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John Randle

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John Randle
NazionalitàStati Uniti (bandiera) Stati Uniti
Football americano
RuoloDefensive tackle
Termine carriera2003
Hall of famePro Football Hall of Fame (2010)
1986-1987  Trinity Valley Cardinals
1988-1989  Texas A&I Javelinas
Squadre di club
1990-2000  Minnesota Vikings
2001-2003  Seattle Seahawks
Partite da titolare185
Fumble forzati29
Selezioni alPro Bowl7

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John Anthony Randle (Mumford,12 dicembre1967) è un exgiocatore di football americanostatunitense che ha giocato nel ruolo didefensive tackle per quattordici stagioni nellaNational Football League (NFL). Il 6 febbraio 2010 fu inserito nellaPro Football Hall of Fame. Crebbe in povertà, sbarcando il lunario con piccoli lavoretti quand'era giovane. Alle scuole superiori giocò a football aHearne, Texas. All'università iniziò a giocare al Trinity Valley Community College, prima di trasferirsi alla Texas A&M University–Kingsville.


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Minnesota Vikings

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Randle non fu scelto nelDraft NFL 1990 e fece un provino con la squadra di suo fratello Earvin, iTampa Bay Buccaneers, ma fu ritenuto di taglia non sufficiente. Disputò così il training camp deiMinnesota Vikings, i quali gli fecero firmare un contratto facendolo debuttare nella NFL nel 1990. Fu convocato per il suo primoPro Bowl nel 1993 dopo aver fatto registrare 11,5sack e diventando velocemente uno dei defensive tackle più dominanti della sua epoca. Randle andò in doppia cifra con i sack in otto diverse stagioni con i Vikings, con un primato in carriera di 15,5 nel 1997.

Randle ebbe la sua maggior rivalità colquarterback deiGreen Bay PackersBrett Favre, il quale subì i suoi sack più di qualsiasi altro quarterback; Favre disse che Randle era il più difficile difensore che avesse mai incontrato e che "sul terreno artificiale era impossibile da fermare"[1]. Come il compagno di squadra ai Minnesota Vikings Chris Hovan, Randle era conosciuto per le sue pitture eccentriche del volto e per il suo linguaggio sporco in campo[2].

Seattle Seahawks

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Alla fine della stagione 2000, Randle firmò coiSeattle Seahawks e si ritirò nel marzo 2004. Egli aveva pianificato di ritirarsi un anno prima, ma l'allenatore dei SeahawksMike Holmgren lo convinse a disputare un ultimo anno. I Seahawks raggiunsero i playoff due volte con Rande nel roster, ma non riuscirono a raggiungere ilSuper Bowl. Questi lasciò la NFL alla pari conRichard Dent al quinto posto di tutti i tempi per sack in carriera e i suoi 137,5 sack totali sono il secondo miglior risultato della storia per un defensive tackle dopo la leggenda dei VikingsAlan Page con 148,5 sack[3].


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1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2001
1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998
  • First-team All-NFC: 6
1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998
  • First-team All-AFC: 1
  • Difensore della NFC del mese: 5
dicembre 1994, settembre 1996, ottobre 1997, dicembre 1998, dicembre 1999
  • Difensore della NFC della settimana: 5
8ª settimana della stagione 1993, 17ª settimana della stagione 1994, 4ª settimana della stagione 1996, 4ª e 17ª settimana della stagione 1999


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  1. ^(EN)Randle, Favre at heart of Vikings-Packers rivalry,, 4 agosto 2010.URL consultato il 27 ottobre 2012(archiviato dall'url originale il 23 luglio 2012).
  2. ^(EN)"NFL Draft - Vikings first pick draws comparisons to Randle, Sports Illustrated, 16 aprile 2000.URL consultato il 27 ottobre 2012(archiviato dall'url originale il 26 ottobre 2012).
  3. ^(EN)Randle retires from Seahawks, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1º marzo 2004.URL consultato il 27 ottobre 2012.

