IRIS Training
Online IRIS courses are available for UT employees to take in theK@TE Learning Management System (LMS) at their own pace and as their schedule allows. K@TE, pronounced “Kate”, is the University’s LMS for UT faculty and staff members to access thousands of professional development opportunities and satisfy annual compliance training requirements. UT employees log in to K@TE using their NetID and NetID password.
Once logged in to K@TE, UT employees can click on the “Quick Links” icon from the Home page and then click on the “IRIS Courses” icon to access a complete list of the online IRIS learning opportunities available in K@TE. For additional information related to searching for learning opportunities in K@TE, thisK@TE Knowledge Base provides a list of Frequently Asked Questions.
In addition to the online IRIS courses available in K@TE, the IRIS Customer Support Team hosts monthly, live “IRIS Helpdesk Office Hours” sessions virtually through Zoom, all of which are recorded for UT employees to review in K@TE at a later time. The current IRIS Helpdesk Office Hours series is included below, as well as the previous series available as recorded Zoom videos in K@TE:
- Previous Series:IRIS Reporting,IRIS Human Resources e-Form Transactions
The IRIS Helpdesk Office Hours sessions are available for registration in K@TE. When logged in to K@TE, UT employees can click on the direct link above or click on the “Search Learning Opportunities” icon from the Home page and type “IRIS Helpdesk Office Hours” in the “Search” field that appears, which will generate a complete list of previously recorded and future IRIS Helpdesk Office Hours sessions. If there is a need to withdraw from an upcoming IRIS Helpdesk Office Hours session, this step-by-step IRIS Help document outlines the process.