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Machine Shop Recordings

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Machine Shop Recordings
StatoStati Uniti (bandiera) Stati Uniti
Fondazione2002 aLos Angeles
Fondata daMike Shinoda,Brad Delson
Sede principaleLos Angeles
GruppoMachine Shop eWarner Music Group
Prodottihip hop,rock
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LaMachine Shop Recordings è un'etichetta discograficastatunitense, controllata dallaWarner Bros. Records e fondata da due membri deiLinkin Park:Mike Shinoda eBrad Delson.


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La Machine Shop Recordings sorse nel 2002 come "The Shinoda Imprint" (dal cognome di Mike Shinoda) ma cambiò nome pochi mesi dopo, in seguito al coinvolgimento degli altri membri del gruppo. Attualmente Shinoda e Delson sono ancora alla guida dell'etichetta, che ha sotto contratto iFort Minor, gliStyles of Beyond edHolly Brook, e in parteAlexa Ray Joel, gliArmy of Anyone e i Linkin Park stessi. In passato erano artisti della MSR anche i Simplistic e due gruppi non più in attività, The Rosewood Fall e No Warning.

Una costola dell'etichetta, la Machine Shop Marketing, ha contribuito alla pubblicizzazione di band comePapa Roach,Weezer eStaind. Inoltre provvede a creare per ogni gruppo un proprio street team.

Collegamenti esterni

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V · D · M
Linkin Park
Brad Delson ·Colin Brittain ·Emily Armstrong ·Joe Hahn ·Mike Shinoda
Chester Bennington ·Rob Bourdon
StudioHybrid Theory ·Meteora ·Minutes to Midnight ·A Thousand Suns ·Living Things ·The Hunting Party ·One More Light ·From Zero
RemixReanimation ·Recharged
Dal vivoLive in Texas ·Road to Revolution: Live at Milton Keynes ·Hybrid Theory Live Around the World ·Meteora Live Around the World ·Minutes to Midnight Live Around the World ·A Thousand Suns Live Around the World ·One More Light Live
RaccolteSongs from the Underground ·A Decade Underground ·Studio Collection ·Lost Demos ·Papercuts - Singles Collection 2000-2023
VideoFrat Party at the Pankake Festival
EPHybrid Theory ·Underground V2.0 ·Underground 3 ·Underground 4.0 ·Collision Course ·Underground 5.0 ·Underground 6 ·Underground 7 ·iTunes Live from SoHo ·MMM...Cookies - Sweet Hamster Like Jewels from America! ·LP Underground 9: Demos ·LP Underground X: Demos ·A Thousand Suns: Puerta de Alcalá ·iTunes Festival: London 2011 ·Underground Eleven ·Underground 12 ·Underground XIII ·Underground XIV ·Underground 15 ·Underground Sixteen
SingoliOne Step Closer ·Crawling ·Papercut ·In the End ·Pts.of.Athrty ·Somewhere I Belong ·Faint ·Numb ·From the Inside ·Breaking the Habit ·Dirt Off Your Shoulder/Lying from You ·Numb/Encore ·What I've Done ·Bleed It Out ·Shadow of the Day ·Given Up ·Leave Out All the Rest ·New Divide ·The Catalyst ·Waiting for the End ·Burning in the Skies ·Iridescent ·Not Alone ·Burn It Down ·Lost in the Echo ·Powerless ·Castle of Glass ·A Light That Never Comes ·Guilty All the Same ·Until It's Gone ·Wastelands ·Rebellion ·Final Masquerade ·Heavy ·Battle Symphony ·Good Goodbye ·Invisible ·Talking to Myself ·Darker Than the Light That Never Bleeds ·One More Light ·Crawling (One More Light Live) ·Sharp Edges (One More Light Live) ·She Couldn't ·Lost ·Fighting Myself ·Friendly Fire ·QWERTY ·The Emptiness Machine ·Heavy Is the Crown ·Over Each Other ·Two Faced ·Up from the Bottom
CollaborazioniWe Made It ·Darker Than Blood
Brani musicaliEnth E Nd/Frgt/10 ·Lying from You ·Rolling in the Deep
TournéeProjekt Revolution Tour 2002 ·LP Underground Tour ·Projekt Revolution Tour 2003 ·Summer Sanitarium Tour 2003 ·Meteora World Tour ·Projekt Revolution Tour 2004 ·Projekt Revolution Tour 2007 ·Minutes to Midnight World Tour ·Projekt Revolution Tour 2008 ·A Thousand Suns World Tour ·Honda Civic Tour 2012 ·Living Things World Tour ·Carnivores Tour ·The Hunting Party Tour ·One More Light World Tour
Voci correlate8-Bit Rebellion! ·Dead by Sunrise ·Don Gilmore ·Download to Donate ·Fort Minor ·Grey Daze ·Jay-Z ·It's Goin' Down ·Linkin Park and Friends: Celebrate Life in Honor of Chester Bennington ·Machine Shop Recordings ·Mall ·Mall (Music from the Motion Picture) ·Music for Relief ·Projekt Revolution ·Rick Rubin ·Steve Aoki ·Stone Temple Pilots ·The Raid: Redemption (Original Motion Picture Score & Soundtrack)
Brani musicali ·Demo e inediti ·Discografia
V · D · M
Warner Music Group
Divisioni nazionali
Atlantic Records Group
Alternative Distribution Alliance
Elektra Music Group
Rhino Entertainment
Spinnin' Records
Warner Records
Warner Music Nashville
Arts Music
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