Collegamenti esterni

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First-team All-Pro 1993
AttaccoQBSteve Young (AP, PFWA) ·Troy Aikman (TSN) · RBEmmitt Smith (AP, PFWA, TSN) · RBJerome Bettis (AP, PFWA) ·Barry Sanders (TSN) · WRJerry Rice (AP, PFWA, TSN) · WRSterling Sharpe (AP, PFWA, TSN) · TEShannon Sharpe (AP, PFWA, TSN) · THarris Barton (AP, PFWA, TSN) · TErik Williams (AP, PFWA, TSN) · GRandall McDaniel (AP, PFWA, TSN) · GSteve Wisniewski (PFWA, TSN) ·Chris Hinton (AP) ·Bruce Matthews (PFWA, TSN) · CDermontti Dawson (AP)
DifesaDEBruce Smith (AP, PFWA, TSN) · DENeil Smith (AP, PFWA) ·Reggie White (TSN) · DTCortez Kennedy (AP, PFWA, TSN) · DTJohn Randle (AP, PFWA) ·Michael Dean Perry (TSN) · ILJunior Seau (AP, PFWA, TSN) · ILHardy Nickerson (AP, PFWA, TSN) · OLGreg Lloyd (AP, PFWA) · OLRenaldo Turnbull (AP) ·Rickey Jackson (TSN) ·Seth Joyner (PFWA) ·Darryl Talley (TSN) · CBRod Woodson (AP, PFWA, TSN) · CBDeion Sanders (AP, PFWA, TSN) · SLeRoy Butler (AP, PFWA, TSN) · SMarcus Robertson (AP, TSN) ·Eugene Robinson (PFWA)
Special TeamKNorm Johnson (PFWA) ·Chris Jacke (AP) ·Jason Hanson (TSN) · PGreg Montgomery (AP, PFWA, TSN) · KREric Metcalf (AP) ·Tyrone Hughes (PFWA) ·Mel Gray (TSN) · PREric Metcalf (PFWA, TSN) · STSteve Tasker (PFWA)
Legenda: AP:Associated Press · PFWA:Pro Football Writers Association · TSN:The Sporting News
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First-team All-Pro 1994
AttaccoQBSteve Young (AP, PFWA, TSN) · RBEmmitt Smith (AP, PFWA, TSN) · RBBarry Sanders (AP, PFWA, TSN) ·Jerry Rice (AP, PFWA, TSN) ·Cris Carter (AP, PFWA, TSN) · FBBen Coates (AP. PFWA, TSN) · TWillie Roaf (AP, PFWA, TSN) · TRichmond Webb (AP, PFWA, TSN) · GRandall McDaniel (AP, PFWA, TSN) · GNate Newton (AP, PFWA) ·Steve Wisniewski Raiders (TSN) · CDermontti Dawson (AP, PFWA, TSN)
DifesaDEBruce Smith (AP, PFWA, TSN) · DECharles Haley (AP, PFWA, TSN) · DTJohn Randle (AP, PFWA, TSN) · DTChester McGlockton (PFWA, TSN) ·Cortez Kennedy (AP) · MLJunior Seau (AP, PFWA, TSN) · MLChris Spielman (PFWA, TSN) · OLGreg Lloyd (AP, PFWA, TSN) · OLKevin Greene (AP, PFWA, TSN) · CBRod Woodson (AP, PFWA, TSN) · CBDeion Sanders (AP, PFWA, TSN) · SDarren Woodson (AP, PFWA, TSN) · SEric Turner (AP, PFWA) ·Merton Hanks (TSN)
Special TeamKJohn Carney (AP, TSN) ·Faud Reveiz (PFWA) · PReggie Roby (AP, PFWA, TSN) · KRMel Gray (AP, PFWA, TSN) · PRBrian Mitchell (PFWA) ·Eric Metcalf (TSN) · STSteve Tasker (PFWA)
Legenda: AP:Associated Press · PFWA:Pro Football Writers Association · TSN:The Sporting News ·
V · D · M
First-team All-Pro 1995
AttaccoQBBrett Favre (AP, PFWA, TSN) · RBEmmitt Smith (AP, PFWA, TSN) · RBBarry Sanders (AP, PFWA, TSN) ·Curtis Martin (PFWA) · WRJerry Rice (AP, PFWA, TSN) · WRHerman Moore (AP, PFWA, TSN) · TEBen Coates (AP, PFWA, TSN) · OTWillie Roaf (AP, PFWA, TSN) · OTLomas Brown (AP, PFWA) ·Erik Williams (TSN) · OGNate Newton (AP, PFWA, TSN) · OGRandall McDaniel (AP, PFWA) ·Larry Allen (TSN) · CDermontti Dawson (AP, PFWA, TSN)
