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Paul Berg

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Paul Berg (1980)
Medaglia del Premio NobelPremio Nobel per la chimica1980

Paul Berg (New York,30 giugno1926Stanford,15 febbraio2023[1]) è stato unbiochimicostatunitense.


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Ha organizzato nel1975 laConferenza d'Asilomar, attraverso la quale chiese una moratoria sulle manipolazionigenetiche, al fine di evitare che gliorganismi geneticamente modificati (OGM) potessero disperdersi nell'ambiente.[2]

Nel1980 ricevette ilPremio Nobel per la Chimica conWalter Gilbert eFrederick Sanger per il suo lavoro sugliacidi nucleici.

Utilizzòtracciantiradioisotopici (isotopi delcarbonio e dell'azoto) per studiare i prodotti intermedi delmetabolismo, aiutando a comprendere come ilcibo viene convertito in materialecellulare. Descrisse la conversione diacido formico,formaldeide emetanolo ingruppi metilici dellametionina. Fu anche uno dei primi a dimostrare il ruolo dell'acido folico e deicofattori B12 nei processi menzionati.

Il 25 giugno 1996 è stato eletto membro dellaPontificia Accademia delle Scienze.[3]


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  1. ^(EN) Emily Moskal,Nobel Prize winner and recombinant DNA pioneer Paul Berg dies, suStanford University School of Medicine, 17 febbraio 2023.
  2. ^(FR)Lezione inauguraleArchiviato il 21 ottobre 2007 inInternet Archive. di Anne Fagot-Largeau alCollège de France
  3. ^[collegamento interrotto]

