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Mel Renfro

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Mel Renfro
Renfro nelSuper Bowl V
NazionalitàStati Uniti (bandiera) Stati Uniti
Football americano
Termine carriera1977
Hall of famePro Football Hall of Fame (1996)
1956-1959  Oregon Ducks
Squadre di club
1964-1977  Dallas Cowboys
Modifica dati su Wikidata ·Manuale

Melvin Lacy Renfro, dettoMel (Houston,30 dicembre1941), è un exgiocatore di football americanostatunitense che ha giocato nel ruolo dicornerback per tutta la carriera con iDallas Cowboys dellaNational Football League (NFL). Al college ha giocato a football all’Università dell'Oregon. È stato inserito nellaPro Football Hall of Fame nel 1996.

Carriera professionistica

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Dallas Cowboys

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Renfro fu scelto dai Dallas Cowboys nel corso del secondo giro delDraft NFL 1964[1]. Malgrado un'ottima carriera comerunning back al college, l'allenatoreTom Landry preferì schierarlo in difesa comesafety. Nella sua stagione darookie guidò la squadra con 7intercetti e tutta la lega inyard guadagnate sia su ritorni da punt che da kickoff, venendo convocato per ilPro Bowl. La sua media di 30 yard per ritorno di kickoff stagionali permangono un record di franchigia.

Nel 1966, malgrado Renfro venisse da una stagione in cui era stato inserito nella formazione ideale della stagioneAll-Pro come safety, i Cowboys decisero di nominarlo lorohalfback titolare per cercare di migliorare il proprio attacco. Si infortunò nella gara di apertura contro iNew York Giants venendo sostituito daiDan Reeves, che fu così efficace che al suo ritorno in campo, Renfro tornò nella posizione di safety, dove fu ancora una volta nominato All-Pro.

Nel corso della sua quinta stagione venne spostato nel ruolo di cornerback. Il velocissimo Renfro divenne una costante minaccia per i ricevitori avversari, guidando la lega con 10 intercetti nel 1969. Renfro fu convocato per il Pro Bowl in ognuna delle sue prime dieci stagioni nella lega, venendo nominatoMVP del Pro Bowl nel 1970.

In 14 stagioni da professionista, Renfro intercettò 52 passaggi (tuttora record di franchigia dei Cowboys), ritornandoli per 626 yard e 3touchdown, oltre a recuperare 13fumble ritornati per 44 yard. Nella finale dellaNFC del 1970, Renfro fece registrare un intercetto chiave per i Cowboys che portò al touchdown della vittoria suiSan Francisco 49ers, qualificandosi per ilSuper Bowl V, dove persero coiBaltimore Colts. In seguito giocò iSuper Bowl VI,X eXII, ritirandosi dopo la vittoria di quest'ultimo contro iDenver Broncos.


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Fumble recuperati13


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  1. ^(EN)Pro Football Draft History: 1964, Pro Football Hall of Fame.URL consultato l'11 aprile 2013.

Collegamenti esterni

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V · D · M
First-team All-Pro 1964
AttaccoQBJohnny Unitas (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · FBJim Brown (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · HBLenny Moore (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · FLFrank Clarke (UPI) · FLBobby Mitchell (AP, NYDN) · SEPaul Warfield (NEA) · TEMike Ditka (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · OTForrest Gregg (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · OTDick Schafrath (AP, NYDN, UPI) · OTBob Vogel (NEA) · GJohn Gordy (NEA) · GKen Gray (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · GJim Parker (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · CMick Tingelhoff (AP, UPI) · CBob DeMarco (NEA, NYDN)
DifesaDEWillie Davis (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · DEGino Marchetti (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · DTHenry Jordan (AP, NYDN, UPI) · DTBob Lilly (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · DTMerlin Olsen (NEA) · OLBMaxie Baughan (AP, NYDN) · OLBJoe Fortunato (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · OLBJim Houston (NEA) · OLBWayne Walker (UPI) · MLBDale Meinert (NEA) · MLBRay Nitschke (AP, NYDN, UPI) · CBErich Barnes (NEA) · CBBobby Boyd (AP, NYDN, UPI) · CBPat Fischer (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · SPaul Krause (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · SMel Renfro (NYDN) · SWillie Wood (AP, NEA, UPI)
LegendaAP:Associated Press · NEA:Newspaper Enterprise Association · NYDN:New York Daily News · UPI:United Press International
V · D · M
First-team All-Pro 1965
AttaccoQBJohnny Unitas (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · FBJim Brown (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · HBGale Sayers (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · FLGary Collins (NYDN, UPI) · FLJimmy Orr (AP, NEA) · SEDave Parks (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · TEPete Retzlaff (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · OTBob Brown (AP, NEA) · OTDick Schafrath (AP, NYDN, UPI) · OTBob Vogel (NEA, NYDN) · GJohn Gordy (NEA) · GKen Gray (NYDN, UPI) · GForrest Gregg (AP, NEA, UPI) · GJim Parker (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · CMick Tingelhoff (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI)
DifesaDEWillie Davis (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · DEDeacon Jones (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · DTAlex Karras (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · DTBob Lilly (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · OLBJoe Fortunato (AP, NEA) · OLBJim Houston (UPI) · OLBSteve Stonebreaker (NYDN) · OLBWayne Walker (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · MLBDick Butkus (AP, NEA, NYDN) · MLBRay Nitschke (UPI) · CBHerb Adderley (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · CBBobby Boyd (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · SPaul Krause (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · SMel Renfro (NEA) · SWillie Wood (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI)
LegendaAP:Associated Press · NEA:Newspaper Enterprise Association · NYDN:New York Daily News · UPI:United Press International
V · D · M
Second-team All-Pro 1969
AttaccoQBRoman Gabriel (NYDN) · QBSonny Jurgensen (AP, NEA, NYDN, UPI) · RBCalvin Hill (NEA, NEA-NFL) · RBTom Matte (NEA-NFL) · RBKen Willard (NYDN, UPI) · RBTom Woodeshick (AP) · FBLeroy Kelly (AP, HoF, NYDN, PFWA, UPI) · FBTom Woodeshick (AP, UPI) · E/F/SEDanny Abramowicz (NYDN, UPI) · E/F/SEGary Collins (PFWA) · E/F/SELance Rentzel (AP, NEA-NFL) · E/F/SECharley Taylor (NEA, NEA-NFL) · E/F/SEPaul Warfield (PFWA, NYDN) · E/F/SEGene Washington (AP, UPI) · TECharlie Sanders (AP, HoF, UPI) · TEJackie Smith (NEA, NEA-NFL, NYDN) · OTGrady Alderman (AP, NEA-NFL, PFWA, UPI) · OTCharley Cowan (AP) · OTErnie McMillan (NYDN) · OTRalph Neely (HoF, NEA, PFWA) · OTLen Rohde (NEA-NFL) · OTBob Vogel (NYDN, UPI) · GGale Gillingham (HoF, NEA, UPI) · GGene Hickerson (NEA-NFL) · GTom Mack (AP, HoF, NEA, NYDN, PFWA) · GJohn Niland (NEA-NFL, UPI) · GGeorge Seals (NYDN) · CBill Curry (AP, UPI) · CEd Flanagan (NEA-NFL) · CKen Iman (NYDN)
DifesaDEGeorge Andrie (UPI) · DEJack Gregory (NYDN) · DEClaude Humphrey (AP, NEA-NFL) · DEJim Marshall (AP, NEA, NEA-NFL, SN, UPI) · DEJoe Greene (NYDN) · DTAlex Karras (AP, NEA-NFL, UPI) · DTBob Lilly (UPI) · DTAlan Page (AP, HoF, NEA, NEA-NFL, NYDN, PFWA) · MLBMike Curtis (NEA-NFL) · MLBLee Roy Jordan (NYDN) · MLBMike Lucci (AP, UPI) · MLBRay Nitschke (NEA, PFWA) · OLBMaxie Baughan (AP, NYDN) · OLBMike Curtis (NYDN) · OLBChris Hanburger (AP, NEA-NFL, UPI) · OLBChuck Howley (PFWA) · OLBDave Robinson (HoF, NEA, PFWA) · OLBDave Wilcox (NEA-NFL, UPI) · CBHerb Adderley (HoF, NYDN, PFWA) · CBBobby Bryant (AP, NEA, NEA-NFL, UPI) · CBCornell Green (AP, NEA-NFL) · CBJimmy Johnson (HoF, NEA, NYDN, PFWA, UPI) · SMike Howell (UPI) · SKarl Kassulke (UPI) · SErnie Kellerman (NYDN) · SPaul Krause (AP) · SEddie Meador (PFWA) · SMel Renfro (AP, HoF, NYDN, PFWA) · SRick Volk (NEA-NFL) · SLarry Wilson (giocatore di football americano)Larry Wilson (NEA-NFL) · SWillie Wood (NEA-NFL)
Special TeamPRon Widby (PFWA)
LegendaAP:Associated Press · HoF:Pro Football Hall of Fame · NEA:Newspaper Enterprise Association · NEA-NFL: Newspaper Enterprise Association All-NFL · NYDN:New York Daily News · PFW:Pro Football Weekly · PFW-NFL: Pro Football Weekly All-NFL · PFWA:Pro Football Writers of America · SN:Sporting News · UPI:United Press International
V · D · M
Dallas Cowboysvincitori del Super Bowl VI
10Ron Widby • 12Roger Staubach(MVP) • 14Craig Morton • 15Toni Fritsch • 19Lance Alworth • 20Mel Renfro • 22Bob Hayes • 23Margene Adkins • 26Herb Adderley • 30Dan Reeves • 31Gloster Richardson • 32Walt Garrison • 33Duane Thomas • 34Cornell Green • 35Calvin Hill • 36Joe Williams • 37Isaac Thomas • 41Charlie Waters • 42Claxton Welch • 43Cliff Harris • 46Mark Washington • 50D.D. Lewis • 51Dave Manders • 52Dave Edwards • 54Chuck Howley • 55Lee Roy Jordan • 56Tom Stincic • 60Lee Roy Caffey • 61Blaine Nye • 62John Fitzgerald • 63Larry Cole • 64Tony Liscio • 66George Andrie • 67Pat Toomay • 70Rayfield Wright • 71Rodney Wallace • 72Don Talbert • 73Ralph Neely • 74Bob Lilly • 75Jethro Pugh • 76John Niland • 77Bill Gregory • 79Forrest Gregg • 83Mike Clark • 85Tody Smith • 87Billy Truax • 89Mike Ditka