DifesaDEBruce Smith (AP, PFWA, TSN) · DEReggie White (AP. PFWA, TSN) · DTJohn Randle (AP, PFWA, TSN) · DTChester McGlockton (AP, PFWA) ·Eric Swann (TSN) · MBJunior Seau (PFWA, TSN) · MBKen Norton Jr. (AP) · OLBryce Paup (AP, PFWA, TSN) · OLGreg Lloyd (AP, PFWA, TSN) · CBAeneas Williams (AP, PFWA, TSN) · CBEric Davis (AP, PFWA) ·Deion Sanders (TSN) · SDarren Woodson (AP, PFWA, TSN)SMerton Hanks (AP, PFWA, TSN)
Special TeamKMorten Andersen (AP, PFWA, TSN) · PDarren Bennett (AP, PFWA, TSN) · KRBrian Mitchell (AP, PFWA, TSN) · PRBrian Mitchell (PFWA) ·Glyn Milburn (TSN) · STSteve Tasker (PFWA)
Legenda: AP:Associated Press · PFWA:Pro Football Writers Association · TSN:The Sporting News ·
V · D · M
First-team All-Pro 1996
AttaccoQBBrett Favre (AP, PFWA, TSN) · RBTerrell Davis (AP, PFWA, TSN) · RBBarry Sanders (PFWA, TSN) ·Jerome Bettis (AP) · FBLarry Centers (AP) · WRJerry Rice (AP, PFWA, TSN)WRHerman Moore (AP, TSN) ·Carl Pickens (PFWA) · TEShannon Sharpe (AP, PFWA, TSN) · OTGary Zimmerman (AP, PFWA, TSN) · OTWillie Roaf (PFWA, TSN) ·Erik Williams (AP) · GRandall McDaniel (AP, PFWA, TSN) · GLarry Allen (AP, PFWA, TSN) · CDermontti Dawson (AP, PFWA, TSN)
DifesaDEBruce Smith (AP, PFWA, TSN) · DEAlfred Williams (AP, PFWA, TSN) · DTJohn Randle (AP, PFWA, TSN) · DTBryant Young (AP, PFWA, TSN) · MLSam Mills (AP, PFWA) · MLJunior Seau (AP, TSN) · OLChad Brown (AP, PFWA, TSN) · OLKevin Greene (AP, PFWA) ·Lamar Lathon (TSN) · CBDeion Sanders (AP, PFWA, TSN) ·Dale Carter (TSN) ·Aeneas Williams (PFWA) ·Ashley Ambrose (AP) · SLeRoy Butler (AP, PFWA, TSN) · SDarren Woodson (AP,PFWA, TSN)
Special TeamKCary Blanchard (AP, PFWA, TSN) · PChris Gardocki (AP-p, PFWA) ·Darren Bennett (TSN) ·Matt Turk (AP-p) · KRMichael Bates (AP, PFWA, TSN) · PRDesmond Howard (PFWA) ·Glyn Milburn (TSN) · STJim Schwantz (PFWA)
Legenda: AP:Associated Press · PFWA:Pro Football Writers Association · TSN:The Sporting News ·
V · D · M
First-team All-Pro 1997
AttaccoQBBrett Favre (AP, PFWA, TSN) · RBTerrell Davis (AP, PFWA, TSN) · RBBarry Sanders (AP, PFWA, TSN) · FBMike Alstott (AP) · WRHerman Moore (AP, PFWA, TSN) · WRRob Moore (AP, PFWA) ·Tim Brown (TSN) · TEShannon Sharpe (AP, PFWA, TSN) · OTTony Boselli (AP, PFWA, TSN) · OTJonathan Ogden (AP, PFWA, TSN) · GLarry Allen (AP, PFWA, TSN) · GDave Szott (AP, PFWA) ·Randall McDaniel (TSN) · CDermontti Dawson (AP, PFWA, TSN)
DifesaDEBruce Smith (AP, PFWA, TSN) · DEMichael Strahan (AP, PFWA, TSN) · DTJohn Randle (AP, PFWA, TSN) · DTDana Stubblefield (AP, PFWA, TSN) · MLLevon Kirkland (AP, PFWA, TSN) · MLHardy Nickerson (AP) · OLJessie Armstead (AP, PFWA, TSN) · OLJohn Mobley (AP, PFWA, TSN) · CBDeion Sanders (AP, PFWA, TSN) · CBAeneas Williams (AP, PFWA, TSN) ·Aaron Glenn (PFWA) · SLeRoy Butler (AP, PFWA, TSN) · SCarnell Lake (AP, PFWA, TSN)
Special TeamKRichie Cunningham (AP, TSN) ·Pete Stoyanovich (PFWA) ·Bryan Barker (AP, PFWA) ·Matt Turk (TSN) · STMichael Bates (PFWA, TSN) ·Eric Metcalf (AP)
