Paul Herman Buck (1938) •Frank Luther Mott (1939) •Carl Sandburg (1940) •Marcus Lee Hansen (1941) •Margaret Leech (1942) •Esther Forbes (1943) •Merle Curti (1944) •Stephen Bonsal (1945) •Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. (1946) •James Phinney Baxter III (1947) •Bernard DeVoto (1948) •Roy Franklin Nichols (1949) •Oliver Waterman Larkin (1950)
1951–1975Roscoe Carlyle Buley (1951) •Oscar Handlin (1952) •George Dangerfield (1953) •Bruce Catton (1954) •Paul Horgan (1955) •Richard Hofstadter (1956) •George Frost Kennan (1957) •Bray Hammond (1958) •Leonard Dupee White eJean Schneider (1959) •Margaret Leech (1960) •Herbert Feis (1961) •Lawrence Henry Gipson (1962) •Constance McLaughlin Green (1963) •Sumner Chilton Powell (1964) •Irwin Unger (1965) •Perry Miller (1966) •William Goetzmann (1967) •Bernard Bailyn (1968) •Leonard Levy (1969) •Dean Acheson (1970) •James MacGregor Burns (1971) •Carl Degler (1972) •Michael Kammen (1973) •Daniel J. Boorstin (1974) •Dumas Malone (1975)
1976–2000Paul Horgan (1976) •David Morris Potter (1977) •Alfred D. Chandler Jr. (1978) •Don Edward Fehrenbacher (1979) •Leon Litwack (1980) •Lawrence A. Cremin (1981) •C. Vann Woodward (1982) •Rhys Isaac (1983) •Thomas K. McCraw (1985) •Walter A. McDougall (1986) •Bernard Bailyn (1987) •Robert Bruce (1988) •James M. McPherson eTaylor Branch (1989) •Stanley Karnow (1990) •Laurel Ulrich (1991) •Mark Neely, Jr. (1992) •Gordon Wood (1993) •Doris Goodwin (1995) •Alan Taylor (1996) •Jack Rakove (1997) •Edward Larson (1998) •Edwin Burrows eMike Wallace (1999) •David Kennedy (2000)
2001–2025Joseph Ellis (2001) •Louis Menand (2002) •Rick Atkinson (2003) •Steven Hahn (2004) •David Fischer (2005) •David Oshinsky (2006) •Gene Roberts eHank Klibanoff (2007) •Daniel Howe (2008) •Annette Gordon-Reed (2009) •Liaquat Ahamed (2010) •Eric Foner (2011) •Manning Marable (2012) •Fredrik Logevall (2013) •Alan Taylor (2014) •Elizabeth A. Fenn (2015) •T.J. Stiles (2016) •Heather Ann Thompson (2017) •Jack E. Davis (2018) •David W. Blight (2019) •W. Caleb McDaniel (2020) •Marcia Chatelain (2021) •Nicole Eustace eAda Ferrer (2022) •Jefferson Cowie (2023) •Jacqueline Jones (2024)
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