


Trust my Sense 2022

Trust my Sense 2022

A downloadable game

Graduation Video Game
School : ISART DIGITAL, the Video Game and 3D Animation / VFX School

Two puppets wake up in an abandoned toy shop. One can hear but cannot see, the other sees but cannot hear. As they walk through the mysterious rooms of this place, they will have to cooperate to solve the puzzles and lift the veil on their enigmatic origin.

Platform: Meta Quest 2
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Number of player: 2

Producer : Clémence OLIVIER, Audrey MALUGANI
Game Art : Marie ORGONASI, Paula-Charlotte ALONSO AUBIN, Théo IPARRAGUIRRE, Ruojun SUN
Game Design : Léo BROVER, Ludovic HOURMAN, Noé EMERY
Game Design & Programming: Théophile BOHIN, Romain QUAYZIN-FEUVRIER
Game Programming : Liéna EULOGE, Liam PAZ MARCO, Alexandre NOUAILLETAS
Music & Sound Design: Loris JEACOMINE, Pablo GOMEZ

Voice actors:  Ursula WYNNE, Mourad OUESLATI


Trust my Sense_2022.zip323 MB

Install instructions

- Download Sidequest

- Connect the Meta Quest 2 to your computer

- Download the apk from your computer

- Install the apk from Sidequest on the headset

- Launch the apk from the Applications tab > Unknown Sources > Eyes&Ears

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