Legenda: AP:Associated Press · PFWA:Pro Football Writers Association · TSN:The Sporting News ·
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First-team All-Pro 1998
AttaccoQBRandall Cunningham (AP, PFWA) ·Steve Young (TSN) · RBTerrell Davis (AP, PFWA, TSN) · RBJamal Anderson (AP, PFWA, TSN) · FBMike Alstott (AP) · WRRandy Moss (AP, PFWA, TSN) · WRAntonio Freeman (AP, PFWA, TSN) ·Keyshawn Johnson (PFWA) · TEShannon Sharpe (AP, PFWA, TSN) · OTTony Boselli (AP, PFWA, TSN) · OTLarry Allen (AP, PFWA, TSN) · GRandall McDaniel (AP, PFWA, TSN) · GBruce Matthews (AP, PFWA, TSN) · CDermontti Dawson (AP, PFWA, TSN) ·
DifesaDEReggie White (AP, PFWA, TSN) · DEMichael Strahan (AP, PFWA) ·Michael McCrary (TSN) · DTJohn Randle (AP, PFWA, TSN) · DTDarrell Russell (AP, PFWA) ·Bryant Young (TSN) · MLJunior Seau (AP, PFWA, TSN-OLB) · MLZach Thomas (AP) ·Ray Lewis (TSN) · OLChad Brown (AP, PFWA, TSN) · OLMo Lewis (AP, PFWA) · CBDeion Sanders (AP, PFWA, TSN) · CBTy Law (AP, PFWA, TSN) · CBAaron Glenn (PFWA) · SLeRoy Butler (AP, PFWA, TSN) · SRodney Harrison (AP, PFWA, TSN-p) ·Robert Griffith (TSN-p)
Special TeamKGary Anderson (AP, PFWA, TSN) · PCraig Hentrich (AP, PFWA, TSN) · KRJermaine Lewis (AP) ·Terry Fair (PFWA-p, TSN) ·Roell Preston (PFWA-p) · PRJermaine Lewis (TSN) ·Deion Sanders (PFWA) · STBennie Thompson (PFWA) ·Michael Bates (PFWA)
Legenda: AP:Associated Press · PFWA:Pro Football Writers Association · TSN:The Sporting News ·
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Pro Football Hall of Fame
AllenatoriGeorge Allen ·Paul Brown ·Guy Chamberlin ·Jimmy Conzelman ·Don Coryell ·Bill Cowher ·Tony Dungy ·Weeb Ewbank ·Ray Flaherty ·Tom Flores ·Joe Gibbs ·Sid Gillman ·Bud Grant ·George Halas ·Jimmy Johnson ·Earl (Curly) Lambeau ·Tom Landry ·Marv Levy ·Vince Lombardi ·John Madden ·Greasy Neale ·Chuck Noll ·Steve Owen ·Bill Parcells ·Don Shula ·Hank Stram ·Dick Vermeil ·Bill Walsh
Addetti ai lavoriBobby Beathard ·Bert Bell ·Charles Bidwill ·Pat Bowlen ·Gil Brandt ·Joe Carr ·Al Davis ·Eddie DeBartolo Jr. ·Jim Finks ·Jerry Jones ·George Halas ·Lamar Hunt ·Earl (Curly) Lambeau ·Tim Mara ·Wellington Mara ·George Preston Marshall ·Art McNally ·Bill Nunn ·Bill Polian ·Hugh (Shorty) Ray ·Dan Reeves ·Art Rooney ·Dan Rooney ·Pete Rozelle ·Ed Sabol ·Steve Sabol ·Tex Schramm ·Paul Tagliabue ·Ralph Wilson Jr. ·Ron Wolf ·George Young
GiocatoriAdderley ·Aikman ·E. Allen ·J. Allen ·L. Allen ·M. Allen ·Alworth ·Andersen ·Atkins ·Atwater ·Badgro ·Bailey ·Barber ·Barney ·Battles ·Baugh ·Bednarik ·Bell ·Berry ·Bethea ·Bettis ·Biletnikoff ·Blanda ·Blount ·Boselli ·Bradshaw ·Branch ·Brazile ·Brooks ·B. Brown ·J. Brown ·R. Brown ·T. Brown ·W. Brown ·Bruce ·Buchanan ·Buoniconti ·Butkus ·J. ButlerL. Butler ·Campbell ·Canadeo ·Carmichael ·Carson ·Carter ·Casper ·Chamberlin ·Christiansen ·Clark ·Connor ·Conzelman ·Covert ·Creekmur ·Csonka ·Culp ·T. Davis ·W. Davis ·Dawkins ·D. Dawson ·L. Dawson ·Dean ·DeLamielleure ·Dent ·Dickerson ·Dierdorf ·Dillon ·Ditka ·Doleman ·Donovan ·Dorsett ·Driscoll ·Dudley ·Easley ·Edwards ·Eller ·Elway ·Faneca ·Faulk ·Favre ·Fears ·Ford ·Fortman ·Fouts ·Freeney ·Friedman ·Gates ·Gatski ·George ·Gifford ·Gradishar ·Graham ·Grange ·Green ·J. Greene ·K. Greene ·Gregg ·Griese ·Grimm ·Groza ·Guy ·Guyon ·Haley ·Ham ·Hampton ·Hanburger ·Hanna ·C. Harris ·F. Harris ·Harrison ·Hayes ·Haynes ·Healey ·Hein ·Hendricks ·Henry ·Herber ·Hester ·Hewitt ·Hickerson ·Hill ·Hinkle ·Hirsch ·Hornung ·Houston ·Howley ·Hubbard ·Huff ·Humphrey ·Hutson ·Irvin ·Jackson ·A. Johnson ·C. Johnson ·J.H. Johnson ·Hutchinson ·Joiner ·D. Jones ·S. Jones ·W. Jones ·Jordan ·Jurgensen ·Karras ·J. Kelly ·L. Kelly ·Kennedy ·Kiesling ·Kinard ·Klecko ·Kramer ·Krause ·Lambert ·Lane ·Langer ·Lanier ·Largent ·Lary ·Lavelli ·Law ·Layne ·LeBeau ·Leemans ·Lewis ·Lilly ·F. Little ·L. Little ·Lofton ·Long ·Lott ·Luckman ·Lyman ·Lynch ·Mack ·Mackey ·Manning ·Marchetti ·Marino ·Martin ·Matson ·Matthews ·Mawae ·Maynard ·McAfee ·McCormack ·McDaniel ·McDonald ·McElhenny ·McMichael ·McNally ·Michalske ·Sam Mills ·Millner ·Mitchell ·Mix ·Monk ·Montana ·Moon ·Moore ·Moss ·Motley ·Munchak ·Muñoz ·Musso ·Nagurski ·Namath ·Nevers ·Newsome ·Nitschke ·Nomellini ·Ogden ·Olsen ·Otto ·Owens ·Pace ·Page ·C. Parker ·J. Parker ·Payton ·Pearson ·Peppers ·Perry ·Pihos ·Polamalu ·Pollard ·Randle ·A. Reed ·E. Reed ·Renfro ·Revis ·Rice ·Richter ·Riggins ·Riley ·Ringo ·Roaf ·D. Robinson ·J. Robinson ·Robustelli ·St. Clair ·B. Sanders ·C. Sanders ·D. Sanders ·Sapp ·Sayers ·Schmidt ·Seau ·Selmon ·Seymour ·Sh. Sharpe ·St. Sharpe ·Shaw ·A. Shell ·D. Shell ·Shields ·Simpson ·Singletary ·D. Slater ·J. Slater ·B. Smith ·E. Smith ·J. Smith ·Speedie ·Sprinkle ·Stabler ·Stallworth ·Stanfel ·Starr ·Staubach ·Stautner ·Stenerud ·Stephenson ·Strahan ·Strong ·Stydahar ·Swann ·Tarkenton ·C. Taylor ·Ja. Taylor ·Ji. Taylor ·L. Taylor ·D. Thomas ·E. Thomas ·J. Thomas ·T. Thomas ·Z. Thomas ·Thorpe ·Tippett ·Tingelhoff ·Tittle ·Tomlinson ·Trafton ·Trippi ·Tunnell ·Turner ·Unitas ·Upshaw ·Urlacher ·Van Brocklin ·Van Buren ·Walker ·Wve ·Warfield ·Warner ·Waterfield ·Webster ·Wehrli ·Weinmeister ·Ra. White ·Re. White ·Wilcox ·Williams ·B. Willis ·P. Willis ·Wilson ·Winslow ·Wojciechowicz ·Wood ·C. Woodson ·R. Woodson ·Wright ·Yary ·B. Young ·S. Young ·Youngblood ·Zimmerman
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Minnesota Vikings Ring of Honor
Fondati nel 1961. Sede aMinneapolis (Minnesota)
Classe del 1998Fran TarkentonPaul KrauseAlan PageJim FinksBud GrantFred Zamberletti
Classe del 1999Jim Marshall
Classe del 2001Mick TingelhoffRon YaryKorey Stringer
Classe del 2002Carl Eller
Classe del 2003Cris Carter
Classe del 2004Bill Brown
Classe del 2005Jerry Burns
Classe del 2006Randall McDaniel
Classe del 2007Chuck Foreman
Classe del 2008John Randle
Classe del 2009Scott Studwell
Classe del 2011Chris Doleman
Classe del 2012Matt Blair
Classe del 2013Joey Browner
Classe del 2017Ahmad RashādRandy Moss
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