Capo-allenatore:Tom Landry

Staff:Ermal AllenBobby FranklinJim MyersDan ReevesRay RenfroErnie StautnerJerry Tubbs
V · D · M
Dallas Cowboysvincitori del Super Bowl VII
1Efren Herrera • 11Danny White • 12Roger Staubach • 18Glenn Carano • 20Mel Renfro • 21Doug Dennison • 25Aaron Kyle • 26Preston Pearson • 31Benny Barnes • 33Tony Dorsett • 35Scott Laidlaw • 36Larry Brinson • 41Charlie Waters • 42Randy Hughes • 43Cliff Harris • 44Robert Newhouse • 46Mark Washington • 50D.D. Lewis • 53Bob Breunig • 54Randy White(Co-MVP) • 56Thomas Henderson • 57Bruce Huther • 58Mike Hegman • 59Guy Brown • 61Jim Cooper • 62John Fitzgerald • 63Larry Cole • 64Tom Rafferty • 65Dave Stalls • 66Burton Lawless • 67Pat Donovan • 68Herbert Scott • 70Rayfield Wright • 71Andy Frederick • 72Ed Jones • 73Ralph Neely • 75Jethro Pugh • 77Bill Gregory • 79Harvey Martin(Co-MVP) • 80Tony Hill • 83Golden Richards • 86Butch Johnson • 87Jay Saldi • 88Drew Pearson • 89Billy Joe Dupree

