These are video tutorials, on art, maths and computer graphics. Most of the techniques that I use in these live coding sessions are documented in multiple of my
articles, but these videos offer you an opportunity to see how they are used in context as part of the creative process.
Please consider subscribing to the
Youtube channel where I host them. If you become a
Patreon supporter then you will get links to the future LIVE streams (which include Q&A sessions with me in the chat), and you'll also be able to follow the development of these videos and talk to me offline.
Painting with Math
Painting a Landscape with Maths10-4-2022
It explain how to use maths to art directed the painting of a landscape. I describe the formulas needed to do sculpting, surfacing and illumination. It's long and dense, so watching it a few times to get everything to sink over time is a good idea.
On YoutubeOn Bilibili Painting a Girl with Maths27-11-2020
A making-of type of production where I explain how I employed mathematics to paint a girls taking a selfie. I describe the formulas I used to sculpt, colorize and illuminate her, but don't speak about the programing aspects.
On YoutubeOn Bilibili Sculpting a heart with Maths23-02-2017
I explain how to model and animate a heart shape by using only mathematical formulas. Recorded as a single shot!
On YoutubeOn Bilibili Painting in Google Sheets17-09-2019
I explain how one can use spreadsheets (Google Sheets in this case, but Excel would work just well too) to paint a flower by inputting only formulas into it.
On Youtube Intro to Painting with Maths14-07-2014
In this video I explain the principles of painting with mathematical formulas. I paint a simple 2-dimensional scene of a tree and introduce the most basic concepts.
On YoutubeOn Bilibili Live/Stream Shader Coding
Greek Temple4-05-2020
live stream where I deep dive in some of the aspects of procedural modeling, shading and lighting that went into creating this Greek temple scene.
On Youtube Sphere Gears - PART 23-30-2020
The second part of the
live streamed coding session where I deconstruct the maths, art and coding of a procedural animation of some spherical gears.
On Youtube Sphere Gears - PART 13-22-2020
The first half of the
live streamed coding session where I deconstruct the maths, art and coding of a procedural animation of some spherical gears.
On Youtube Happy Jumping13-08-2019
This is 6 hours long live coding session where I construct, step by step, a mathematical painting and animation of a creature jumping in a candy world. I talk about art, composition, color, programming, algorithms and of course mathematics.
On Youtube Procedural eye ball08-07-2012
I recorded this in 2012, it explains using noise and other procedural primitives to design an eyeball.
On Youtube Computer Graphics
Deriving the Segment SDF08-01-2019
I explain how I derived the SDF of a lines segment (or capsule), step by step.
On Youtube Round corners for SDFs01-11-2019
In this video we learn how to round the corners of mathematical objects defined as SDFs, why it works, and some ways to be creative with it..
On Youtube Deriving the Box SDF10-10-2019
I explain how I derived the compact and efficient SDF of a box (in any number of dimensions), step by step.
On Youtube Math Explainers
Charting Quadratic Equations21-08-2021
Explains the Babylonian Multiplication and why we don't use, and why we us it..
On Youtube Charting Quadratic Equations06-03-2020
An exploration of families quadratic equations by using an interesting 3D plot.
On Youtube Collatz and Selfsimilarity13-09-2016
A fun exploration of the relationship between the Collatz conjecture's sequence and the morphology of its associated fractal.
On Youtube X^Y = Y^X10-07-2016
An exploration of the equation x
y = y
x and its surprising solutions.
On Youtube LIVE coding (old, no audio commentary)
Creating a procedural apple22-11-2011
I create a simple procedural apple model and texture in a shader, and do all lighting and animation.
On Youtube Procedural Clover26-10-2011
Creating a simple clover leaf procedurally in a real-time shader, out of mathematical functions.
On Youtube Coding a raytracer, live in a shader20-07-2011
On Youtube Procedural musical instruments12-07-2011
Some live improv creating musical instruments with mathematical formulas.
On Youtube Live coding Shader effects25-04-2011
I used to go to night clubs and do real-time live coding, and this is one such improvisation session. I created some fractals and tunnels etc
On Youtube