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Intake Take2

Taking the pain out of data access and distribution

Intake is an open-source package to:

  • describe your data declaratively

  • gather data sets into catalogs

  • search catalogs and services to find the right data you need

  • load, transform and output data in many formats

  • work with third party remote storage and compute platforms

This is the start of the documentation for the alpha version of Intake: Take2, arewrite of Intake (henceforth referred to as legacy or V1). We will give anintroduction to the ideas of Intake in general and specifically how to use thisrelease. Go directly to the walkthrough and examples, or read the following motivationand declarations of scope.


We are making Take2 as a full release. It is still “beta” in the sense that we will be addingmany data types, readers and transformers, and are prepared to revisit the API in general. Thereason not to use a pre-release or RC, is that users never see these.


Looking forRelationship to V1 documentation? You may have just installed Intake and found thatTake2 broke things for you, so you might wish to pin to an older version. Or stick aroundand find out why you might wish to update your code. All old “sources”, whether still workingor not, should be considered deprecated.


To install Intake Take2:


Please leave issues and discussions on ourrepo page.