Capo-allenatore:Tom Landry

Staff:Ermal AllenMike DitkaJim MyersDan ReevesGene StallingsErnie StautnerJerry Tubbs
V · D · M
Pro Football Hall of Fame
AllenatoriGeorge Allen ·Paul Brown ·Guy Chamberlin ·Jimmy Conzelman ·Don Coryell ·Bill Cowher ·Tony Dungy ·Weeb Ewbank ·Ray Flaherty ·Tom Flores ·Joe Gibbs ·Sid Gillman ·Bud Grant ·George Halas ·Jimmy Johnson ·Earl (Curly) Lambeau ·Tom Landry ·Marv Levy ·Vince Lombardi ·John Madden ·Greasy Neale ·Chuck Noll ·Steve Owen ·Bill Parcells ·Don Shula ·Hank Stram ·Dick Vermeil ·Bill Walsh
Addetti ai lavoriBobby Beathard ·Bert Bell ·Charles Bidwill ·Pat Bowlen ·Gil Brandt ·Joe Carr ·Al Davis ·Eddie DeBartolo Jr. ·Jim Finks ·Jerry Jones ·George Halas ·Lamar Hunt ·Earl (Curly) Lambeau ·Tim Mara ·Wellington Mara ·George Preston Marshall ·Art McNally ·Bill Nunn ·Bill Polian ·Hugh (Shorty) Ray ·Dan Reeves ·Art Rooney ·Dan Rooney ·Pete Rozelle ·Ed Sabol ·Steve Sabol ·Tex Schramm ·Paul Tagliabue ·Ralph Wilson Jr. ·Ron Wolf ·George Young
GiocatoriAdderley ·Aikman ·E. Allen ·J. Allen ·L. Allen ·M. Allen ·Alworth ·Andersen ·Atkins ·Atwater ·Badgro ·Bailey ·Barber ·Barney ·Battles ·Baugh ·Bednarik ·Bell ·Berry ·Bethea ·Bettis ·Biletnikoff ·Blanda ·Blount ·Boselli ·Bradshaw ·Branch ·Brazile ·Brooks ·B. Brown ·J. Brown ·R. Brown ·T. Brown ·W. Brown ·Bruce ·Buchanan ·Buoniconti ·Butkus ·J. ButlerL. Butler ·Campbell ·Canadeo ·Carmichael ·Carson ·Carter ·Casper ·Chamberlin ·Christiansen ·Clark ·Connor ·Conzelman ·Covert ·Creekmur ·Csonka ·Culp ·T. Davis ·W. Davis ·Dawkins ·D. Dawson ·L. Dawson ·Dean ·DeLamielleure ·Dent ·Dickerson ·Dierdorf ·Dillon ·Ditka ·Doleman ·Donovan ·Dorsett ·Driscoll ·Dudley ·Easley ·Edwards ·Eller ·Elway ·Faneca ·Faulk ·Favre ·Fears ·Ford ·Fortman ·Fouts ·Freeney ·Friedman ·Gates ·Gatski ·George ·Gifford ·Gradishar ·Graham ·Grange ·Green ·J. Greene ·K. Greene ·Gregg ·Griese ·Grimm ·Groza ·Guy ·Guyon ·Haley ·Ham ·Hampton ·Hanburger ·Hanna ·C. Harris ·F. Harris ·Harrison ·Hayes ·Haynes ·Healey ·Hein ·Hendricks ·Henry ·Herber ·Hester ·Hewitt ·Hickerson ·Hill ·Hinkle ·Hirsch ·Hornung ·Houston ·Howley ·Hubbard ·Huff ·Humphrey ·Hutson ·Irvin ·Jackson ·A. Johnson ·C. Johnson ·J.H. Johnson ·Hutchinson ·Joiner ·D. Jones ·S. Jones ·W. Jones ·Jordan ·Jurgensen ·Karras ·J. Kelly ·L. Kelly ·Kennedy ·Kiesling ·Kinard ·Klecko ·Kramer ·Krause ·Lambert ·Lane ·Langer ·Lanier ·Largent ·Lary ·Lavelli ·Law ·Layne ·LeBeau ·Leemans ·Lewis ·Lilly ·F. Little ·L. Little ·Lofton ·Long ·Lott ·Luckman ·Lyman ·Lynch ·Mack ·Mackey ·Manning ·Marchetti ·Marino ·Martin ·Matson ·Matthews ·Mawae ·Maynard ·McAfee ·McCormack ·McDaniel ·McDonald ·McElhenny ·McMichael ·McNally ·Michalske ·Sam Mills ·Millner ·Mitchell ·Mix ·Monk ·Montana ·Moon ·Moore ·Moss ·Motley ·Munchak ·Muñoz ·Musso ·Nagurski ·Namath ·Nevers ·Newsome ·Nitschke ·Nomellini ·Ogden ·Olsen ·Otto ·Owens ·Pace ·Page ·C. Parker ·J. Parker ·Payton ·Pearson ·Peppers ·Perry ·Pihos ·Polamalu ·Pollard ·Randle ·A. Reed ·E. Reed ·Renfro ·Revis ·Rice ·Richter ·Riggins ·Riley ·Ringo ·Roaf ·D. Robinson ·J. Robinson ·Robustelli ·St. Clair ·B. Sanders ·C. Sanders ·D. Sanders ·Sapp ·Sayers ·Schmidt ·Seau ·Selmon ·Seymour ·Sh. Sharpe ·St. Sharpe ·Shaw ·A. Shell ·D. Shell ·Shields ·Simpson ·Singletary ·D. Slater ·J. Slater ·B. Smith ·E. Smith ·J. Smith ·Speedie ·Sprinkle ·Stabler ·Stallworth ·Stanfel ·Starr ·Staubach ·Stautner ·Stenerud ·Stephenson ·Strahan ·Strong ·Stydahar ·Swann ·Tarkenton ·C. Taylor ·Ja. Taylor ·Ji. Taylor ·L. Taylor ·D. Thomas ·E. Thomas ·J. Thomas ·T. Thomas ·Z. Thomas ·Thorpe ·Tippett ·Tingelhoff ·Tittle ·Tomlinson ·Trafton ·Trippi ·Tunnell ·Turner ·Unitas ·Upshaw ·Urlacher ·Van Brocklin ·Van Buren ·Walker ·Wve ·Warfield ·Warner ·Waterfield ·Webster ·Wehrli ·Weinmeister ·Ra. White ·Re. White ·Wilcox ·Williams ·B. Willis ·P. Willis ·Wilson ·Winslow ·Wojciechowicz ·Wood ·C. Woodson ·R. Woodson ·Wright ·Yary ·B. Young ·S. Young ·Youngblood ·Zimmerman
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