My name is Inigo Quilez, I grew up in
San Sebastián / Donostia, a beautiful city in the Basque Country, northern Spain. I work in Computer Graphics professionally in different roles - I've been a Technical Artists, a Product Manager, a Software Engineer and a Research Engineer, see
resume. When life and work permit, I enjoy publishing and sharing everything I discover or invent in this very web site. If you find that useful, you can contribute to my
Patreon or
PayPal. If you cannot afford that, you can always help me by subscribing to my
Youtube channel or
Twitter or
Legal: Code in this website or in my Shadertoy account that implements an algorithm or shows a technique is under the MIT license. Code in this website or in my Shadertoy account that implements an artwork is considered to be the artwork, and is copyrighted.
Articles, tutorials, code, and presentations related to computer graphics, maths, fractals, etc.
video tutorials
Video tutorials and live coding sessions (some more than a decade old!), on using maths to create images.
Code related to my articles, many undocumented algorithms and techniques, and most of my procedural arwork and mathematical paintings.
Code for demos, libraries and utilities that I use, that are not hosted in Shadertoy.
1400 blog posts written from 2008 to 2016. Observations, funny thoughts and word playing. Some embarrasingly corny, some deeper.
Archive of all the demoscene pieces I created from 1998 to 2021, mostly featuring realtime rendering and procedural content.
Besides all of the above, I've also created some other artifacts and products during my actual professional career, some of which are listed here: