Forgotten Records Message

Forgotten Records : Interpretations, past and present

Forgotten records is the brainchild ofAlain Deguernel, a retired academic with an insatiable appetite for music. As an avid collector of old LPs, Alain was eager to preserveforgotten historical recordings, and to share them with other music lovers. Combining his love for collecting music with emerging new technologies, he began the immense task of re-mastering not only his own collections, but also LPs lent to him by other collectors. His effort represents a fight against time, but within a couple of years,forgotten records has already established a well-stocked database, including gems such as Bach’s Six Cello Suites by Annlies Schmidt de Neveu, and previously unknown recordings by German cellist Ludwig Hoelscher. Alain is genuinely passionate about preserving forgotten classical recordings, and hoping tobreathe new life into classics lost. He has connected with collectors from all over the world, who are generously sharing recordings and knowledge with him. Alain has recently put the final touches on a complete Beethoven string quartet project featuring the Stanislas Quartet, and Jean de Spengler has once again probed the intimacy of the Bach cello suites. Alain also thrives on recordingunknown compositions performed by young musicians. Most recordings are done in Alain’s home, where he shapes an illuminating bond with artists and the music itself.