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E.G. Records

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E.G. Records
StatoRegno Unito (bandiera) Regno Unito
Fondata da
  • David Enthoven
  • John Gaydon
GruppoUniversal Music Group
Prodottiprogressive rock
Modifica dati su Wikidata ·Manuale

LaE.G. Records è stata un'etichetta discograficainglese, attiva in particolare durante glianni settanta eottanta.

Le iniziali sono quelle dei cognomi rispettivamente di David Enthoven e John Gaydon, che diventarono i manager deiKing Crimson nel1969, producendo l'album di esordioIn the Court of the Crimson King. Furono anche produttori diT. Rex,Emerson Lake and Palmer eRoxy Music. Gaydon lasciò l'etichetta nel1971, Enthoven nel1977.Sam Alder eMark Fenwick (ora manager diRoger Waters) riformarono l'etichetta diversi anni più tardi, pubblicando materiale dei King Crimson,Brian Eno,Killing Joke,Loose Tubes,Human Chain,Man Jumping,Iain Ballamy,Earthworks eUK.

La E.G. Records è stata distribuita daIsland,Atlantic,WBR,Polydor,Passport/Jem, eVirgin in varie parti del mondo.

Alder e Fenwick investirono nella compagnia assicuratrice deiLloyd's di Londra, che con le pesanti perdite dei primianni novanta mise i due in guai finanziari e successivamente giuridici.

La casa discografica fu venduta alla Virgin nel1992, e continuò ad operare con il marchio E.G.. Nel1996, dopo che la Virgin fu venduta allaEMI, il marchio E.G. sparì e fu assorbito dalla Virgin, che ha invece continuato ad operare con il proprio nome.

