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Allen Bard

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Allen Joseph Bard
Premio WolfPremio Wolf per la chimica2008

Allen Joseph Bard (New York,18 dicembre1933Austin,11 febbraio2024[1]) è stato unchimicostatunitense.


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Ottenuto ildottorato inchimica all'Università di Harvard nel 1958, entrò a far parte come ricercatore e docente dell'University of Texas at Austin, dove trascorse la maggior parte della sua carriera accademica. Dal 1985 resse la cattedraHackerman/Welch Regents e fu direttore del Centro diElettrochimica.[2]

Si occupò prevalentemente di elettrochimica, in particolare diESTM e fotoelettrochimica.[2] Nel 2002 vinse laMedaglia Priestley e nel 2008 ilPremio Wolf per la chimica.


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  1. ^(EN)Allen Joseph Bard,, 13 febbraio 2024.URL consultato il 14 febbraio 2024.
  2. ^abBard Vita,, The University of Texas at Austin.URL consultato il 7 ottobre 2010(archiviato dall'url originale il 19 giugno 2010).

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V · D · M
Vincitori Premio Wolf - Categoria Chimica
Carl Djerassi (1978) ·Herman Mark (1979) ·Henry Eyring (1980) ·Joseph Chatt (1981) ·John Charles Polanyi -George C. Pimentel (1982) ·Herbert S. Gutowsky -Harden M. McConnell -John S. Waugh (1984) ·Rudolph Marcus (1985) ·Elias James Corey -Albert Eschenmoser (1986) ·David C. Phillips -David Blow (1987) ·Joshua Jortner -Raphael David Levine (1988) ·Duilio Arigoni -Alan Rushton Battersby (1989) ·Richard R. Ernst -Alexander Pines (1991) ·John Pople (1992) ·Ahmed Zewail (1993) ·Richard Lerner -Peter Schultz (1995) ·Gilbert Stork -Samuel J. Danishefsky (1996) ·Gerhard Ertl -Gábor Arpad Somorjai (1998) ·Raymond Lemieux (1999) ·Frank Albert Cotton (2000) ·Henri B. Kagan -Ryōji Noyori -K. Barry Sharpless (2001) ·Harry B. Gray (2004) ·Richard N. Zare (2005) ·Ada Yonath -George Feher (2007) ·William Moerner -Allen Bard (2008) ·Stuart A. Rice -Ching W. Tang -Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (2011) ·Armand Paul Alivisatos -Charles M. Lieber (2012) ·Robert S. Langer (2013) ·Chi-Huey Wong (2014) ·Kyriacos Costa Nicolaou -Stuart Schreiber (2016) ·Robert G. Bergman (2017) ·Omar Yaghi -Makoto Fujita (2018) ·Stephen L. Buchwald -John F. Hartwig (2019) ·Leslie Leiserowitz -Meir Lahav (2021) ·Bonnie Bassler -Carolyn R. Bertozzi -Benjamin Cravatt (2022) ·Chuan He -Hiroaki Suga -Jeffery W. Kelly (2023)
Agricoltura ·Arti ·Chimica ·Fisica ·Matematica ·Medicina
V · D · M
Vincitori dellaMedaglia Priestley (ACS)
Ira Remsen (1923) •Edgar Fahs Smith (1926) •Francis P. Garvan (1929) •Charles Lathrop Parsons (1932) •William A. Noyes (1935)Marston T. Bogert (1938) •Thomas Midgley (1941) •James Bryant Conant (1944) •Ian Morris Heilbron (1945) •Roger Adams (1946) •Warren K. Lewis (1947) •Edward R. Weidlein (1948) •Arthur B. Lamb (1949) •Charles August Kraus (1950) •Evan J. Crane (1951) •Samuel C. Lind (1952) •Robert Robinson (1953) •W. Albert Noyes, Jr. (1954) •Charles A. Thomas (1955) •Carl S. Marvel (1956) •Farrington Daniels (1957) •Ernest H. Volwiler (1958) •Hermann Irving Schlesinger (1959) •Wallace Reed Brode (1960) •Louis Plack Hammett (1961) •Joel Henry Hildebrand (1962) •Peter Debye (1963) •John C. Bailar Jr. (1964) •William J. Sparks (1965) •William O. Baker (1966) •Ralph Connor (1967) •William G. Young (1968) •Kenneth S. Pitzer (1969) •Max Tishler (1970) •Frederick Rossini (1971) •George B. Kistiakowsky (1972) •Harold Urey (1973) •Paul Flory (1974) •Henry Eyring (1975) •George S. Hammond (1976) •Henry Gilman (1977) •Melvin Calvin (1978) •Glenn Theodore Seaborg (1979) •Milton Harris (1980) •Herbert Brown (1981) •Bryce Crawford, Jr. (1982) •Robert Mulliken (1983) •Linus Pauling (1984) •Henry Taube (1985) •Karl August Folkers (1986) •John D. Roberts (1987) •Frank H. Westheimer (1988) •George C. Pimentel (1989) •Roald Hoffmann (1990) •Harry B. Gray (1991) •Carl Djerassi (1992) •Robert W. Parry (1993) •Howard E. Simmons (1994) •Derek Harold Richard Barton (1995) •Ernest L. Eliel (1996) •Mary L. Good (1997) •Frank Albert Cotton (1998) •Ronald Breslow (1999) •Darleane C. Hoffman (2000) •Fred Basolo (2001) •Allen Bard (2002) •Edwin J. Vandenberg (2003) •Elias J. Corey (2004) •George A. Olah (2005) •Paul S. Anderson (2006) •George M. Whitesides (2007) •Gábor Arpad Somorjai (2008) •Frederick Hawthorne (2009) •Richard Zare (2010) •Ahmed H. Zewail (2011) •Robert S. Langer (2012) •Peter J. Stang (2013) •Stephen J. Lippard (2014) •Jacqueline Barton (2015) •Mostafa El-Sayed (2016) •Tobin J. Marks (2017) •Geraldine L. Richmond (2018) •Barry Sharpless (2019)
V · D · M
Vincitori delPremio Willard Gibbs (ACS)
Svante Arrhenius (1911) •Theodore William Richards (1912) •Leo Baekeland (1913) •Ira Remsen (1914) •Arthur Amos Noyes (1915) •Willis R. Whitney (1916) •Edward Morley (1917) •William Merriam Burton (1918) •William A. Noyes (1919) •Frederick Gardner Cottrell (1920) •Marie Curie (1921) •Julius Stieglitz (1923) •Gilbert Lewis (1924) •Moses Gomberg (1925) •James Colquhoun Irvine (1926) •John Jacob Abel (1927) •William Draper Harkins (1928) •Claude Silbert Hudson (1929) •Irving Langmuir (1930) •Phoebus Levene (1931) •Edward Curtis Franklin (1932) •Richard Martin Willstätter (1933) •Harold Urey (1934) •Charles August Kraus (1935) •Roger Adams (1936) •Herbert Newby McCoy (1937) •Robert R. Williams (1938) •Donald Dexter Van Slyke (1939) •Vladimir Ipatieff (1940) •Edward Adelbert Doisy (1941) •Thomas Midgley (1942) •Conrad Arnold Elvehjem (1943) •George O. Curme, Jr. (1944) •Frank C. Whitmore (1945) •Linus Pauling (1946) •Wendell Meredith Stanley (1947) •Carl