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Abbozzo Inghilterra
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IlKesteven, nell'Inghilterra nord-occidentale è stata una dellecontee storiche del paese, parte delLincolnshire. È stata una contea amministrativa dal1889 al1974, quando è entrata a far parte delLincolnshire (distretti delSouth Kesteven eNorth Kesteven).

Il 26 giugno 1992,Margaret Thatcher venne insignita dalla regina del titolo nobiliare di baronessa di Kesteven.

Altri progetti

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Altri progetti

Collegamenti esterni

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V · D · M
Contee dell’Inghilterra
Contee cerimoniali dal 1998Bedfordshire ·Berkshire ·Bristol ·Buckinghamshire ·Cambridgeshire ·Cheshire ·Cornovaglia ·Cumbria ·Derbyshire ·Devon ·Dorset ·Durham ·East Riding of Yorkshire ·East Sussex ·Essex ·Gloucestershire ·Grande Londra ·Grande Manchester ·Hampshire ·Herefordshire ·Hertfordshire ·Isola di Wight ·Kent ·Lancashire ·Leicestershire ·Lincolnshire ·Città di Londra ·Merseyside ·Norfolk ·Northamptonshire ·Northumberland ·North Yorkshire ·Nottinghamshire ·Oxfordshire ·Rutland ·Shropshire ·Somerset ·South Yorkshire ·Staffordshire ·Suffolk ·Surrey ·Tyne and Wear ·Warwickshire ·West Midlands ·West Sussex ·West Yorkshire ·Wiltshire ·Worcestershire
Contee cerimoniali 1889-1998Avon (1974-96) ·Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely (1965-74) ·Cleveland (1974-96) ·East Suffolk (1889-1974) ·Hereford and Worcester (1974-98) ·Holland (1889-1974) ·Humberside (1974-96) ·Huntingdon and Peterborough (1965-74) ·Isola di Ely (1889-1965) ·Kesteven (1889-1974) ·Lindsey (1889-1974) ·Londra (1889-1965) ·North Riding of Yorkshire (1889-1974) ·Soke of Peterborough (1889-1965) ·West Riding of Yorkshire (1889-1974) ·West Suffolk (1889-1974)
Contee tradizionali fino al 1889Bedfordshire ·Berkshire ·Buckinghamshire ·Cambridgeshire ·Cheshire ·Cornovaglia ·Cumberland ·Derbyshire ·Devon ·Dorset ·Durham ·Essex ·Gloucestershire ·Hampshire ·Herefordshire ·Hertfordshire ·Huntingdonshire ·Kent ·Lancashire ·Leicestershire ·Lincolnshire ·Middlesex ·Monmouthshire ·Norfolk ·Northamptonshire ·Northumberland ·Nottinghamshire ·Oxfordshire ·Rutland ·Shropshire ·Somerset ·Staffordshire ·Suffolk ·Surrey ·Sussex ·Warwickshire ·Westmorland ·Wiltshire ·Worcestershire ·Yorkshire
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