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Universal Music Group
Interscope Geffen A&M Records
Interscope Records
Geffen Records
Capitol Music Group
Republic Records
Island Records
Def Jam Recordings
Caroline Records
Isolation Network
The Verve Label Group
Decca Label Group
The Verve Music Group
Eagle Rock Entertainment
Universal Music UK
Universal Music France
Universal Music Italia
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V · D · M
King Crimson
Mel Collins ·Robert Fripp ·Gavin Harrison ·Jakko Jakszyk ·Tony Levin ·Pat Mastelotto ·Jeremy Stacey
Adrian Belew ·Bill Bruford ·Boz Burrell ·David Cross · Chris Gibson ·Michael Giles ·Trey Gunn ·Gordon Haskell ·Greg Lake ·Andy McCulloch ·Ian McDonald ·Jamie Muir ·Bill Rieflin ·Peter Sinfield ·Ian Wallace ·John Wetton
StudioIn the Court of the Crimson King ·In the Wake of Poseidon ·Lizard ·Islands ·Larks' Tongues in Aspic ·Starless and Bible Black ·Red ·Discipline ·Beat ·Three of a Perfect Pair ·Thrak ·The ConstruKction of Light ·The Power to Believe
Dal vivoEarthbound ·USA ·The Great Deceiver ·B'Boom: Live in Argentina ·Thrakattak ·Epitaph ·The Night Watch ·Absent Lovers: Live in Montreal ·The ProjeKcts ·Heavy ConstruKction ·Vrooom Vrooom ·EleKtrik, Live in Japan ·Live at the Orpheum ·Live in Toronto ·Radical Action (To Unseat the Hold of Monkey Mind)
RaccolteA Young Person's Guide to King Crimson ·The Compact King Crimson ·King Crimson 1989 ·The Essential King Crimson:Frame By Frame ·Frame by Frame: The Essential King Crimson ·The Abbreviated King Crimson:Heartbeat ·The Concise King Crimson: Sleepless ·The first three ·Schizoid man ·Deception of the Thrush: A Beginners' Guide to ProjeKcts ·Cirkus: A Young Persons' Guide to King Crimson - Live 1969 - 1998 ·A Beginners' Guide to the King Crimson Collectors' Club ·Ladies of the Road ·The 21st Century Guide to King Crimson - Volume One - 1969-1974 ·The 21st Century Guide to King Crimson - Vol. 2 - 1981-2003 ·The Condensed 21st Century Guide to King Crimson 1969-2003 ·The Road to Red ·The Elements of King Crimson ·The Elements: 2014 Tour Box ·Starless ·The Elements: 2015 Tour Box ·The Elements: 2016 Tour Box
EPVrooom ·Level Five ·Happy with What You Have to Be Happy With ·2014 Live EP ·Heroes
SingoliThe Court of the Crimson King ·Cat Food/Groon ·The Night Watch ·Epitaph ·Matte Kudasai ·Thela Hun Ginjeet ·Heartbeat ·Sleepless ·Dinosaur ·Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream
ProjeKctsProjeKct One ·ProjeKct Two ·ProjeKct Three ·ProjeKct Four ·ProjeKct X ·ProjeKct Six ·Jakszyk, Fripp and Collins
Voci correlate21st Century Schizoid Band ·Crimson Jazz Trio ·Eddie Jobson ·Emerson, Lake & Palmer ·Giles, Giles & Fripp ·Harry Miller ·Jon Anderson ·Keith Tippett ·Mark Charig ·McDonald and Giles ·Nick Evans
V · D · M
Emerson, Lake & Palmer
Keith Emerson ·Greg Lake ·Carl Palmer
StudioEmerson, Lake & Palmer ·Tarkus ·Trilogy ·Brain Salad Surgery ·Works Volume 1 ·Works Volume 2 ·Love Beach ·Black Moon ·In the Hot Seat
Dal vivoPictures at an Exhibition ·Welcome Back, My Friends, to the Show That Never Ends - Ladies and Gentlemen Emerson, Lake & Palmer ·In Concert ·Live at the Royal Albert Hall ·Works Live ·Live at the Isle of Wight Festival 1970 ·Live in Poland ·King Biscuit Flower Hour: Greatest Hits Live ·Then & Now ·The Original Bootleg Series from the Manticore Vaults: Volume One ·The Original Bootleg Series from the Manticore Vaults: Volume Two ·The Original Bootleg Series from the Manticore Vaults: Volume Three ·The Original Bootleg Series from the Manticore Vaults: Volume Four ·High Voltage Festival
RaccolteThe Best of Emerson Lake & Palmer ·The Atlantic Years ·The Return of the Manticore ·The Very Best of Emerson Lake & Palmer ·Fanfare for the Common Man - The Anthology ·Reworks: Brain Salad Perjury ·The Ultimate Collection ·The Essential Emerson, Lake & Palmer ·From the Beginning ·Gold Edition
EPI Believe in Father Christmas
SingoliKnife-Edge ·The Three Fates ·Tank ·Lucky Man ·Lucky Man/Knife-Edge ·Tarkus ·From the Beginning ·Still... You Turn Me On ·Karn Evil 9 ·Piano Concerto No. 1 ·C'est La Vie/Jeremy Bender ·Tiger in a Spotlight ·Tiger in a Spotlight/So Far to Fall ·I Believe in Father Christmas ·All I Want Is You/Tiger in a Spotlight ·In Concert: Peter Gunn/Knife Edge
VideoThe Birth of a Band ·Live at Montreux 1997 ·Live at the Royal Albert Hall ·Masters from the Vault ·Pictures at an Exhibition ·Beyond the Beginning
Voci correlate3 ·Asia ·Atomic Rooster ·The Crazy World of Arthur Brown ·E.G. Records ·Emerson, Lake & Powell ·Richard Fraser ·King Crimson ·Manticore Records ·The Nice ·Eddy Offord ·Peter Sinfield
V · D · M
Roxy Music
Bryan Ferry ·Phil Manzanera ·Andy Mackay
Paul Thompson · Graham Simpson · Roger Bunn · Dexter Lloyd ·Brian Eno · Rik Kenton · David O'List ·John Gustafson ·Eddie Jobson · Gary Tibbs
Album in studioRoxy Music ·For Your Pleasure ·Stranded ·Country Life ·Siren ·Manifesto ·Flesh + Blood ·Avalon
Album liveViva! ·Heart Still Beating ·Concert Classics ·Concerto ·Roxy Music Live
EPThe High Road
RaccolteGreatest Hits ·Street Life: 20 Great Hits ·The Ultimate Collection ·More than This
Box-setThe Thrill of It All
SingoliVirginia Plain ·Pyjamarama ·Do the Strand ·Street Life ·All I Want Is You ·The Thrill of It All ·Love Is the Drug ·Both Ends Burning ·Trash ·Dance Away ·Angel Eyes ·Over You ·Oh Yeah ·Same Old Scene ·In the Midnight Hour ·Jealous Guy ·More than This ·Avalon ·Take a Chance With Me
V · D · M
T. Rex
Marc Bolan ·Mickey Finn ·Steve Currie ·Bill Legend ·Dino Dines
Album in studio
Come "Tyrannosaurus Rex"My People Were Fair and Had Sky in Their Hair... But Now They're Content to Wear Stars on Their Brows ·Prophets, Seers & Sages: The Angels of the Ages ·Unicorn ·A Beard of Stars
Come "T. Rex"T. Rex ·Electric Warrior ·The Slider ·Tanx ·Zinc Alloy and the Hidden Riders of Tomorrow ·Light of Love ·Bolan's Zip Gun ·Futuristic Dragon ·Dandy in the Underworld
RaccolteThe Best of T. Rex ·Bolan Boogie ·Great Hits ·Solid Gold ·Hits! - The Very Best of T. Rex ·The Essential Collection - 25th Anniversary Edition
SingoliRide a White Swan ·Hot Love ·Get It On ·Jeepster ·Telegram Sam ·Metal Guru ·Children of the Revolution ·Solid Gold Easy Action ·20th Century Boy ·Teenage Dream
Altri membriSteve Peregrin Took ·Miller Anderson ·Herbie Flowers ·Jack Green ·Gloria Jones ·Tony Newman
Voci correlateE.G. Records ·John's Children ·Tony Visconti
V · D · M
Killing Joke
Jaz Coleman ·Geordie Walker ·Paul Freguson ·Youth ·Reza Udhin
StudioKilling Joke ·What's THIS For...! ·Revelations ·Fire Dances ·Night Time ·Brighter Than a Thousand Suns ·Outside the Gate ·The Courtauld Talks ·Extremities, Dirt & Various Repressed Emotions ·Pandemonium ·Democracy ·Killing Joke ·Hosannas from the Basements of Hell ·Absolute Dissent ·MMXII ·Pylon
Dal vivo«HA» ·BBC In Concert ·XXV Gathering!: Let Us Prey ·Down by the River
VideoXXV Gathering!: The Band that Preys Together Stays Together
Altri membriMartin Atkins ·Paul Raven ·Ben Calvert ·Dave Grohl
Pagine correlateMichael Coles ·E.G. Records ·Malicious Damage ·Murder Inc. ·Rok Dábla
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