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V · D · M
Vincitori del Premio Nobel per la chimica
1901 - 1925Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff (1901) •Emil Fischer (1902) •Svante Arrhenius (1903) •William Ramsay (1904) •Adolf von Baeyer (1905) •Henri Moissan (1906) •Eduard Buchner (1907) •Ernest Rutherford (1908) •Wilhelm Ostwald (1909) •Otto Wallach (1910) •Marie Curie (1911) •Victor Grignard,Paul Sabatier (1912) •Alfred Werner (1913) •Theodore Richards (1914) •Richard Willstätter (1915) •Fritz Haber (1918) •Walther Nernst (1920) •Frederick Soddy (1921) •Francis Aston (1922) •Fritz Pregl (1923) •Richard Zsigmondy (1925)
1926 - 1950Theodor Svedberg (1926) •Heinrich Wieland (1927) •Adolf Windaus (1928) •Arthur Harden,Hans von Euler-Chelpin (1929) •Hans Fischer (1930) •Carl Bosch,Friedrich Bergius (1931) •Irving Langmuir (1932) •Harold Urey (1934) •Frédéric Joliot-Curie,Irène Joliot-Curie (1935) •Peter Debye (1936) •Walter Haworth,Paul Karrer (1937) •Richard Kuhn (1938) •Adolf Butenandt,Lavoslav Ružička (1939) •George de Hevesy (1943) •Otto Hahn (1944) •Artturi Virtanen (1945) •James B. Sumner,John Northrop,Wendell Meredith Stanley (1946) •Robert Robinson (1947) •Arne Tiselius (1948) •William Giauque (1949) •Otto Diels,Kurt Alder (1950)
1951 - 1975Edwin McMillan,Glenn T. Seaborg (1951) •Archer Martin,Richard Synge (1952) •Hermann Staudinger (1953) •Linus Pauling (1954) •Vincent du Vigneaud (1955) •Cyril Hinshelwood,Nikolaj Semënov (1956) •Alexander Todd (1957) •Frederick Sanger (1958) •Jaroslav Heyrovský (1959) •Willard Libby (1960) •Melvin Calvin (1961) •Max Perutz,John Kendrew (1962) •Karl Ziegler,Giulio Natta (1963) •Dorothy Hodgkin (1964) •Robert Woodward (1965) •Robert Mulliken (1966) •Manfred Eigen,Ronald Norrish,George Porter (1967) •Lars Onsager (1968) •Derek Barton,Odd Hassel (1969) •Luis Federico Leloir (1970) •Gerhard Herzberg (1971) •Christian Anfinsen,Stanford Moore,William Stein (1972) •E. O. Fischer,Geoffrey Wilkinson (1973) •Paul Flory (1974) •John Cornforth,Vladimir Prelog (1975)
1976 - 2000William Lipscomb (1976) •Il'ja Prigožin (1977) •Peter Mitchell (1978) •Herbert Brown,Georg Wittig (1979) •Paul Berg,Walter Gilbert,Frederick Sanger (1980) •Ken'ichi Fukui,Roald Hoffmann (1981) •Aaron Klug (1982) •Henry Taube (1983) •Robert Merrifield (1984) •Herbert A. Hauptman,Jerome Karle (1985) •Dudley Herschbach,Yuan T. Lee,John Polanyi (1986) •Donald J. Cram,Jean-Marie Lehn,Charles J. Pedersen (1987) •Johann Deisenhofer,Robert Huber,Hartmut Michel (1988) •Sidney Altman,Thomas Cech (1989) •Elias Corey (1990) •Richard R. Ernst (1991) •Rudolph Marcus (1992) •Kary Mullis,Michael Smith (1993) •George Olah (1994) •Paul Crutzen,Mario Molina,Frank Rowland (1995) •Robert Curl,Harold Kroto,Richard Smalley (1996) •Paul Boyer,John Ernest Walker,Jens Skou (1997) •Walter Kohn,John Pople (1998) •Ahmed Zewail (1999) •Alan Jay Heeger,Alan MacDiarmid,Hideki Shirakawa (2000)
2001 - oggiWilliam Knowles,Ryōji Noyori,Barry Sharpless (2001) •John B. Fenn,Kōichi Tanaka,Kurt Wüthrich (2002) •Peter Agre,Roderick MacKinnon (2003) •Aaron Ciechanover,Avram Hershko,Irwin Rose (2004) •Robert Grubbs,Richard Schrock,Yves Chauvin (2005) •Roger D. Kornberg (2006) •Gerhard Ertl (2007) •Osamu Shimomura,Martin Chalfie,Roger Tsien (2008) •Venkatraman Ramakrishnan,Thomas Steitz,Ada Yonath (2009) •Richard Heck,Ei-ichi Negishi,Akira Suzuki (2010) •Dan Shechtman (2011) •Brian Kobilka,Robert Lefkowitz (2012) •Martin Karplus,Michael Levitt,Arieh Warshel (2013) •Eric Betzig,Stefan Hell,William Moerner (2014) •Tomas Lindahl,Paul Modrich,Aziz Sancar (2015) •Jean-Pierre Sauvage,James Fraser Stoddart,Bernard Feringa (2016) •Jacques Dubochet,Joachim Frank,Richard Henderson (2017) •Frances Hamilton Arnold,George Pieczenik Smith,Gregory Paul Winter (2018) •John B. Goodenough,M. Stanley Whittingham,Akira Yoshino (2019) •Emmanuelle Charpentier,Jennifer Doudna (2020) •David MacMillan,Benjamin List (2021) •Carolyn R. Bertozzi,Morten Meldal,Barry Sharpless (2022) •Moungi Bawendi,Aleksej Ekimov,Louis E. Brus (2023) •David Baker,Demis Hassabis,John M. Jumper (2024)
V · D · M
Vincitori dellaMedaglia d'oro dell'American Institute of Chemists
William Blum (1926) •Lafayette B. Mendel (1927) •Francis P. Garvan (1929) •George Eastman (1930) •Andrew Mellon,Richard B. Mellon (1931) •Charles H. Herty (1932) •Henry C. Sherman (1933) •James Bryant Conant (1934) •Marston Taylor Bogert (1936) •James F. Norris (1937) •Frederick G. Cottrell (1938) •Gustav Egloff (1940) •Henry G. Knight (1941) •William Lloyd Evans (1942) •Walter S. Landis (1943) •Willard H. Dow (1944) •John W. Thomas (1945) •Robert Price Russell (1946) •Moses Leverock Crossley (1947) •Charles A. Thomas (1948) •Warren K. Lewis (1949) •Walter J. Murphy (1950) •Harry N. Holmes (1951) •Fred J. Emmerich (1952) •J. C. Warner (1953) •William J. Sparks (1954) •Carl S. Marvel (1955) •Raymond Stevens (1956) •Roy Newton (1957) •Lawrence Flett (1958) •Crawford H. Greenewalt (1959) •Ernest H. Volwiler (1960) •Alden H. Emery (1961) •George W. Parks (1962) •Ralph Connor (1963) •Roger Adams (1964) •Edwin Cox (1965) •John H. Nair (1966) •Wayne E. Kuhn (1967) •Orville E. May (1968) •Henry B. Hass (1969) •Willard Frank Libby (1970) •Emmett B. Carmichael (1971) •Harold Urey (1972) •Glenn Theodore Seaborg (1973) •William Edward Hanford (1974) •William O. Baker (1975) •Kenneth S. Pitzer (1976) •Max Tishler (1977) •Norman Hackerman (1978) •Melvin Calvin (1979) •Arthur M. Bueche (1980) •Lewis Hastings Sarett (1981) •Milton Harris (1982) •Mary L. Good (1983) •John H. Sinfelt (1984) •Herbert Brown (1985) •Norman Bruce Hannay (1986) •Arnold O. Beckman (1987) •George C. Pimentel (1988) •Elias James Corey (1989) •Harry B. Gray (1990) •Bruce N. Ames (1991) •Roy L. Whistler (1992) •Fred Basolo (1993) •Arthur Adamson (1994) •George Parshall (1995) •Harry Drickman (1996) •Alfred Bader (1997) •Frank Albert Cotton (1998) •Yie W. Chien (2000) •Tobin Marks (2002) •Ralph Hirschmann (2003) •Carl Djerassi (2004) •Robert L. McNeil (2005) •Roald Hoffmann (2006) •George M. Whitesides (2007) •Paul Berg (2008) •Oliver Smithies (2009) •Robert Grubbs (2010) •Dudley Herschbach (2011) •Elizabeth Blackburn (2012) •John D. Roberts (2013) •Ronald Breslow (2014) •Jacqueline Barton (2015) •Chad Mirkin (2016) •Stephen J. Lippard (2017) •Edmond Gerald Meyer (2018) •Henry Frederick Schaefer (2019) •Peter J. Stang (2020)
Controllo di autoritàVIAF(EN52821352 ·ISNI(EN0000 0001 0901 647X ·LCCN(ENnr91001139 ·GND(DE131448382 ·BNF(FRcb12275272v(data) ·J9U(EN, HE987007294289505171 ·NSK(HR000380051 ·NDL(EN, JA00463135
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