F. Cori (1948) •Peter Debye (1949) •Carl S. Marvel (1950)William Francis Giauque (1951)William C. Rose (1952) •Joel Henry Hildebrand (1953) •Elmer K. Bolton (1954) •Farrington Daniels (1955) •Vincent du Vigneaud (1956) •W. Albert Noyes, Jr. (1957) •Willard Frank Libby (1958) •Hermann Irving Schlesinger (1959) •George B. Kistiakowsky (1960) •Louis Plack Hammett (1961) •Lars Onsager (1962) •Paul Doughty Bartlett (1963) •Izaak M. Kolthoff (1964) •Robert Mulliken (1965) •Glenn Theodore Seaborg (1966) •Robert Burns Woodward (1967) •Henry Eyring (1968) •Gerhard Herzberg (1969) •Frank H. Westheimer (1970) •Henry Taube (1971) •John T. Edsall (1972) •Paul Flory (1973) •Har Gobind Khorana (1974) •Herman F. Mark (1975) •Kenneth S. Pitzer (1976) •Melvin Calvin (1977) •William O. Baker (1978) •Edgar Bright Wilson (1979) •Frank Albert Cotton (1980) •Bert Lester Vallee (1981) •Gilbert Stork (1982) •John D. Roberts (1983) •Elias James Corey (1984) •Donald James Cram (1985) •Jack Halpern (1986) •Allen Bard (1987) •Rudolph Marcus (1988) •Richard Barry Bernstein (1989) •Richard Zare (1990) •Günther Wilke (1991) •Harry B. Gray (1992) •Peter B. Dervan (1993) •Frederick Hawthorne (1994) •John Meurig Thomas (1995) •Fred Basolo (1996) •Carl Djerassi (1997) •Mario Molina (1998) •Lawrence F. Dahl (1999) •Nicholas Turro (2000) •Tobin J. Marks (2001) •Ralph Hirschmann (2002) •John I. Brauman (2003) •Ronald Breslow (2004) •David A. Evans (2005) •Jacqueline K. Barton (2006) •Sylvia T. Ceyer (2007) •Carolyn R. Bertozzi (2008) •Louis Brus (2009) •Maurice Brookhart (2010) •Robert G. Bergman (2011) •Mark Ratner (2012) •Charles M. Lieber (2013) •John E. Bercaw (2014) •John F. Hartwig (2015) •Laura L. Kiessling (2016) •Judith Klinman (2017) •Cynthia Burrows (2018) •Marcetta Y. Darensbourg (2019)
V · D · M
Vincitori delPremio Linus Pauling (ACS)
Linus Pauling (1966) •Manfred Eigen (1967) •Herbert Brown (1968) •Henry Eyring (1969) •Harold Urey (1970) •Gerhard Herzberg (1971) •E. Bright Wilson (1972) •Elias James Corey (1973) •Roald Hoffmann (1974) •Paul Doughty Bartlett (1975) •Frank Albert Cotton (1976) •John Pople (1977) •Dudley Herschbach (1978) •Daniel Koshland (1979) •John D. Roberts (1980) •Henry Taube (1981) •George C. Pimentel (1982) •Gilbert Stork (1983) •John S. Waugh (1984) •Harold A. Scheraga (1985) •Harry B. Gray (1986) •Harden M. McConnell (1987) •Keith Ingold (1988) •Neil Bartlett (1989) •James P. Collman (1990) •Rudolph Marcus (1991) •Kenneth Wiberg (1992) •Richard Zare (1993) •James A. Ibers (1994) •Alexander Rich (1995) •Kyriacos C. Nicolaou (1996) •Ahmed Zewail (1997) •Allen Bard (1998) •Peter B. Dervan (1999) •Gábor Arpad Somorjai (2000) •Tobin J. Marks (2001) •John I. Brauman (2002) •Robert Grubbs (2003) •Martin Karplus (2004) •George M. Whitesides (2005) •Peter Stang (2006) •Jacqueline K. Barton (2007) •Thomas C. Bruice (2008) •Stephen J. Lippard (2009) •Armand Paul Alivisatos (2010) •Larry R. Dalton (2011) •Robert Cava (2012) •Chad Mirkin (2013) •Stephen Buchwald (2014) •Barry M. Trost (2015) •Timothy M. Swager (2016) •Christopher C. Cummins (2017) •Geraldine Richmond (2018) •Catherine J. Murphy (2019) •Paul Chirik (2020)
V · D · M
Vincitori delNAS Award in Chemical Sciences
Linus Pauling (1979) •Frank H. Westheimer (1980) •Bruno H. Zimm (1981) •Gilbert Stork (1982) •Henry Taube (1983) •Richard B. Bernstein (1985) •Roald Hoffmann (1986) •Herbert C. Brown (1987) •Harden M. McConnell (1988) •Ronald Breslow (1989) •F. Albert Cotton (1990) •Richard N. Zare (1991) •Donald J. Cram (1992) •Richard H. Holm (1993) •Koji Nakanishi (1994) •Isabella L. Karle (1995) •Ahmed H. Zewail (1996) •M. Frederick Hawthorne (1997) •Allen J. Bard (1998) •John D. Roberts (1999) •K. Barry Sharpless (2000) •John I. Brauman (2001) •Elias J. Corey (2002) •Harry B. Gray (2003) •Robert G. Parr (2004) •Thomas C. Bruice (2005) •Samuel J. Danishefsky (2006) •Robert G. Bergman (2007) •JoAnne Stubbe (2008) •Joanna S. Fowler (2009) •Louis E. Brus (2010) •Stephen J. Benkovic (2011)
V · D · M
Vincitori dellaNational Medal of Science per la chimica
Roger Adams (1964) ·Frank Albert Cotton,Gilbert Stork (1982) ·Roald Hoffmann,George C. Pimentel,Richard Zare (1983) ·Harry B. Gray,Yuan T. Lee,Carl S. Marvel,Frank H. Westheimer (1986) ·William S. Johnson,Walter H. Stockmayer,Max Tishler (1987) ·William O. Baker,Konrad Emil Bloch,Elias James Corey (1988) ·Richard B. Bernstein,Melvin Calvin,Rudoph A. Marcus,Harden M. McConnell (1989) ·Elkan Blout,Karl August Folkers,John D. Roberts (1990) ·Ronald Breslow,Gertrude B. Elion,Dudley Herschbach,Glenn Theodore Seaborg (1991) ·Howard Ensign Simmons Jr. (1992) ·Donald J. Cram,Norman Hackerman (1993) ·George S. Hammond (1994) ·Thomas Cech,Isabella L. Karle (1995) ·Norman Davidson (1996) ·Darleane C. Hoffman,Harold S. Johnston (1997) ·John W. Cahn,George M. Whitesides (1998) ·Stuart A. Rice,John Ross,Susan Solomon (1999) ·John D. Baldeschwieler,Ralph F. Hirschmann (2000) ·Ernest R. Davidson,Gábor Arpad Somorjai (2001) ·John I. Brauman (2002) ·Stephen J. Lippard (2004) ·Tobin J. Marks 2005) ·Marvin H. Caruthers,Peter B. Dervan (2006) ·Mostafa A. El-Sayed (2007) ·Joanna S. Fowler,JoAnne Stubbe (2008) ·Stephen J. Benkovic,Marye Anne Fox (2009) ·Jacqueline K. Barton,Peter J. Stang (2010) ·Allen Bard,Frederick Hawthorne (2011) ·Judith P. Klinman,Jerrold Meinwald (2012) ·Geraldine L. Richmond (2013) ·Paul Alivisatos (2014)
Controllo di autoritàVIAF(EN46852386 ·ISNI(EN0000 0001 0896 0696 ·ORCID(EN0000-0002-8517-0230 ·LCCN(ENn79006681 ·GND(DE123776368 ·BNE(ESXX1198758(data) ·BNF(FRcb12432812f(data) ·J9U(EN, HE987007423350105171 ·NSK(HR000388056 ·NDL(EN, JA00432283 · CONOR.SI(SL13370467
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